Message from the Principal
Photo above: Interschool Cross Country students from left to right; Ellen Zwitser, Montana Turnbull, Keely Hatch, Syrah Hawtree.
Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to see our Interschool Cross Country team perform so admirably last Thursday at Perry Lakes. Our students worked incredibly hard to represent Kennedy and produce some excellent results. One result stood out as an outstanding achievement that must be highlighted. Congratulations to Luke Shaw who achieved the honor of running the fastest time on the day when thousands of students were competing. This was an amazing accomplishment. Well done Luke!
June is an incredibly busy month for Kennedy. It was pleasing to see students apply themselves so well to their preparation and completion of examinations and staff have now been working hard to mark and process results. These results will soon be reported to families through SEQTA in our semester reports. The review of exams and reports should be an important process for all families. These reports provide information to students, parents and staff regarding achievement so far this year where both strengths and weaknesses can be identified. I encourage families to celebrate the strengths and great achievement across all Learning Areas. I also encourage families to review areas that need to improve and consider strategies to help improve for the future. Kennedy has a range of strategies and services to address areas of concern for students. These
Individual tuition with current class teachers
Our ongoing tutoring program, as per the weekly roster
Individual sessions with the Research and Study Centre staff to improve study and learning processes
Access to Learning Support Staff
I encourage families to consider all of these options in reviewing semester results and reflecting on how best to improve for the future.
Celebrating Success
Two special Assemblies are planned to celebrate the successful Semester One achievement of students. It would be wonderful to have as many families as possible join us for these events. Year 10 -12 students will be awarded academic prizes on Wednesday 19 July. Whilst Year 7-9 students will be celebrated on 26 July. Both events commence at 8.45am in our Auditorium. We hope to see you there.
Mr Mark Ashby
Living in a secular society we are presented with ‘facts’ derived from tasks, assessments and experiments and it is this data that is often used to define our credibility, stability and ability within the classroom, the sporting arena or within the workplace. While facts are useful, they also bring with them a sense of powerlessness. So often, we are told, “You cannot argue with the facts!” My argument is that we can.
All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give…
Surrender is a place of vulnerability. We have all seen those shows where one side waves the white flag and then all walk out with their arms in the air, trusting that the other side will do the honourable thing. Those who have surrendered have, literally, placed their lives in the hands of those they have surrendered to.
The words of this old hymn echos this vulnerability. To surrender to God is to place our lives in the hands of Jesus and is an acknowledgement that we are lost without Him. Which would also indicate a place of powerlessness.
In the natural, this is scary, because when we say that we surrender, it is a declaration that we believe that Jesus, who we have never seen, is God. It is also an incredibly wise act to do, for the same reason, that Jesus, even though we have never seen Him, is God.
For the person who has surrendered all, the issue with “facts” is that they do not ‘factor in” God. This place of surrender brings with it a different dynamic for it is here where we discover the paradox where vulnerability becomes strength and powerlessness becomes powerful for we are defined, not by facts and figures, but through our relationship to God.
…Oh the joy of full salvation
Glory, glory to His name.
Year 7 Report
We are currently in the exam period and whilst the Year 7 students are not involved in the exam process, hopefully they understand the importance of exams and the importance of the current assessments they are taking. Proper preparation for assessments is vital for academic success and in the overall Kennedy journey.
There are several key processes that students can undertake that will help them effectively prepare for their forthcoming assessments. These include: managing their time; a critical feature that many younger people do not realise can impact their achievement simply through not allocating the appropriate amount of time to tasks needing to be completed. Using a diary or a schedule properly is something we encourage the students to do – many do not seem to realise that just trying to remember things does not always work and writing things down is the best way of ensuring you are sufficiently organised. Creating a weekly planner or utilising the one given to students by the College is a great place to start. Having a distraction-free studying location is vital, turning off social media (Year 7 students are too young for social media anyway) and letting others
know that they are not be disturbed for a set amount of time ensures a solid study/revision session can be had.
Rewarding yourself for studying well is important, taking breaks regularly after long sessions is imperative, using appropriate study techniques that work for your learning style helps to make learning fun, and setting realistic goals that are easily achievable helps to make small ‘victories’ that will lead to future success. If students are committed to doing their finest and they follow these simple steps, they will achieve at the best level they can.
