Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Thank you to our wonderful Parents and Friends Association and all of our families who supported the College at Open Day. It was extremely pleasing to have so many community members come along and enjoy the Kennedy experience. Open Day provides a great opportunity for the College to show what a dynamic community we have at Kennedy and it was pleasing to see everyone sharing their experiences with such a large number of visitors. In particular, thank you to our Parents and Friends executive who worked so hard to co-ordinate the range of activities available on the day.
Fathers' Day Breakfast
On Friday we have 70 fathers coming to our Fathers’ Day breakfast. Our guest speaker Mr Andy Stewart, who is currently the head coach of the Perth Lynx, will speak on ‘How to develop a good relationship with your child.' We are looking forward to a wonderful Kennedy celebration for Fathers’ Day. May I take this opportunity to wish all fathers a very happy Fathers’ Day on Sunday.
Mr Mark Ashby
O Lord, open my lips,
and my mouth will declare your praise.
For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;
you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit;
a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.
Psalm 51
At the time when he wrote this Psalm, David was the King of Israel and as such, was the most powerful person in the kingdom. As we read the details of his reign, we come across the story of his relationship with Bathsheba. When David is confronted by the prophet Nathan because of his actions, David could have become defensive; pointing out the fact that the wife of a soldier was considered divorced from her husband when he was at war. Instead, he repents and humbles himself before God, and the fruit of that repentance is this prayer.
What is striking about this Psalm is the vulnerability shown by David, unheard of in a ruler of the day. Even now, vulnerability is not a highly prized characteristic, because to be vulnerable means that we are placing ourselves in a position where we are open to being hurt. Prayer is, by its’ very nature, a place of vulnerability because when we pray we are acknowledging that we need God and when it comes to our prayers, there is nothing too small or too big for us to ask for God,s intervention.
Let prayer become so much a part of you that your first response to any situation is to pray, because it is in this condition of vulnerability we acknowledge that we are placing both our present and future, in the hands of the One who will never let us down.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Thank you to all Year 7 and 9 students who participated in the NAPLAN online trials. The College's participation in this trial provided valuable information around student and staff preparation for completing any online assessment and the capabilities of the state and national systems to administer the assessment. Looking purely at the capability of the College, state and national network, there were no issues with completing the assessment, a very positive outcome for all stakeholders.
Teachers of Year 12 are delivering their last three weeks of content and students have almost completed all their assessments. The next few weeks are very busy for all students, ensuring that they complete all requirements to the best of their ability. Those students who have examinations begin as early as Week 8 with practical examinations for the College and the WACE, followed by written examinations in Week 2 of the Term 3 holiday. It is never too late to improve a mark; each percentage increase contributes to a higher ATAR.
The recent professional learning day provided staff with the opportunity to design or improve the teaching and learning programs for all students. The next phase of the implementation of the Western Australian Curriculum will see Health and Physical Education implemented in 2017 with Arts and Technology & Enterprise implemented in 2018. One of the presentations on the professional learning day also reinforced the idea that a person’s capacity to take in information is directly related to how safe they feel in their environment. Our College standards are designed to provide a consistent, safe and predictable learning environment for the whole community.
Year 12 Semester 2 Exams will take place from 3 October to 14 October. There will be no Year 12 exams on 23 September as many have benn communicated earlier.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
There have been many exciting events and activities occurring in the Kennedy Pastoral Care Program recently.
On Wednesday 24 August thirteen of our Year 10 and 11 students attended the Masterclass Bible Event run by the Bible Society of Australia. The event was designed for students who would benefit from a day of quality input into their spiritual development, and better prepare them to be spiritual leaders within their school and local community. The event involved a range of speakers including Mr John Dixon who also spoke at various venues around Perth throughout the week including Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. The students involved reported that they received great benefit from attending.
Another significant event was our Year 9 students visiting the St Bartholomew’s House in East Perth to be involved in the St Bartholomew’s Day activities, as part of the College’s Community Outreach Program. The students attended a celebration service recognising the important work of St Bartholomew’s organisation which has grown from early beginnings as soup kitchen in a church hall to now a provider of accommodation services, aged care, mental health support and community housing. Following the service, students enjoyed serving and eating lunch with the many residents.
