Message from the Principal
Dear Famililes,
Welcome to Term 2 at Kennedy Baptist College. I hope that everyone had a wonderful relaxing holiday. This term will provide many opportunities for students to demonstrate their achievement and understandings in a number of ways. The most significant opportunity being examinations that will commence in Week 6 for our Year 11 and 12 students and then Week 7 for Year 8 to 10 students. For all students these examinations make up an important component of their semester results and grades. Our students have been provided with an opportunity to be involved with our upskilling program for study and now is definitely the time to ensure these practices are put into application. All students have clear guidelines regarding the College's expectations for home work and study.
I would like to remind everyone that there is a clear distinction between homework and study. Once students have completed their allocated homework they need to have an active study program that involves reviewing previous content and making notes in preparation for examinations. In order to be successful in examinations this must be happening continuously. If students haven’t commenced a study program it needs to be implemented as soon as possible.
ANZAC Service
Thank you to Mr Dunstan and Student Councillors who attended the Melville City Council ANZAC service in the holidays. College Staff and Student Councillors attended the service at Booragoon. It was great to see our student leaders representing the College at this important function.
During Week 4, Year 7 and 9 students will be involved with the NAPLAN testing program. NAPLAN results have a significant purpose with changes to the WACE this year. Students who achieve Band 8 in these tests will now have achieved literacy and numeracy competency for graduation and will not have to sit the “OLNA” tests in Year 10. Students not achieving Band 8 results will be required to complete the Year 10 “OLNA” requirements. Consequently we expect students to aim for the best results possible.
Year 10 Curriculum Subject Selection Program
Term 2 is a very important term for Year 10 students as they commence the selection process for Year 11 Courses of Study. The first component of this process will be the curriculum information evening to be held on Wednesday 29 April. We trust you can attend to be better informed to make the best decisions possible.
Community Engagement
Throughout this term there will be many opportunities for our community to get involved at Kennedy. This includes:
Our Schools Community Survey: Shortly we will be launching a comprehensive questionnaire to all community members to collate feedback about Kennedy. I strongly encourage all parents and students to complete the survey to ensure that future strategic directions take into account the comments of all members of our community.
Mother Day Morning Tea: I would like to invite all Mothers to joins us for morning tea on Friday 8 May. We will have a guest speaker talking on the issues and challenges with raising teenagers. I hope you can join us.
HBF Run for a Reason, May 24: Kennedy is launching a team for this Fun Run and we would love as many people as possible to join us. We currently have several members of our community suffering with cancer, including two staff and this will be a great way to show our support. For more information or to join, click here.
Mr Mark Ashby
Student Counsellors represent the College at the Melville City Council ANZAC Service
Lauren Holliday and Lexington Mitchell holding an ANZAC wreath.
Key Dates
I had a wonderful break. During the second week I headed down to Albany with my husband and fell in love with the weather, the countryside and the coffee culture. I now admit to the fact that I am a Kiwi and while I love humidity and rain, the dry heat of Perth is something I tend to endure rather than flourish in. I am also a barista, having decided while studying at Murdoch University that I would rather make coffee than continue cleaning the Subiaco Hotel. So a good coffee is very important to me and my wellbeing.
While in Albany, we did a tour of the National ANZAC Centre and I requested and was given a Kiwi soldier, Ormond Burton, who served in the Auckland Regiment. As we toured the Centre I learned a little bit more about him. He served at Gallipoli and on the fields of Passchendale, earning two medals of honour. He returned to New Zealand after the war and became a Methodist minister and a pacifist. In fact, he was imprisoned only hours after NZ entered the Second World War, because of his views.
His story touched me as it reached across 100 years. I went online and found out more about him. He was a difficult man it seemed, due to his stance, with more than a little stubbornness and arrogance. But he was real. Not a myth. Not a legend. Ormond Burton was a real human being, warts and all.