Year 8 Report
The Year 8s have recently been preparing for their first experience of exams at Kennedy. They have had access to a study skills presentation from the Research and Study Centre, which built on the Year 7 Smart program and also included special tips for managing exam day. I trust that they will achieve the results they deserve.
After exams we are looking forward to the Community Service tree planting in Shelley on 19 June. The College has been involved in this program for some years and we always have a great afternoon. I would encourage as many students as possible to attend as it can appear on their resume and participation now helps them to qualify for awards when they reach Year 11 and 12.
On 22 and 23 June we have our College photo days. Generally our Year 8s are well dressed and uphold the uniform standards, however, please ensure that their hair conforms to College policy and that uniforms are especially neat and tidy on the day. Should you need clarification, our uniform policy is outlined in the Kennedy Handbook.
Wishing all of you the best and God’s richest blessings for the rest of the term.
Year 9 Report
It is an exciting time as the first exams commenced for the Year 9 students. The exams this year are slightly longer than last year and this can bring about some anxiety. I hope that students have been studying effectively and making the most of their lessons in class.
During this term, Eyre 2 and Forrest 1 Form classes have had the opportunity to come to our BBQ lunch Community Service with the residents from St Bartholomew’s House, a residence for homeless men. These have been well received by both the students and the residents and it was great to watch them interact with these gentlemen and have the opportunity to serve them.
After exams, we will be having our social event of tag archery. This will be taking place in Week 9 and will be a great time for the students to come and let their hair down after a challenging exam period. Details will be sent home with your child.
In preparation for the exams I have encouraged the students with this verse from Philippians 4:6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” I hope that the Year 9 students can sense this peace during this intense period. I wish the Year 9s all the best for the exam period.
Year 10 Report
What an exciting time it is for our Year 10 students. Now that the exams are in full swing it is almost time to start looking at the subjects that they will be choosing for Years 11 and 12. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage all parents to be actively involved in this process. Your child will very possibly be feeling anxious about these decisions and your support and advice could be helpful in minimising this stress. More details about the process will follow shortly.
During Week 8, the Year 10s will be doing Community Service at Manning Park. This is a great opportunity for the whole year group to be involved in the community. Students should have received an information letter and permission slip which is due tomorrow, Friday 9 June.
During Wednesday’s Extended Form time we have been focusing on appropriate behaviour and reputation both online and in person. Kennedy Baptist College has a zero tolerance policy to bullying and harassment of any sort. If you know of any occurrences or have any queries, please contact myself or Mr Dunn.
Anxiety is becoming an increasing issue with our young people. Brave Self Help
is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety, that with Beyond Blue’s support, has been made available free of charge to all young Australians aged 8-17 and their parents. The program is based on a world leading, therapist-supported internet treatment that has been shown to be highly effective in treating youth anxiety. It is suitable for young people experiencing separation anxiety, generalised anxiety, social anxiety and specific phobias. Parents and young people can access their version of BRAVE where they receive training in strategies, and help to acquire these skills and use the strategies learned in the program. If you would like more information about the program or you are interested in this program or you would like any advice, please visit https://brave4you
or contact myself or one of the counselling team.
Lastly, I encourage you all to pray for wisdom and support for all the Year 10s and their families at this time.
Year 11 Report
As Semester One has progressed our Year 11 students have faced many challenges with maintaining deadlines for their course work whilst adequately preparing for examinations. To assist our Year 11 students for the examinations the Form teachers together with staff from the Research and Study Centre and myself invited students to engage in a variety of relaxation activities, as well as an intensive revision seminar. If your child or student needs any help or support, please encourage them to contact their Form teacher, myself or Mrs Plenty at jplenty@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Throughout this term, we placed a strong emphasis on careers for our students completing the General course. We asked the students to be proactive and responsible for their futures by analysing appropriate resume writing techniques and discussing ways they can improve their chances in a job interview. Following this, during our second Extended Form period, we discussed the importance of understanding financial terms, such as tax and superannuation, in relation to their careers. The enthusiasm and active participation was wonderful to observe.