As well as these events, the College’s weekly Pastoral Care Program provides many opportunities for students to examine a range of Pastoral Care topics and develop their awareness of important issues. The Year 12s had a speaker from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund to talk about road safety and related issues, the Year 10s held a session on Autism, while the Year 11s examined a range of gender issues including exploring ideas and beliefs regarding masculinity and femininity.
Overall our students have enjoyed the opportunities to explore interesting topics affecting themselves and others as they continue to grow into well balanced and informed young adults.
Year 7 Report
We are continuing to focus on relationships and growing great relationships in
Year 7. The Form teachers are working with the Year 7 cohort to instil a culture of positivity and inspiration amongst the students alongside the year-wide push to encourage and build up our peers instead of pulling them down. The main areas we are still examining in relationships are how to identify what a good and bad friend is and what to do if we feel our friends are not actually our friends.
We are also examining how to be a friend to each other and in that regard we are looking at five main steps for good friendship which include: being attentive, not criticising or condemning, sharing our feelings without having to worry about trust being broken, learning to forgive each other and forget, and finally supporting each other. We believe that these steps and processes are vital to creating and maintaining a harmonious year group and, if adhered to, could potentially help to create friendships that last for a lifetime.
We are nearly half way through our community service roster for 2016 and I must say how impressed I am with the students attending the intergenerational information exchange. Students are coming away from the experience enriched and with a much greater understanding of their place in society and how we are all enhanced by the contribution of both junior and senior citizens. It is vital that for the proper functioning of society that we acknowledge the important contributions senior citizens bring for the benefit of all and the Kennedy students are doing this exceptionally well. We still have some places available for students to attend if they wish to be a part of this program, please see Mr King.
Year 8 Report
We are excitedly looking forward to our social on Monday 19 September at Lazer Blaze. This is always a fun time as students try to aim and shoot their teachers. We always have a good turn out as students and staff get to know one another a lot better. Relationships are also a focus in our Extended Forms in Term 3 and we are placing emphasis on, ‘treating others as we wish to be treated’.
With no exams this term, the tests and assignments are coming in thick and fast and it helps the students greatly to be organised and not to leave things until the last minute. Please help them to take responsibility and develop good self-management skills. It is also important to keep their notes well organised as this greatly assists them in their learning.
With a highly successful Community Open Day behind us, our thanks go to all the parents who assisted and attended to support the College.
We had a wonderful group of students serving the community in Shelley along the Canning River last month. Watching them plant along the riverbank so enthusiastically and diligently made me realise again what a privilege it is to work with the Year 8s. They are an exceptional group and an absolute pleasure to engage with.
Here are some guidelines from a lovely book, “Tips for Parents.” Helping your kids feel special:
Think about specific ways each of your kids is unique
Tell them how special these things are
Genuinely seek and value their opinions
Encourage their creativity
Don’t compare any of your children to any other children
Create a feeling of special family eg. family rituals, stories, meals etc.
Our children are fantastic and a privilege. Lets enjoy our time with them.
Year 9 Report
Term 3 is flashing by so quickly and already the end of Year 9 is in sight. The past couple of weeks we had our Inter-house Athletics Carnival, NAPLAN trial testing, community service and our Year 9 social to ten pin bowling. We had 19 Year 9 students attend the ten pin bowling social excursion in Week 4 where we had a great time testing our skills. The students had a fantastic time and it was nice to watch them socialising and enjoying each other’s company. In Term 4 we will be going to Bounce which I know the students are looking forward to.
On Wednesday 24 August we were invited to partake in a service at St Bartholomew’s house in celebration of St Bartholomew day. In attendance were leaders from the Anglican Church, board members, volunteers, ourselves and residents of St Bartholomew’s house. In the service they had members from each of these categories light candles to symbolise that we are all in this together. An ex board member read a poem about homeless people which was really moving and made me realise the work we’re doing through community service is really valuable. After the service we served the residents lunch and enjoyed the time relaxing and sharing stories. I look forward to taking the King Form classes later this term.
