Health Professions Portfolio is OPEN! No images? Click here PrehealthNewsletterOctober 5, 2020Welcome!Welcome to the Prehealth Newsletter! We hope to bring you information that is relevant to you in a way that is easy to read. Some information will be linked to our blog, while other information will take you directly to the topic of interest. Please follow the links to find out more about the opportunities offered! SUBSCRIPTION LINK: If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please subscribe to the Prehealth Newsletter here. Penn State Health Professions PortfolioNow Open! Penn State Prehealth Advising is now utilizing an e-portfolio for students preparing to apply to health professional school. The portfolio allows you to record academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and reflect on preprofessional competencies. It has been developed to reflect the information required in application systems like AAMCAS, ACOMAS, and AADSAS. Utilizing the e-portfolio allows you to continuously review your preparation and candidacy over a multi-year period leading up to applying to school. If you plan to apply to medical, dental, physician assistant, optometry, or podiatry school for 2022 matriculation, please begin building out your portfolio. This will provide the basis for comprehensive advising leading up to your application submission and interview season. Students planning to apply to other health professions programs and students expecting to matriculate after 2022 can request access to the portfolio on October 12, 2020. Pre-Health Group Advising SessionsJoin our Prehealth Group Advising Canvas Course to get the direct links* to the sessions and access the recordings.Direct links to live session can also be found on our website. THIS WEEK: Anatomy of an Applicant - Oct 7 @ 12P Zoom link Password: 449959 News from the Office of Science EngagementThe Office of Science Engagement has many resources and ways for you to get involved with internships and jobs! Visit with Geisinger Commonwealth School of MedicineFriday, October 9 at 1:00PM EDT Interested in learning more about the MD program at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine? Please join Dr. Stan Kania for a brief presentation to learn about their curriculum, program, and admissions process. A Q&A session will also be held to ensure all questions are answered. Password: 593677 Penn State College of Medicine University Park Curriculum Track's "Closer Look" Information SessionsJoin Penn State College of Medicine virtually to get a closer look at a curriculum that combines community engagement with health systems science and innovative educational strategies to empower you to thrive in your learning and professional growth. Penn State College of Medicine University Park Curriculum Track will prepare you for limitless career opportunities and the practice of medicine in a rapidly changing health care environment. Pre-registration is required for each Zoom session. You may register for multiple sessions. Dates
Penn State College of Medicine Primary Care DaySaturday, October 31 Don't miss this opportunity to hear from Hershey professors, clinicians, and students, while getting a deeper sense of this particular specialty and the important role it plays in medicine and our society. Take note--Primary Care often includes other specialties such as family medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry, and sometimes obstetrics and gynecology and thus might be of interest to a great many of you!Registration closes Friday, Oct 23. Metta Meditationand Creative Activities for Life in Pandemic TimesThursday, Nov 12, 12:00 -1:00 pm EST In an effort to reinforce a sense of community, provide a space for a bit of self-care, and offer some creative activities for centering in these pandemic times, the following Zoom sessions have been planned for Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. (EST), starting in October (10/7) and running through the rest of the semester. Most sessions will be guided meditation sessions to help us connect with ourselves and others, and find a sense of wellbeing. However, on Wednesday, October 28, we’ll have Pandemic Poetry Slam, so if you’re interested, bring a poem (any format) that you’ve written about the pandemic experience and share it—or just come listen to the work of others. On Wednesday, November 11, we’ll have an erasure/found/black-out poetry session, so bring a page from a book (you’re willing to destroy), a magazine, a newspaper, or a piece of junk mail, as well as pens/markers/pencils, and create a poetic masterpiece from something pre-existing. Other sessions will be added as we go along, but our default will be guided meditation. Time: Oct 7, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Free MCAT Prep App by MedSchoolCoachMedSchoolCoach has created an all-encompassing solution built specifically for the MCAT. MCAT Prep is jam-packed with features including:
MCAT Prep by MedSchoolCoach has leveled the playing field by making the app completely free. Premium features will be introduced in the future, but the app will always be an affordable way to study for the MCAT. EPPIC WorkshopsThis upcoming month, EPPIC will offer eight workshops for students and scholars on a variety of skills related to pronunciation, presentations, academic reading, and writing (full list below). This semester, all of our programming is online via Zoom! |