Once again, we acknowledged our Year 11 Peer Support leaders with a celebratory lunch to thank them for their leadership, compassion and guidance shown to our Year 7 students as they transitioned into the College. As Head of Year it was amazing to see the growth in each of them and how they embraced each component of their role. The celebrations did not stop there as Mrs Del Basso and her Form received a lunch prize for their fantastic efforts during our Multicultural morning showcasing their Italian and Mexican cuisines and energetic traditional music item.
Lastly, I would like to say how proud I am of our cohort, looking excellent with the correct winter uniform being worn including the blazer. As our College photos are fast approaching it is a timely reminder for our young men to have their hair cut and for our ladies to ensure that no make-up or excessive jewellery is worn. Thank you again to all our parents and guardians for your continued support in maintaining the high standard of our uniform policy.
Year 12 Report
The Year 12s are currently sitting their Semester One exams. It has been quiet around the College while Upper School exams have been on. We trust that the Year 12s have used their time well in study and revision. Being well prepared for assessments and exams significantly reduces students’ stress at this time of the year.
On their return to College next week there will only be three weeks until the end of Term 2. After valuable exam feedback, classes will be starting new areas of the curriculum and I would encourage students to make good use of this short time before the holidays to really apply themselves in consolidating all they have already learnt and also to engage with new concepts and ideas.
During our first Extended Form we will be having speakers who will address the topic of Financial Literacy, by discussing subjects such as buying a car, banking and credit cards, loans etc. We hope these life skills will stand the students in good stead as they leave College at the end of the year and learn to become more independent.
There are a number of organisations that offer study skills and courses over the holidays. These can be very valuable times to revise and consolidate knowledge. There is information on courses offered by TEE Consultants, Academic Task Force, Academic Associates, Scholastic Excellence and Master Classes on the Year 12 Noticeboard in the Common Room. Information is also available on the internet.
The universities also offer a number of scholarships at this time of the year and it is certainly worth checking these out on the internet. Many scholarships go unclaimed because no one applies for them. Notre Dame University offers Early Entry Awards and I will inform the students as soon as we receive notification of these.
Crunch a Greenstar Apple Day
Traditionally an apple for the teacher leads to a good day at school, but on Monday 30 May Kennedy Baptist students were fortunate to be on the receiving end of a free apple, care of our wonderful P&F Association and Beedawong staff. At recess the Awesome Apple Advocate, Meagan Popkiss assisted the Beedawong ladies to distribute delicious Sweet Granny apples that were provided by Newton Orchards in Manjimup. The apples were voted simply scrumptious by the students; with the slinky cut apples a real favourite.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Photos above: Students each recieving an apple.
Year 9 and 10 House Activities
On Wednesday morning 31 May, the Year 9 and Year 10 students had the opportunity to compete for their House in a number of activities including ball sports such as soccer and basketball, card games, Kahoot, minute to win it games, cooking, table tennis and dodgeball. The students selected which activities they would be involved in and the competition was certainly fierce in some of the activities.
The final placings on the day were very close with Forrest being the eventual winner, followed by Eyre, Stirling and King. These results contribute towards the final placings for the House Cup which will be awarded to the winning House later this year. Placings for this are also very close with Stirling still in the lead, followed by Forrest, Eyre and King.
Mrs Claire Wallace
King House Coordinator
Photos above: Year 9 and 10 House Activities.
Sport at Kennedy
Interschool Cross Country Carnival 2017
On the Thursday 1 June 50 Kennedy Baptist College students made their way down to Alderbury Reserve at Perry Lakes to participate in the ACC Interschool Cross Country Carnival. Under beautiful sunny skies the schools top runners came together to display their talents.
Our team was superbly led by our two team captains, Abraham Doss (Year 10) and Ineke Greyling (Year 9). Both Abraham and Ineke led by example all day, running warm ups, assisting staff members and supporting each member of the team. Well done Abraham and Ineke on a fantastic job.