Year 10 Report
It is exciting times in Year 10 at the moment as we move towards Work Experience in Week 10. Students should now all have a placement and have completed their Work Safe certificates. If you have any issues or questions please contact Mrs Mary Minorgan or myself, as soon as possible.
In preparation for Work Experience, the Year 10s have had presentations on Workplace Health and Safety and Protective Behaviours. We have stressed the idea of ‘unsafe feelings’. If at any time, not just during work experience, you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.
The big item on the Year 10 calendar is the Year 10 Formal. This year’s Formal will be held on Thursday 27 October at East Fremantle Yacht Club. It will be a Semi Formal cocktail style event with substantial finger food. Please save the date!
Please continue to pray for our Year 10s as they go through this life changing transition into young adulthood.
Year 11 Report
Term 3 has been a very busy and rewarding time for our Year 11 students. This was reflected in our assembly during Week 3, where we viewed videos of the College tours to both China and New Zealand. These tours allowed students to build new friendships and experience cultures and adventures that will stay with them beyond Kennedy Baptist College.
It has been wonderful to see our year group busy fulfilling our pledge to our community service group Red Cross blood donation. Last Tuesday we saw students embark on another group donation and each bravely gave blood that could save many Western Australians and reminded us all how fortunate we are to be in good health and how paying forward is such a bountiful act.
During extended Form this term we have been focusing on the development of identity and looking at how our students wish to mould their final year at the College and become happy and productive adults. Thus we have discussed how to be effective digital citizens, gender stereotypes and how to govern their way to make good choices. As Paul’s argues in Acts 17:22-31 "God sets the circumstances of our lives and so influences things that our choices are made in accordance with His plans."
Our social event, the Year 11 River Cruise, will be held Friday 2 September. Staff and students will depart from Barrack Street Jetty making their way down the Swan River. I look forward to seeing all students in their semi-formal attire enjoying a relaxing and fun-filled night with music and food.
Year 12 Report
With only four weeks to go until the end of Term 3, the end of the College year for the Year 12s is approaching fast. In the remaining four weeks teachers will be completing the Curriculum Syllabus with their classes and students will be writing their final assessments and completing assignments. Mock exams will start in the second week of the holidays and continue into the first week of Term 4. Week 2 of next term will be spent in returning exam papers to the students and giving them feedback and revision for the WACE exams. Please encourage your child to complete all outstanding work so that they can achieve a good grade in their subjects.
Earlier in the year we had the RAC speak to the students about the dangers of mixing drinking and/or drugs with driving. We recently followed that up with a speaker from the Paraplegic Benefit Fund who shared his own devastating experience of being in an accident in a car that was travelling at 20 kph above the speed limit in wet conditions. We trust that this is a timely reminder of the dangers and responsibilities of driving for this age group. We look forward to some more less structured Extended Form times as the term comes to a close.
On Friday 2 September we have our Year 12 Spring Fling River Cruise and we look forward to a time of fun and relaxation at what can be a very stressful time for students. Thorough preparation and revision is the best way to take the stress out of exam time. Please ensure that your child is getting enough sleep and is eating well in the lead up to the exams.
You will shortly receive a letter with all the information about the Year 12s last day at College on Friday 21 October and Year 12 Graduation on Friday 18 November. I will be away in the last week of this term on the French Tour. If you need to contact me about any queries/concerns please do so before the end of Week 9 or contact Mr Wendell Pether, the Deputy of Pastoral Care.
Scripture Union - Leavers 2016
SU-Leavers is a drug and alcohol free Leavers week alternative available for young people. Experience new adventures, make friends and memories that will last for ever. 2016 programs available in Ningaloo, Esperance and Melbourne. To find out more please click here for further details on adventure activities, chill sessions, all night dance parties and other important information.
Scripture Union is a worldwide movement of Christians dedicated to bringing real-life transformation to Australia’s children and youth through action-based activities within schools and communities. You can email: suwa@suwa.org.au or phone (08) 93719100 for more information.
