Happy New Year from the Harbor District. We've got project updates, job postings, and two events to start off 2018. No Images? Click here Harbor District NewsJANUARY 2018Happy New Year!Harbor District, Inc. has several items of interest to get your 2018 off to an informed start. Check out below for a job and internship posting, project updates, and two events to fill up your calendar (including one tonight!). Plus, we've got a photo of ice in the harbor above (hey . . . it's January). ![]() Community members on a Harbor District bus tour. Harbor District, Inc. is hiring a Community Engagement ManagerThe Community Engagement Manager is a full-time position reporting to the executive director, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that redevelopment of the Harbor District yields broad-based benefits for the community. The position will lead HDI’s efforts to involve community members and build support for our work through community partnerships and programming, events and tours, and external communications. An ideal candidate will have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, an ability to work and communicate effectively with diverse communities, and strong outreach and communication skills. Spanish fluency is preferred. To apply, email resume and cover letter to job@harbordistrict.org. Click below for the full job description. ![]() Students from Christ-St. Peter Lutheran School help assemble Habitat Hotels prior to installation. (photo by Eddee Daniel) Looking for a Habitat Hotels Program InternHarbor District is looking to fill a paid summer internship for our Habitat Hotels program. This position will monitor and maintain our habitat hotels, work on our website, and communicate with partners about the Habitat Hotels program. The position will begin on a part-time basis in April/May and transition to more hours over the summer. An ideal candidate will have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, be comfortable getting on the water (probably in a kayak), and have an understanding of experimental design and field research methods. A resume and cover letter is due to Lindsay Frost at lindsay@harbordistrict.org by February 9, 2018. For the full job description, click the button below. ![]() Community members review the recommendations from the WaLUP at the December 5th Open House at the Mitchell Street Library. WaLUP UpdateThe Harbor District Water and Land Use Plan (WaLUP) was completed mid-November 2017 and released for public comment and review. Over 90 people joined us for an open house at the new Mitchell Street Library on December 5th and many more submitted comments via email. After reviewing and incorporating ideas from the many comments, the WaLUP is now progressing through the Common Council approval process with committee and commission meetings at the end of January. If you haven't yet reviewed the plan and executive summary, make sure to do so at the link below. ![]() Fednav’s Federal Yukina arriving from Europe in September with a scheduled delivery. (photo by Peter Hirthe) Port Milwaukee |