Message from the Principal
Photo above: New Food Technology and Textile Centre floorplan. Click to enlarge.
Dear Parents and Families
It has been a wonderful privilege to experience a range of music and drama performances at the College recently. Our Arts Learning Area continues to grow in both student participation and the quality of great performances. Congratulations to all students who have been performing and to our wonderful staff who work tirelessly to support student performances.
2019 Tuition Fees
To ensure that Kennedy can continue to provide a high quality education for every student there are a number of increasing College costs that need to be met. With this in mind the College Board has made the carefully considered decision that tuition fees will be increased by 2.5% in 2019, an increase of $215 for next year. The decision to increase tuition fees was not taken lightly and it is worth noting that the education CPI currently operates at over 3%.
Our fees for next year will be:
Domestic students: $ 8825
Overseas students: $ 18666
Kennedy Master Plan
Since Kennedy commenced in 2013, a master plan for the College campus has been implemented resulting in the development of outstanding facilities for our students. We have now completed the next phase of the plan with the redevelopment of our Food Technologies facilities. This has involved the refurbishment and development of new amenities for Food and Textiles. The final stage of the master plan development will be the establishing of new Engineering, Mechatronics and Materials facilities. The development of these new facilities will contribute to our changing curriculum to meet student’s future needs with a focus on STEAM, (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics).
Year 12 Graduation
Friday night, 16 November, is a special night for our Year 12 families. We look forward to a great evening of celebration as our Year 12 students graduate from Kennedy Baptist College. Our formal proceedings for graduation commence at 7.00pm. We hope you can join us.
Mr Mark Ashby
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 NLT
In January 2018, the Prime Minister of Britain, Theresa May, created a new ministerial position, the role of which would be to oversee the issue of loneliness. In 2016, Lifeline held a survey where over 80% of respondents said that they felt lonely, of which only 50% said that there was someone they could talk to. We have never been more ‘connected’ through social media, yet 33% of Australians are living on their own; the number of true friends we have is half what it was 10 years ago and as I talk with teenagers whose lives have never been fuller, it would seem, they have never been lonelier.
Two things do strike me when I have these conversations. There is the language used where it is usually couched in absolutes e.g. there is no one (among 200 other students in their cohort) who I want to be friends with/who wants to be friends with me. Then, there is the unwillingness to simply try; to take the initiative; to join a group; take the first step; invite etc. There are things which can be done.
Firstly, take the initiative. The numbers indicate that you are not alone in your loneliness. Maybe someone needs your friendship as much as you need theirs. Make it a goal to talk to a certain number of people every day; use social media to find groups which interest you – Google and Siri may not know everything, but they are a start. Join a club, gymnasium or local church.
Secondly, realise that even when you are lonely, you are not alone. We are the dwelling place of God (John 14-16) and He is just a conversation away.
Acting Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Year 11 examinations begin next week and conclude on 23 November. Please note that the Year 11 students only come to College if they have an examination; however, all Year 11 students are required to attend College on Monday 26 November for their final day. On that day, all students will be provided with assessment results, final marks and grades. Students who completed examinations will receive feedback on their exam performance. The information and review processes that will occur on this day are essential for all students.
Year 8-10 students will have examinations in English, Humanities, Mathematics and Science from Thursday 15 November to Tuesday 20 November. Examinations will occur after morning form and will be completed by recess. All students should remain on campus and participate in scheduled classes. Students are being assessed in all classes and the end of the year is a very productive time, particularly in elective classes. I would also remind parents that the College does not reschedule examinations for any students. Students will receive feedback on their examinations during Week 7-8. The curriculum concludes on the final day of College, Tuesday 4 December.
Year reports will once again be available through SEQTA with information about Year 7-10 grading visible in the Documents section of SEQTA Engage.
Booklists for 2019 will be accessible on the College website shortly. Information concerning streaming in Years 8-10 for 2018 will be visible through individual student timetables for 2019. These timetables will be available before the end of the year ensuring that all parents can access the information required to complete booklist orders.