All the Fun of the Fair at Kennedy Baptist College Open Day
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On Saturday 27 August over 700 people enjoyed exploring the campus and having fun at the free family events at the Kennedy Baptist College Open Day. Parents and children were entranced to meet Kenny the green snake who appeared intermittently in the Science Department, magically conjured up by Science teacher Mr Craig Hill. Visitors also had an opportunity to mingle with some fascinating historical characters in Humanities (we hear Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made an appearance!), solve brain challenging puzzles in the Maths Department and dream about amazing adventures with Trips and Tours. The aroma of freshly baked Anzac cookies in the Food & Technology Department and tempting tastes of exotic pandanas fruit in the Languages Department were enticing. With so many other exciting departments to explore, it was hard
to choose.
In the Auditorium, guests were treated to a wide range of dance and drama items and Kennedy Principal Mr Mark Ashby welcomed guests and gave them a brief outline of expectations at Kennedy. Mr Ashby outlined the outstanding education received by students at the College, ”The Christian ethos of our school encompasses all that we do. It is reflected in the values of this College, Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Service and Growth. We have a very clear mission for excellence. We want our students to do the best they can in all learning areas”, he said.
Nations Church provided a variety of fun activities for children and visitors interested in improving their fitness had the opportunity to speak with Personal Trainer Karen van Namen from the Lakeside Church Fitness Centre. With a variety of Market Stalls organised by the Kennedy Parents and Friends, strolling clowns, Fairy Floss, Paella, Sausage Sizzle and Devonshire Teas, visitors enjoyed all the fun of the Fair.
We would like to thank the Parents and Friends Association and all Kennedy staff who put in extra time and energy to make this day such a success.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
For a video of our Open Day please click here.
Click here for more photos.
Gratitude Week at Kennedy
This week the Student Council have been undertaking their main project for Term 3: Gratitude Week.
The idea behind Gratitude Week is that the Councillors will organise acts of service on behalf of all students, to demonstrate a sense of gratitude and support for the staff at Kennedy. Each of the Student Executive (Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl), had their own Leadership Team within the Council and they have been allocated various staff to care for. Thank you to all the students!
Mr Wendell Pether
Deputy Principal, Pastoral Care
Year 12 Examinations
All students studying an ATAR course must complete all College examinations.
Practical examinations:
Dance, Drama, French, Physical Education Studies, English as an Additional Language Dialect, will occur prior to the end of Term 3 during the school day.
Written Examinations:
Monday 3 October - Friday 14 October.
All students enrolled in a ATAR course must complete all scheduled WACE examinations. Students will be issued personalised timetables in September. General timetables are available on line http://www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Practical examinations:
24 to 30 September and 15 to 23 October.
Written examinations: (for Kennedy students)
31 October to 18 November
Music Night
Date: Wednesday 7 September
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Venue: In the Auditorium
Tickets are $5 each and available at the door. For more information email Mrs Susan Ashby
Dancing Through Time
Date: Friday 16 September
Time: 7.00pm
Venue: In the Auditorium
Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the Arts Office. For more information please email Mrs Lara Del Basso.
New Location For Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop has moved and is now located next to the Lower Foyer. Opening hours for Term 3. Monday to Wednesday 8.00am to 3.45pm. Closed Thursday and Friday.
Please contact Mrs Kerry James in the uniform shop by either phoning the College (Ph: 93147722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We need volunteers to help us in our Cafeteria. We are a great group who all work together in a fun environment. Your task would be to help prepare food and assist the Cafeteria Manager with other small tasks.
If you would like to generously donate your time, please email us and let us know your availability.
Roald Dahl Week
On 13 September it would have been Roald Dahl’s 100th birthday! The Research and Study Centre is celebrating his birthday throughout all of Week 9 with competitions, displays and movie screenings.
The movies Matilda and Fantastic Mr Fox will be screening at lunchtimes and after College. These movies are rated PG. Please email Research and Study Centre if you do not want your child to view either of these movies.
For more information about Roald Dahl please click here.
Mrs Yurisich
Acting Head of the Research and Study Centre
Celebrating Student Achievements
Ethan Raine
Congratulations to Ethan Raine 8F1 who recently returned from the National Ice Hockey Tournament, where the team brought home the gold medal. Ethan was also selected for the WA State Ice Hockey Team which represented WA at the Phil Ginsberg National Ice Hockey Tournament U/13. The Tournament was held this year in Melbourne at the O’Brien Ice Arena in Docklands on the 11 - 14 August. His team were also awarded the Fair Play award for having the least number of penalties throughout the tournament. A fantastic outcome!