One of the reasons I love reading the Bible is because it presents people, warts and all. Abraham was happy to lie about his wife to save his own skin. Rahab was a prostitute. King David committed adultery and then murder to cover the adultery. Jonah heard the call of God and ran in the opposite direction. Peter denied Jesus. Thomas was unwilling to believe. Saul/Paul stood by while one of the early leaders of the Church was stoned to death and then set out to imprison as many Christians as he could. Yet all of these people were used by God to do amazing acts of courage and bravery. Their stories teach us that God uses real human beings to do His will – warts and all. Which gives me hope.
I look forward to seeing you over the term. Please, if you have any concerns about your son or daughter and you would like me catch up with them, feel free to ring through to the College and leave a message or email me.
College Colours Awarded
During our last assembly for Term 1, College Colours were presented.
The College Colours are an achievement awarded to students, recognizing their positive standing and contribution to the College Community across a range of significant and valuable areas.The achievement is displayed on the blazer pocket for the rest of the students time at the College.
To achieve this award students needed to undertake an application and selection process, and through it demonstrate they have met specific criteria in the 4 areas of:
College representation
Academic standing
Student leadership
Attitude and behaviour
congratulations to the 29 students who received this prestigious award.
To view photographs of Assembly click here
Easter Bunnies Hop in for a Visit
Students were surprised with a visit from two very fluffy Easter Bunnies on the last day of Term 1. It was great to have our furry friends join us and they were very popular with the students - especially as they were handing out Easter eggs.
Celebrating our Student's Achievements
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Luke Shaw
Recently Luke competed at the Australian Junior Athletic Championships in Sydney. Luke represented WA in the Mens U/15 1500m and 800m. In the 1500m race after a slow strategic first lap Luke remained in second place for the majority of the race until he utilized his speed to overtake the NSW runner in the last 30 metres of the race to win Gold in the time of 4min 18sec. In the 800m Luke competed in the heats and came 4th in the final in the time of 2min 4sec.
Luke finished a long athletics season in style winning the U/15 Mens 1500 Australian Junior Championship. Congratulations and well done Luke.
Cup Cake Stall a Huge Success
On Friday 27 March Madeleine Wallace hosted a cupcake stall, assisted by Eleesha Popkiss and Lexington Mitchell, in order to raise funds for the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. After a frantic 20 minutes during recess over 140 cupcakes were sold, raising a fantastic sum of $350 for the Foundation. Thank you to everybody for your support on the day.
Sports at Kennedy
Congratulations to Ben Wai and Sarah Lawrence who were awarded the title King and Queen of the Pool during our last assembly for Term 1. They are very talented swimmers and worked hard to gain this honour which is based on a 5 point allocation for the fastest time swum in each stroke.
SAS Update
Most Valuable Players Announced
Back Row: Tom Hall (Frisbee Team 1), Madison Lun (Basketball B Team), Jessica Hart (Volleyball A Team), Brittany McGrath (Volleyball B Team), Alecia Knowles (Basketball A Team), Brianna Wilson (Tennis)
Middle Row: Lachlan Bennett (Cricket), Andrew Macray (Touch Rugby), Brett Dubbleman (Basketball B Team),Paisley Prentice (Touch Rugby)
Front: Mikayla Archibald (Softball), Daniel Grida (Basketball A Team), Daniel Elhaj (Volleyball B Team)
Not in photograph: Joshua Plozza (Frisbee Team 2), Daniel Withers (Volleyball A Team), Aleksandar Gogic (Tennis)
The SAS summer season has now concluded. The students have enjoyed a wide range of sports and have had the opportunity to play against many schools. Final results will be available in due course.
Several students have been named as Most Valuable Player in their chosen sport at the recommendation of their team coach. We extend our congratulations to you all.
Parents & Friends Association
Please note in your diary that the P&F Meeting for April has been rescheduled. It will be now held on the 5th May. The meeting will be held in the Staff Lounge 7 - 9 pm. All parents are welcome to attend.
College Fees
Unknown Deposits
The following deposits have been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
13/4 2588594 School Fees
17/4 School Fees
22/4 Deposit Spearwood
If you have made either of these deposits please contact Mrs Gill Wood in our Finance Dept 9314 7722 or email gwood@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Fee News
Payment by Term (Option 3)
Please note:
Term 2 fees are due Friday 1 May 2015. If you selected to pay by term, reminder statements were posted out during the second week of the school holidays.
