By Michali Alhadeff, 10th grade
In honor of Lag Ba’Omer, the Derech Emunah girls traveled to Bellingham, WA to enjoy a day filled with fun, sun, kayaking, and of course, candy! We met up with students of Shalhevet girls high school in Vancouver, BC for an enjoyable kayaking experience.
Three girls from Derech Emunah and two Shalhevet students worked together to plan an exciting and fun-filled day. Derech Emunah planners included Alex Birk, Ellie Babani, and Michali Alhadeff. Shalhevet co-planners included Sori Meltzer and Guirza Michanie.
We departed from Seward Park accompanied by our amazing chaperones, Mrs. Aliza Genauer, Mrs. Arielle Desmond, Mrs. Sue Condiotty, Mrs. Devorah Cohen, and Ms. Shira Devora Steinberg.
In Bellingham, we met the Shalhevet girls at the Community Boating Center and split up into two groups. The first group went out on the water in kayaks, while my group stayed back on land and enjoyed each other’s company.
To get to know each other better, we went around a circle sharing facts about ourselves while munching on Jelly Belly’s and soaking in the beautiful weather.
When the first group returned, it was my group’s turn to hit the water in our kayaks. With a little instruction and some early practice, we were able to do an excellent job kayaking down the Northern Puget Sound. Who knew we would discover gorgeous baby Melon fish (Discus fish)?
After drying off in the sun, we ate a picnic lunch and then left for home after a beautiful day on the water. I know that all the girls want to thank Community Boating Center and their excellent staff for helping us have such an exciting day. A huge shout out, as well, to Mrs. Devorah Cohen and Ms. Shira Devora Steinberg who worked so hard to make this outing possible!
I think it’s so important, especially during the time of “Sefira*” to join with Shalhevet students and work to exemplify the Mitzvah of “Ve’ Ahavta Leraicha Ka’Mocha.” Thank you, Shalhevet for sharing in our glorious day.!
*Sefira marks the sad period in Jewish history when 24,000 students of Rabbi Akiva died because they did not show proper respect to each other.