Hands off the phone!
It’s true - using a cell phone while driving is just a no-no. Tests conducted by TV’s Mythbusters team showed that whether drivers used a hands-free cell phone device or not, the results were the same: only one out of 15 tested drivers passed the experiment. While some people might claim to be better at multi-tasking than others and so think they are able to chat and drive competently at the same time, there is no doubt that talking on a phone distracts any driver. As insurers, we urge all drivers to stay off the phone until safely pulled over. Read more...
SA key for UK investors
South Africa remains the top investment destination for British companies investigating expansion on the continent, according to the Barclays Africa Trade Index, which ranks SA first overall for trade opportunities and market openness. Exports from the UK to the region rose 6% each year between 2004 and 2013, and are set to accelerate as African states secure funds for infrastructure. SA had the strongest transport infrastructure, followed by Mauritius and Kenya. It also holds the top spot in global air connectivity. Read more...
Safire’s Emergency Roadside Assistance
Safire goes the extra mile for its clients, offering ‘a cut above’ service at all times. One such customer benefit is the Emergency Roadside Assistance service, which offers our clients the reassuring knowledge that experts to assist with any roadside emergency are just a phone call away, no matter what the time of day or night. And it isn’t only in the event of a motor accident or breakdown. Our clients can call for assistance with non-accident-related problems too, including flat tyres, flat batteries, keys locked in a car, and fuel assistance. Just call the 24-hour Assist Helpline on 0861 723 473 (0861 SAFIRE) or 071 882 9173 for assistance.
You get what you pay for
No one really likes to think about ‘what might happen’ – that ill-defined occurrence that leads to loss of health, life or property. That’s why paying for insurance in all its forms is probably always going to be a grudge purchase. The important thing to remember is that cheaper isn’t necessarily the best. It’s like buying a car or choosing a doctor – do you really want the cheapest, the lowest, rock-bottom choice? If it means paying a little more to be sure of proper service, most people would agree that it’s worth it. Read more...
The dark side of selfies
A recent study by Jesse Fox of the Ohio State University suggests that taking ‘selfies’ might not be all fun and games. A Polish couple recently fell off a cliff in Portugal while trying to take a spectacular holiday snapshot, while a woman fell off a bridge in Spain, also while taking a selfie. In Texas, a father died when he accidentally shot himself while posing for a selfie with a gun. In addition to the accidents that occur, there is also apparently a dark side to those with a need to take selfies. Assistant Professor of Communications Fox believes that selfies attract people who have to push the boundaries of normal behavior. Her research indicates that people exhibiting the so-called Dark Triad of personality traits, namely narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy, are more likely to strive for selfie glory, ignoring the risks and who might be hurt in the
CEO Sleepout succeeds
In June, some of the country’s richest business leaders agreed to sleep on the streets of Sandton, north of Johannesburg, on a night when temperatures dropped to minus three degrees. Final figures now show that SA’s CEO SleepOut event, part of a global drive, raised R26 054 869 for Girls and Boys’ Town, the largest sum ever raised by a single South African charity event and more than was raised by a similar CEO SleepOut in Sydney, Australia, even with the weakened exchange rate. Read more...
Why claims are rejected #17
According to the Ombudsman for Short-term Insurance, cover for subsidence on a home is usually excluded if the house is built on clay – something to consider when building a new home! The Ombudsman provides an independent and affordable dispute-resolution service to those contesting decisions made by their insurance company.
Summer storms approaching
Earlier this year, KZN was hit by a number of severe storms that caused extensive damage. It was not a good time for insurance companies, with record levels of claims. As the summer storm season approaches once again, we urge our clients to take basic safety precautions such as ensuring gutters and drains are clear of winter leaves and able to cope with gushing rainwater. Also, unplug electrical equipment if there’s thunder and lightning nearby.
South Africa has an alarmingly high rate of motor vehicle accidents. All drivers should know what to do in the event of an accident, especially as the drivers and any passengers might be in shock and not thinking clearly. First ensure that the road is clear for passing traffic and no one is at risk. Safire clients can call the Emergency Roadside Assistance Helpline on 0861 723 473 (0861 SAFIRE). Read more about what to do here...
Another way that we at Safire strive to offer valued-added service to our many clients across the country is through our Facebook page. In addition to Safire news and coverage of the various sporting activities and events that we sponsor, we are constantly adding useful and pertinent information, with insurance-related tips, topical advice and our short-and-sweet series of Helpful Hints. Have a look...
September 24 is Heritage Day in South Africa, when we celebrate our diverse cultures that form an integral part of our South African heritage. One thing that unites us all is a love of good food and uniquely South African favourites such as the braai or ‘shisa nyama’, Mrs Ball’s Chutney and biltong – things that South Africans abroad apparently miss the most. Perhaps this clip will inspire them to make their own biltong? Have a look...
• 18,9%- Taiwan’s insurance penetration making it No.1 in the world. South Africa has the highest penetration rate in Africa at 15,4% and also leads its BRICS counterparts.
• R13 billion – what Standard Bank has invested in its digital banking operations over the last five years (including lodging insurance claims), as banks strive to keep up with their ever-evolving digital consumer base.
• 270 – the number of extra conditions medical schemes have to cover under their Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs). Aside from a list of chronic conditions and medical emergencies, getting hold of the further list of 270 conditions appears to be very difficult for members of several schemes, attracting the attention of the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS).
• R16 billion per year in premiums – what the consumer credit insurance industry is worth, drawing a spotlight on unethical practices within the trade.
• R360 billion – based on GDP data, this is apparently what South Africa needs as an insurance policy to cover itself from man-made risks and natural disasters over the next decade.
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