Kennedy had a number of impressive individual efforts throughout the day. Congratulations to the following students on their stellar performances:
Luke Shaw - 1st place, U/16 boys in a time of 12:40.85
Mitch Thomas - 3rd place, U/19 boys in a time of 14.58
Jay Lindorff - 5th place, U/15 boys in a time of 13.48.42
Alex Fraser - 28th place, U/19 girls in a time of 11:43.17
Congratulations to Luke Shaw who ran the fastest time for the day for all male categories and to Mitch Thomas who ran the 5th fastest time for all male categories. Well done to all students who displayed great sportsmanship on the day. For a full list of results please visit bluechipresults.com.au
Please click here for Interschool Cross Country photos.
Mr Timothy Basile
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Photos above: Students representing Kennedy at the Interschool Cross Country Carnival.
Photo above: Luke Shaw in 1st place, U/16 boys.
Photo above: Left to right; Dane Johnston, Mitch Thomas, Brayden Forrest.
College Notices
Cyber Safety and Cyber Wellness Presentaion
Dear Parents / Guardians, on Thursday 22 June Dr Hee Jhee Jiow, Associate Professor and Deputy Program Director at Singapore Institute of Technology will be speaking to parents on the area of cyber safety and cyber wellness for students.
The presentation will be held in the Auditorium from 7.00pm - 8.00pm and is aimed at informing you how these areas can impact your child and offering strategies on how to manage their media habits. Please see this link for further information on Dr Jiow.
Please RSVP for this event by Monday 19 June to rcricelli@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Do you have a voice for radio?
We are looking for three students to take part in a radio campaign to advertise our upcoming Open Day. It will involve recording a 15 second advertisement.
If you think that you have a good voice for radio and would like to take part in this event can you please send expressions of interest to sdoick@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please discuss with your parents and gain their permission before applying. Applications close on Thursday 15 June.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Parents & Friends Association
1. Next P&F Meetings
Jamming with the P&F - Saturday 29 July. We are getting together to make jam for Open Day. (Further details will be announced closer to the time.)
2. Volunteer Committee for College Open Day
The Kennedy Baptist College Community Open Day is fast approaching and will be held on Saturday 26 August. The P&F run various stalls on the day, which is our major fundraising event for the year. The P&F are looking for people to help in various ways on the day and with the planning in the early stages, we are keen to hear if you are able to help in these roles:
Volunteer Coordinator
General Volunteers
Email the P&F on pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com for information, expressions of interest or offers of help for these positions.
3. P&F Fundraising - Entertainment Book
The Kennedy P&F do a wonderful job raising money for the College. Please support them by ordering your Entertainment Book here. For those who have already ordered their books, the exciting news is that your books are now ready for collection from Kennedy Reception!
Community Events
Term 2 holiday revision classes at Rossmoyne Senior High School. Monday 3 July - Friday 7 July.
Call 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or visit our website here
The following upcoming courses are available for Year 11 and 12 ATAR students:
Academic Task Force 10 hour Holiday Revision Programs for Year 11 & 12 students. Please click here for more information.
Academic Associates 10 hour Holiday Revision Programs for Year 12 Students at UWA. Please click here for more information.
Become a pilot! Open Day at the Royal Aero Club of WA will be held on Saturday 10 Jun from 11.00am - 4.00pm. For more information, visit our website www.becomeapilot.com.au
Joondalup Campus - Sunday 23 July.
Mount Lawley Campus - Sunday 13 August. Please click here for more information on ECU Open Days.
Health Careers Evening. Wednesday 28 June from 6:00pm - 7:45pm at Murdoch University South Street Campus. Click here for more information.
For more information about Murdoch events, please click here
2017 Autism West Annual Symposium on 3 & 4 November 2017. The Big Picture!
Looking at the ‘The Big Picture’, the focus for the 2017 event will be on life beyond childhood, as people on the autism spectrum move into adulthood, with a focus on social skills and relationships, independence, engagement, wellbeing, and employment.
Who Is It For? Our annual symposium is for people on the autism spectrum and their families and carers, as well as educators, researches and health professionals. For more information, click here
Parenting Courses – West Leederville
Saturday 10 June - Parent-Teen Connection
Thursday 22 June - Kids and Technology
Wednesday 28 June - All About Anger for Parents of Teens
Go to www.relationshipswa.org.au or ring 6164 0200 to enrol.