Miss Jennifer Lamet will be returning from her long service leave to resume her role as Deputy Principal: Curriculum for the start of 2019. It has been my privilege to have served both parents and students of the Kennedy community in this role. On the same note, I would like to express my appreciation to the staff for their invaluable support to me and Mr Glenn Tyrie (Acting Director of Studies) during the term. I wish everyone every blessing in Christ for the rest of the term and coming holidays.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
There has been very good discussion recently within education circles regarding Positive Psychology and its application in schools. Positive Psychology involves evidence based strategies to develop and maintain the optimal functioning of students and staff. Implementing Positive Psychology involves creating positive education programs that support and sustain a school climate and culture.
At Kennedy we are always aiming to build a positive environment and this involves a range of strategies. One of the ways is through our Wednesday morning designated Extended Form periods that involve a wide range of activities which are all linked to appropriate developmental themes.
The Pastoral Care curricula is a deliberate scope and sequenced program spread across Years 7-12. This involves two broad themes; Positive Relationships and Character Education. Positive Relationships includes relations with peers, families and friends as well as the development of communication and relationship skills. Character Education involves themes such as; cultural identity, digital citizenship, beliefs and values, self-worth, mental wellbeing, personal and spiritual goals and resilience.
This Pastoral Care curricula involves engaging with a range of community partner organisations including Protective Behaviours WA, Harmony Day WA, UWA, Cockburn Council, Melville Council, St Ives, Headspace, Paraplegic Benefit Fund, RAC, Lakeside Baptist Church, Sideffect Australia, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Life Chapel and Nations Church.
Our ongoing strategy at Kennedy is to pursue and implement the best practices, to ensure a comprehensive, positive and well developed Pastoral Care environment towards the overall goal of student wellbeing.
Term 4 Assembly
The Assembly on Wednesday 7 November was hosted by our Year 8 students. Our special guests for the morning was the Lakeside Seniors Group. During the year, students from Year 7 have been visiting the Lakeside Seniors Group as part of their Community Service program and we were pleased to have them visit the College for the morning. The Assembly involved congratulating Luke Shaw on his outstanding Athletic achievements throughout this year and we heard students share their experiences in the recent tours to France, Canberra-Sydney and Newman.
The Student Executive announced their Student Councillor teams, along with the House Captains for 2019. Congratulations to all students elected for these roles. After the assembly the Executive team, elected students and their families enjoyed morning tea in the Staff Lounge. Please click here for photos.
Mrs Mandy Beaurain
Public Relations Assistant
Term 4 House Points Prize
This term, students who receive House Points will go into the draw at the final Assembly to win the major prize - a 2 hour ride in a Sky Lounge Party Bus valued at over $500. This prize, generously donated by Party Charter Perth, will allow the winning recipient to bring up to 20 friends, as well as two supervising adults. The bus includes an on-board dance floor, karaoke, dance music and epic party lights! The group will be driven to Kings Park and South Perth foreshore on a Friday evening, between 7.30pm – 9.30pm, subject to availability. The prize also includes a photo shoot at Kings Park. For more information, or to book the bus for special events such as birthday parties or school balls, please visit www.partycharterperth.com
Mr Murray Dunstan
Eyre House Coordinator
Scholastic Reading Leaders Event
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Our Research and Study Centre has recently received a library of 100 books from the recent Scholastic Reading Leaders Event attended by Mrs Valme Batley, one of our teacher-librarians.
At Kennedy, it is our focus and aim to help students become self-motivated engaged readers and this Reading Leaders Event focused on creating a classroom environment where students’ reading thrives. It provided inspiration and ideas, and the goal was for each person to be inspired and leave with a plan to act. To help attendees get inspired and create action, they developed 3 Classroom Libraries of 100 books as the draw prize and we are ecstatic that Mrs Batley was one of the winners of the libraries.
The inaugural keynote speaker at that event was Donalyn Miller - an amazing advocate and enabler of children’s reading. She has been in the classroom and won the battle (Year 6 teacher) to get kids to pick up books, read them and discuss them. She is phenomenally well-read and understands how to position books with students to get them motivated and keep them motivated. She has written two books and is a prolific blogger. She is known widely as “The Book Whisperer” - check her out on social media (also on the page “Game Changer - Book Access for All Kids”) for a dose of inspiration and some food for thought on reading!
