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PICS Climate News Scan

Global climate news analyzed for British Columbia

October 16, 2014


The War on Warming: rebranding climate change as security threat

The United States (US) Pentagon released a report October 13 that found climate change...


How heat waves send ripples through the energy economy

Eastern China saw its hottest summer on record in 2013. A study co-authored by the...


When climate change meets Ebola: vector-borne diseases in a warming world

The Ebola virus has now infected over 8000 people and claimed over 3,000 lives in the...


Should Canada go geothermal?

British Columbia has no geothermal power generation, but according to new research...


One way to save biodiversity: bank it

Is seed banking insurance against loss of biodiversity due to climate change? That’s the...

Also in the News:

Wind turbine manufacturer opens in Surrey

Methane hotspot over US Southwest


  • Ami Kingdon (PICS)
  • James Noble (ISIS)



Image credit (in order of appearance): David B. Gleason (flickr), Pete Morawski (flickr), European Commission DG ECHO (flickr), Lydur Skulason (flickr),  Justin (flickr)