Are you affected by acidic soils?
Did you know that more than 186,000 hectares of agricultural land on the eastern and lower Eyre Peninsula is prone to acidification? Recent projects suggest the rate of acidification is also occurring faster than ever before.
Over the past two years, NREP in partnership with LEADA, Cockaleechie Landcare Group and lower Eyre Peninsula farmers have held Restoring Soil pH workshops to increase awareness of this issue and the benefits of variable rate lime applications.
The Veris pH mapper, using the latest real time mapping tools, revealed a high degree of pH variation within and between paddocks. By varying application rates, farmers made savings of around 31%.
Check out our Managing Soil Acidity on EP video here.
The next round of Restoring Soil pH workshops will be held in March 2019. Click here to register your interest.