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Champions Read Update
We are in the final week of Champions Read and have had a wonderful response from our students. Last Wednesday for Extended Form all our Year 7-10 students read for an hour. Kennedy was unusually quiet and it was lovely to see everyone taking part.
Our theme for this year is “Reading Takes You to Other Worlds.” The Form classes that have read for the most hours each week are rewarded with a custom badge and a box of chocolates. Congratulations to 10 Eyre 2, 10 Forrest 2 and 9 King 1.
The end of Week 1 saw Stirling in the lead and Week 2 Forrest was in the lead and now at the end of Week 3 it is Eyre. It is very close between these three Houses, but that can all change and the winning House will be announced in our final Assembly and awarded the Reading Shield.
Mrs Virginia Yurisich
Head of Research and Study
Photos above: Students & staff reading books.
Fundraiser For Cancer Council
Recently four of our hard working Year 11 students initiated their own fundraising campaign to raise funds at the College for the Cancer Council. This involved selling Krispy Kremes at recess which is very popular with the student population. Keely Hatch, Josh Cicolari, Eleesha Popkiss and Eric De Sousa raised a total of $670 to support a very worthy cause. Eric mentioned that, 'the reason for this fundraiser was really just about trying to help a worthy cause that aims to improve the lives of so many people. Cancer rates climb each year and we all knew Cancer Council WA was a worthy charity that will make the most of our donations. Coupled with the fact of personal experience, be it with friends or family, it was something we all
agreed on.'
Mr Wendell Pether
Deputy Principal: Pastoral Care
Performing Arts at Kennedy
From big scale ensemble performances to small scale drama skit and music recitals, our students in music and drama showcased their talents and had the opportunity to perform live to audiences at various showcase this term.
They put on a great show and it was definitely worth attending their performances. We would like to encourage families and friends to look out for any upcoming showcase performances by our Arts Learning Area and come along and support our talented students.
If you attended one of the performances and would love to leave any feedback to encourage our students and staff, you may do so at news@kennedy.wa.edu.au. Please also see upcoming performances below.
Ms Linda Ang
Public Relations Officer
Instrumental Music Recitals
Tomorrow night, Friday 9 November, 5.30pm to 7.00pm, Kennedy Music will be hosting the last of the Recital Series featuring the talents of our music students. Everyone is welcome!
Macbeth Performance
Macbeth by William Shakespeare will be performed by the Year 9 Drama students on Tuesday 27 November at 6:30pm in the Auditorium. Everyone is welcome!
Instrumental Music Program Online Enrolment
Students who wish to start or continue in the program will need to enrol online by Friday 18 January 2019. New instrumental lesson are now availble for violin and cello.
Classes are held on a rotating time schedule so students can participate in Kennedy's Instrumental Program and not miss any one particular lesson. Please check our website for more details.
The application form is now available online for 2019 Instrumental Music Program.
Sport at Kennedy
Interschool All Schools Elite Basketball Tournament
Our Year 9/10 Boys and Girls, our Year 7/8 Boys and Girls basketball teams did exceptionally well during the All Schools Elite Basketball Tournament. Final results were:
Year 9/10 Boys - 1st
Year 9/10 Girls - 2nd
Year 7/8 Boys - 3rd
Year 7/8 Girls - 1st
Congratulations to all these students. We are so proud of them!
Mr Ben Pether
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Year 10 Basketball Competition
On Tuesday 6 November our students participated in the All Saints College Year 10 Basketball Competition.
The Kennedy Girls team finished 5th overall winning their final game of the day against Lakelands by one point on the buzzer. The Boys finished 1st after being undefeated all day. Well done to all.
