VHS E-bulletin: full of useful information for and about voluntary health organisations No Images? Click here Welcome to our January 2019 E-bulletin: sharing news & views from the VHS network & updates from Scottish Government & the NHS affecting the voluntary health sector.VHS News & Events Our December Parliamentary Reception to celebrate the work of the Cross Party Group on Health Inequalities was well attended and Scottish Government Minister for Public Health,Sport and Wellbeing, Joe Fitzpatrick gave the address. He is pictured here with Claire Stevens, VHS CE and Co Convenors of the CPG: Donald Cameron MSP and Richard Lyle MSP. The next CPG HI meeting is on the 31 January 2019 and will discuss loneliness and social isolation in relation to health inequalities. The meeting will be chaired by Donald Cameron MSP and Christina McKelvie, the Minister for Older People and Equalities will present on the Connected Scotland Strategy For more information about the CPG on Health Inequalities and to register to attend, contact VHS. VHS at The Gathering 2019 : The future of public health – bicycle or frog? VHS at The Gathering: Mental wellbeing, social isolation and loneliness in rural Scotland Please keep
the date: VHS General Meeting 28th February NHS Scotland Event 2019 There may still be other opportunities coming up in terms of the programme - if so, we will let you know. In addition, you may want to consider submitting an abstract for a poster, as that process is now open for submissions, closing on 4 February. VHS joins Scottish Obesity Alliance Loneliness and social isolation: an inequalities issue Policy NewsLaunch: A Connected Scotland Programme for Government mental health delivery plan published Scottish Ministers reveal Fairer Scotland progress report Good Food Nation consultation New research on health inequalities VHS Members' News & EventsFree Support for organisations affected by EIJB decisions IMPACT Project – Talking about smoking and mental health How community nurses are on the frontline against financial scammers Other NewsNHS Scotland Annual Report 2017/18 Recommendations for a new human rights framework to
improve people’s lives Charity Law consultation Progress in reforming public health Time to Talk Day 2019 SCVO strategic consultation Highlands and Islands Ecosystem for rural mental health and active healthy ageing Scottish Government news Dates for your diary Other opportunities for VHS Members |