2021 celebrant renewal starts soonThe renewal for independent celebrants starts in just over a week. Independent celebrants: Opens 5 October and closes at midnight 25 October. Organisational celebrants: Opens 2 November and closes at midnight 29 November. If you do not apply for renewal between those dates, you will be removed as a celebrant and will not be able to marry couples in 2021. If you later decide to be a celebrant, you must make a fresh application, pay the full application fee and provide new documents.Independent Celebrant RenewalAll independent celebrant renewals are required to be completed online using your verified RealMe Identity. All independent celebrants should now have a verified RealMe Identity ready to use for the 2021 renewal. RealMeIf you have not already verified your identity or wish to confirm your login details are still correct visit www.realme.govt.nz. If you need to apply for a verified identity please start now as once you have taken your application number (and if required, other documents for scanning) to a participating photo store, you'll need to allow a further five working days for Internal Affairs to confirm if your identity is verified. Follow the instructions at www.realme.govt.nz/how-apply/ Keep your contact details up to dateMake sure your contact details are up to date by logging in to the self-service portal at: www.govt.nz/organisations/births-deaths-and-marriages/information-for-marriage-celebrants/update-your-celebrant-registration-details/ Not used the portal beforeIf you have not used the portal before, email celebrants@dia.govt.nz with your name and celebrant number to obtain your personalised link. Organisational Celebrant RenewalRenewal for organisational celebrants is from Monday 2 November until 29 November and is to be completed online by the central contact. Central ContactsChange of central contactIf your central contact has changed, email celebrants@dia.govt.nz by Friday 30 October. Organisation's nameIf the name of the organisation needs to change, that must occur outside the renewal period. RealMeAll central contacts should now have a verified RealMe Identity ready to use for the 2021 renewal. If you have not already verified your identity or wish to confirm your login details are still correct, visit www.realme.govt.nz Your responsibilityIt is your responsibility to complete the annual renewal on behalf of the celebrants within your organisation. An email will be sent to you in early November providing you with access to the online renewal for your organisation. Complete the renewal in full and pay the fee before 29 November to ensure your celebrants are current for the following year. The renewal is fully online, so don't send us any paper forms. Wait until renewal startsWait until 2 November before completing any paperwork, otherwise you will need to do it again. The declaration must be signed on a date from 2 November to 29 November. Pay the renewal feeYou will need to pay the renewal fee for each celebrant at the time of submission. It is recommended that you consider this ahead of time and have the fee readily available on a credit, debit or Prezzy card. New organisational celebrantsThe renewal cannot be used to include new celebrants. Those applications need to go through the usual process at www.govt.nz/organisations/births-deaths-and-marriages/information-for-marriage-celebrants/become-an-organisational-celebrant/#how-to-apply Organisational CelebrantsThe central contact of your organisation is responsible for completing the renewal on your behalf. It is recommended that you speak to your central contact to ensure they have obtained their verified RealMe Identity and are prepared to complete the renewal in November. How to find our who your central contact isAsk one of your colleagues if you do not know who your central contact is. FeesThe fee can be paid online via credit, debit or Prezzy card when completing the renewal. This fee is for application only and is non-refundable should your renewal be declined. If the renewal application is not completed before the official close date, you will be removed from the list of celebrants. To become a celebrant again you will need to complete a new celebrant application and pay the full fee of $220 (Independent) or $150 (Organisational). If you want to retain your licence for another year complete the application before the close of the renewal. Further Information
Any questions relating to the 2021 renewal should be sent to celebrants@dia.govt.nz as soon as possible to ensure an easy renewal process. |