![]() Are you struggling at the moment? Sending Hope Issue #8 "They each offered a valuable perspective on the recovery experience. Together, they were hugely enriching." - feedback from an EDV Stories of Recovery event Hey , One of the most common things that we hear from people who contact EDV is that they have never met someone who has recovered from an eating disorder. The funny thing is, most of us have met people who have recovered from eating disorders, we just don't know it. They're in our friendship circles, our schools and universities, our sporting clubs, our workplaces and our families. They're not an other, or an anomaly. They're just regular people. Because recovery is achievable. That's not to say it's not hard work (we all know it can be really hard), but the life waiting on the other side is SO worth it. At EDV, one of our core values is hope. We're here to assure you that recovery from an eating disorder is possible. Whilst words in an email are one thing, hearing directly from someone who has been through recovery is another. That's why we love to share stories of people who have recovered, and why we have an Ambassador program for people who have been through recovery and now want to share their journey with others. We're holding a Stories of Recovery night in just a few weeks time at EDV and we'd love for you to join us . We'll have a panel of 3 speakers who will each share their story and answer questions from the audience. WHEN: Wednesday March 25th 6.30pm - 8.30pm In the meantime here's Heidi's recovery story that was shared via EDV's facebook page. Some topics Heidi speaks about include:
As with all of our Ambassador's stories, this is just one person's journey. Everyone's situation/diagnosis/resources/supports are different. If Heidi's story brings up something upsetting for you, please reach out to a support service. EDV's lines are open Mon-Fri 9.30am - 4.30pm or for more flexible hours you can contact The Butterfly Foundation on 1800 33 4673 8am - midnight seven days a week. We look forward to welcoming you to our Stories of Recovery event on the 25th! ![]() ![]() Remember, if you need to talk to someone, please give our Helpline a call during business hours on 1300 550 236, or email edv@eatingdisorders.org.au For urgent support please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 ![]() Eating Disorders Victoria respect and welcome diversity of culture, religion, gender and sexuality. |