If you have any concerns or queries please contact the College at your earliest convenience.
Student Medication
Kennedy Baptist College can only administer Paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication and you wish them to take the medication at school, please complete a medication form which is available from the office. Student Services Support will then store your child’s medication under lock and key. Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we can not accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next 2 weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
Monday 27 April
Wednesday 29 April
Year 11 General Geography Excursion
House Talent
Year 11 Biology Excursion
Year 10 Curriculum Night
Thursday 30 April
Year 11 Biology Excursion
Year 7 & 8 Parent/Teacher Interviews
Monday 4 May
Year 9 Lightning Carnival
Tuesday 5 May
Interhouse Cross Country Carnival
P&F meeting 7-9pm Staff Lounge - All welcome
Wednesday 6 May
Year 7 & 8 Lightning Carnival
Year 10 & 11 Tertiary Options Evening
Thursday 7 May
Year 10 Humanities Excursion
Mother's Day Morning Tea
Attention all mothers. Please keep Friday 8 May free in your diary for our special Mother's Day Morning Tea. More details to follow.
Image: http://mojosrestaurant.com.au/
After School Tutoring Times
All About Parenting
Parenting WA Line- Available 24/7 for Parenting events, resources & topics
(08) 62791200 or 1800 654 432 | parentingwaline@communities.wa.gov.au
Relationships Australia 9489 6322 www.wa.relationships.com.au
Relationships Australia are offering the following courses:
Parent-Teen Connection
This course helps to reduce stress and teaches parents to communicate, negotiate and minimise conflict with their teenager.
For more information click here
Dads Raising Girls
Find out how to build a rewarding father-daughter relationship.
For more information click here
Protective Behaviours - For parents and guardians to help their child develop personal safety skills. This will be held on May 5, and again on June 9 at Headspace Osborne Park, located at 145 Main Street.
This workshop is FREE , but registration is essential. To register,or for more information contact Tiffany Dowling on 9207 5301.
Click here to visit Headspace website.
Fuel your Future - is a series of 6 workshops, delivered by a
nutritionist to improve food literacy for 12-18 year olds. Participants learn how to make good food choices as well as create and eat their own meals!
The Program runs Wednesdays, commencing 6 May.
To register, or for more information contact Karen Randolph on 9208 9557.
Click here to visit Headspace website.
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information.
The Southern Force Football Club is a Christian football club which is seeking players for U16 Girls (aged 13 – 16), U16 Boys and Colts (boys aged 16-18).
Club Details:
Girls and Boys U6 – U19 Colts, Mens & Womens
Coaches & Helpers needed
Training: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4.30pm
Where: Thornlie Christian College 19 Furley Road, Southern River
Games are played on Saturdays
You are invited to join for the coming 2015 season and be a part of the FORCE!
For more details contact Kim 0466 334 741 or Mark 0427 899 933
Want to improve your marks?
Join our Weekend Help or Master Classes
Available for all year levels
Yr 11 & 12 WACE and ATAR Master Classes
Classes available Sundays and afternoons after school
Be inspired by expert subject specialist teacher who will give you fresh insights into course concepts and learn how to achieve maximum marks in your exams.
Yr 11 & 12 WACE and ATAR Weekend HELP Classes
Various classes available Saturday and Sunday from 9am up to 3pm
Receive weekly help in your areas of need in your courses from experienced WACE and ATAR teachers. In the class you can ask questions about your school work and get one-on-one help to strengthen your understanding.
Yr 7, 8, 9 & 10 Weekend HELP Classes:
Various classes from 9am up to 1pm every Saturday and Sunday
Experienced teachers work with students to build their skills and understanding in Maths, Science or English in a small group environment.
Venues: Churchlands SHS, Rossmoyne SHS, Perth Modern School and our Applecross Office.
For a brochure visit www.academictaskforce.com.au or speak with your Year Coordinator.
Enrol: www.academictaskforce.com.au
Email: learn@academictaskforce.com.au
Phone: (08) 9314 9500
Master Class flyer attached.