Photo on right: Ethan Raine with his gold medal.
Alesha Foster
Congratulations to Alesha Foster 8S1 who has been selected to represent WA in the WA School Sport Touch Football U/15 Girls Team, Alesha has represented WA four consecutive years in Touch Football and has also been selected to represent WA at the 2016 U/18 Girls National Youth Championship in Queensland to be held from 14 to 17 September 2016. She is also the youngest player selected at 13 years of age. Alesha has worked very hard and Kennedy is proud of her achievements.
Tamati Foster
Congratulations to Tamati Foster 9S2 who has been selected to represent WA in the WA School Sport Touch Football U/15 Boys Team. Tamati has represented WA three times in 2015 and 2016. Tamati Foster has also been selected to represent WA at the 2016 U/18 Boys National Youth Championship in Queensland. Kennedy Baptist College is proud of his achievements and wishes him all the best.
Zoe Grice
Congratulations to Zoe Grice 8S1 who has been selected to represent WA in the WA School Sport Touch Football Girls Team. This team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Mandurah, WA from 23 to 28 October 2016. Zoe has worked very hard and Kennedy is proud of her achievments.
Brayden Forrest
Congratulations to Brayden Forrest 10S1 on winning the association medal for WAFL zones East and South Fremantle District for football at last night's award ceremony. Kennedy is proud of his achievement.
Parents & Friends Association and Open Day
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who helped with the Community Open Day. There are so many of you who helped in so many different ways and all contributed to a fantastic day. You are all very much appreciated.
The College looked wonderful and there was an excellent community feel at the event, from the crowd and students watching the bands outside the Research and Study Centre to the parents and friends manning the stalls, to the staff and students helping with the classroom displays, welcoming and car parking. It was great to see the new and very impressive Science rooms and the student displays and performances.
The various P&F stalls went really well and we raised over $5000 which will go towards equipment for the new sports and gym building.
A big vote of thanks goes to:
The team of ladies who helped pack the Silent Auction Hampers on Thursday night. There was a frenzy of baskets and boxes being filled with all your donations and then wrapped in cellophane. We had a record of 53 items up for Auction this year. Thank you to all who donated.
The bakers in the College community. The Cake Stall and Devonshire Tea were as ever a great hit.
The College Staff from Beedawong Cafeteria for all their hard work with the delicious catering
The teams on the Sausage Sizzle, Paella Stall, Craft Stall.
All those involved with the rosters and manning the stalls on the day.
Cake Stall Bakers
Bakers please note - if you supplied cupcakes and the like in plastic containers then they are ready for collection from Student Services.
Silent Auction
We have several Silent Auction hampers still awaiting collection from the College. If you recieved any notification about winning a hamper, please make payment as instructed and await details regarding collection.
If you collected your hamper on Saturday and have not yet paid for it please email the P&F.
Community Events
“Who am I?, Why am I here?, Where am I going?, What happens to me when I die?
If you would like an opportunity to have a group conversation of these questions, where no question is out of bounds, too hard or stupid, and all opinions are accepted, then why not join with others on Thursday evenings from 8 September to 3 November 2016 for our free Alpha course.
Each evening we will provide coffee and dessert to enjoy as we get to know each other. If you decide at any time that it’s not for you, there is no pressure to continue.
For more details please contact the Lakeside Baptist Church office on 9310 7111, or at www.lakeside.asn.au.
Welcome to SCHOLASTIC EXCELLENCE. Established since 2004, Scholastic Excellence is reputed for providing quality academic tuition for students ranging from Years 4 to 12. For more information visit our website here.
Leeming Spartans Junior Cricket Club (LSJCC) is looking for Junior Players ages 5 to 15 years Boys & Girls.
Registrations are now open for IN 2 Cricket, T20 Blast and Junior Teams Under 10’s - Under 15’s.
Please register here by 20 September 2016