No Images? Click here 19 July 2018 CaRST eNewsletterDirector's MessageThe Adelaide Graduate Centre is pleased to invite applications for the 2018/19 Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) program. IMNIS is a one-year industry mentoring program that connects motivated PhD students in STEM with outstanding high-level industry leaders. Commencing in August 2018, the University will support up to 20 PhD students to participate. Work is still actively underway to introduce further enhancements to CaRST Online. The latest feature is a new online approval process for your activities. Coming next is online self-assessments and development planning for a seamless CaRST experience. Stay tuned! Dr Monica Kerr EventsThe Self-Reflective HDRImprove success, performance, and well-being by learning how to find and use your strengths, understand your personal qualities, characteristics and resources and achieve balance in your life. 20 July 2018, 10am - 12pm, Horace Lamb 422, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain B. Communicate with ConfidenceDelivered by The Writing Centre, Communicate with Confidence is a weekly series to help international students feel more confident communicating within academic settings. The sessions will include topics such as giving a presentation; participating in a tutorial; and speaking up during group work. Weekly beginning 23 July 2018, 3pm - 4pm, EM324 Engineering and Maths Building, North Terrace. Register here. Each session counts for 1 credit in Domain D. Presentation Skills for Postgraduate StudentsThis workshop aims at reviewing what makes a clear and effective presentation and what is best to avoid. Relevant to all Postgraduate students preparing for conferences or just preparing a seminar on Campus. Poster Design will be covered. 31 July 2018, 3pm - 4pm, Room 205 Charles Hawker Building, Waite Campus. Register here. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain D. EndNote: Basics - LectureAre you interested in learning how to conquer EndNote? Presented by University Library staff, this lecture is for beginners and provides an introduction to and demonstration of the EndNote reference management software program – no previous knowledge of EndNote is assumed. This session is open to all staff and students at the University and is a demonstration only, no computers are provided. 3 August 2018, 1:30pm - 2:30pm, Ligertwood 333 Lecture Theatre, North Terrace OR online via live stream. Register here. This activity counts for 1 credit in Domain A. NewsIndustry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) Program - Applications Closing SoonDo you want to be mentored by a high-level industry leader? Applicaions close soon for IMNIS, an award-winning initiative of ATSE that connects motivated PhD students in STEM with outstanding industry leaders in a one-year mentoring program. In addition to the individual mentoring, IMNIS hosts five state-level events/activities to facilitate industry-based education, training and networking during the year. Applications close COB Monday 23 July 2018. Download the application form or visit the website for more information. Approval Process in CaRST OnlineCaRST Online has a new approval process for self-recorded activities. When adding an activity simply:
Once approved, an activity will have an approval status of 'Approved' on your CaRST Record. This eliminates the previous paper-based Activity Certification form. Please refer to the quick reference guide for Self-Recording an Activity for step by step instructions. Updated Development PlanThe CaRST Development Plan form has been updated to reflect the recent migration to CaRST Online. The Development Plan is a requirement of all formal candidature milestone reviews. Please ensure to download and use the latest form when making a submission. Download here. About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website. |