Woolworths Cricket Blast Competition
Following a successful Year 7-10 Woolworths Cricket Blast Competition Wednesday 24 October, the Year 7/8 boys and Year 9/10 girls’ teams progressed to the State Finals School Cup on Thursday 1 November. Both teams arrived at Britannia Reserve, Mt Hawthorn excited at the prospect of becoming State Champions - results as follow:
• Year 7/8 Boys - Kennedy Baptist College 114 defeated St Stephens 69
• Year 9/10 Girls - Kennedy Baptist College 141 defeated Mandurah Catholic College 115
Congratulations to both teams who are the 2018 State Champions and winning $800 which will be used to purchase equipment for the College.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Year 8/9 Girls Football Carnival
On Friday 26 November 2018 the Year 9 Sport and Fitness classes participated in the EFFC/SFFC Year 8/9 Girls Football carnival at All Saints College.
This event provided an opportunity for the girls to transfer their football skills and knowledge learnt in class into a competition environment.
The group participated at an extremely high standard throughout the day only losing one game. There were many highlights during the day and I congratulate the girls on the quality of football on show.
Congratulations to Teah Pitt, Hayley Vezich, Tyler Jones and Bella Kirby on being selected in the All Stars team.
Miss Jessica Kennedy
Sports Coordinator / Health and Physical Education Teacher
Photo above: Woolworths Cricket Blast Competition.
Photo above: Year 8/9 Football Girls.
College Notices
Permission For Events
For parents and guardians,
Consent2Go gives you peace of mind for the welfare of your children attending school excursions and removes paperwork. Consent2Go will be the only method of giving permission for events via email. We ask that you please check your junk folder for Consent2Go messages.
Public Speaking Competition
The Annual House Public Speaking Competition will be held in Week 8 , this term, during Extended Form. Students can participate by signing up outside the Arts office by Friday 9 November. The final prize is a Garden City gift voucher!
Kennedy Parent's Connect
Please find their newsletter from 19 October 2018 here.
SEQTA Mobile App
Parents and students are enjoying easier access to SEQTA’s award-winning software, with free mobile apps for SEQTA Learn and SEQTA Engage. Please download the app, enter requested URL:
https://parent.kennedy.wa.edu.au/ and login with your password.
Please Delete the Kennedy College App
The providers of the Kennedy College App, Appademic, have ceased trading. Please delete the App from your device. If you need any other assistance or information please feel free to contact the College or visit the College Website.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm
* Closed on Friday. For more information please email Mrs Kerry James here.
Year 7- 9 Awards Night
Year 7-9 Awards Night is on Tuesday 20 November at 7.00pm in the Auditorium. For more details on upcoming events please click here.
Remembrance Day - Pop Up Museum at Kennedy
On Friday 9 November the College will be commemorating Remembrance Day. All parents and guardians are invited to attend our pop up museum of artefacts and memorabilia from the College community which will be on display in the Research and Study Centre.
You can view the pop up museum at either Recess (11:00-11:25am) or Lunch (1:05-1:30pm) on Friday 9 November.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Tayah Burrows
Congratulations to Tayah Burrows who will represent the Rockingham Flames in next year’s State Basketball League season.
Tom Murray
Congratulations to Tom Murray who has been selected to represent WA in the 2018 Cricket 12s Team.
Abbie Teasdale
Congratulations to Abbie Teasdale who has won the Kalgoorlie Junior Desert Open, Rockingham Junior Bowl and Rockingham Ladies Amateur Open in golf. Abbie received an invitation to the Masters of Australian Amateur 2019 which is being played at the Royal Melbourne Golf Club in January.
Hannah Gillis
Congratulations to Hannah Gillis who recently received the West Australian Basketball League, Grand final MVP. Hannah’s team, Lakeside Lightning were eventual runners up in the competition to the undefeated Joondalup Wolves. Hannah also received an Elite 8 Allstar medal award in the recent All Schools Basketball Tournament.
Keegan Davies
Congratulations to Keegan Davies who has been selected to represent WA in the 2018 Cricket 12s Team.
Taehwan Youm
Congratulations to Taehwan Youm who has been selected as one of the 15 students to represent Western Australia at the National Schools Constitutional Convention in March 2019. About 120 students from government, independent and Catholic Schools from across Australia, covering metropolitan and country areas attend the National Schools Constitutional Convention every year in Canberra. The Convention seeks to promote understanding and informed discussion amongst young Australians about the Australian Constitution and system of government. The project is managed by National Curriculum Services in collaboration with the Australian Curriculum Studies Association.