Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 12 Last Day.
Dear Parents,
It was wonderful to celebrate two significant milestones at Kennedy last week. This included our Awards Night for Year 10-12 students and the farewelling of our Year 12 students on their last official day.
Awards Night
Awards Night provides a great opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of all students and a wide range of awards were presented across all curricular and co-curricular aspects of the College. It was great to see so many families join us for this celebration. We now look forward to our Year 7-9 Awards Night on Tuesday 21 November where similar celebrations will take place.
Year 12 Students
The last day for our Year 12s provided a great opportunity to honour these students and reflect on their significant contribution to Kennedy. It was not surprising to see tears from students, parents and staff as we farewelled this special group of students as an entire College. Kennedy prides itself on the care and support it provides for students and this was certainly reinforced by the heart felt messages delivered by Form Teachers to their students. Our final opportunity to farewell the Year 12 students will occur on Friday 17 November at their Graduation Night. This too promises to be a great occasion.
Year 11 Examinations and 2018 Preparation
Year 11 students now have only three weeks of formal classes before the examinations commence. I encourage all of these students to have a well organised study program in place as they prepare for these important assessments. Achieving the best possible grades now will certainly help to ease any pressure next year.
All Year 11 students have been informed that they will be expected to be at College for the day immediately after exams. This will provide staff an opportunity to review semester results and provide students with preparation packages for 2018. Our goal is to prepare all students for Year 12 as well as possible.
Mr Mark Ashby
Psalm 23
The LORD is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
As part of my Sunday School attendance, (and the fact that I use the term “Sunday School” and not “Kid’s Church” is an indication as to how long ago this was) I had to rote learn the 23rd Psalm. Hence, I am still able to recite it from beginning through to end.
A thousand years before Jesus was born, David, King of Israel, wrote this poem/song, which not only described his present situation but also prophetically describes the role of the truly good Shepherd, Jesus (John 10:11). The YHWH of Psalm 23 and Jesus, who is Christ, is without doubt, the same person.
David was a renaissance man, 2000 years before the Renaissance began. He began his working life as a shepherd; then a military hero; an outlaw; a mercenary; (but still a musician); king; founder of Jerusalem and father to a dynasty. Jesus is referred to as being the Son of David (Matthew 1:1; Luke 18:38). David was a complicated genius, yet through all of this, there is the sense that he remained a simple shepherd who wrote poems.
In the 23rd Psalm, David captures the essence of Judeo-Christian thought, relative to our joyful dependence on a loving and personal God who is at once guardian and provider. Within this Psalm, we discover eight covenant names of God and in doing so, we are reminded that Scripture is simply not something to recite, but it is the catalyst for change as the Holy Spirit speaks through His word into our lives. As we come into one of the busiest times of the year, it would be good to spend time in this Pastoral poem.
Year 7 Report
We are continuing our focus on positivity and the importance of building into each other’s lives in Year 7 this term. By building each other up instead of being negative we are creating a safe and sustainable community, one in which students can flourish. The importance of building a community where all students feel they belong cannot be overstated. The students are taught to demonstrate positivity to each other through their actions and words; through finding out things about their peers and by being positive to them, encouraging them and supporting them whenever possible. By focusing on the positive instead of the negative, students are discovering that they are able to achieve more, have better outcomes and create healthier friendships.
The growth of community seen within the College is also extended beyond the College boundaries with the Intergenerational Information Exchange Program continuing this term. Mrs Mare’s Form class attended the latest meeting with students engaging with the seniors at Lakeside Recreation Centre to discuss generational differences and to serve and honour the senior citizens. This opportunity has been extended to all Year 7 forms this year except for Mrs Greenhalgh’s who will be doing it later this year. Working with people you do not normally interact with is a great way to extend the students’ knowledge base and have them develop skills of empathy, social acceptance and interaction.
With less than one quarter of the year to go, students are reminded that they must continue to strive as hard as they can in their studies and efforts for the remainder of the year. This also extends to the uniform and application of this, ensuring standards are met and expectations maintained is a key expectation of a Kennedy student. It is important that students continue to do their best as when they make it to the end of the year they will be satisfied with their efforts and proud of their achievements.
Photos above: Year 7 students during Extended Form activities.
Year 8 Report
It is a pleasure to work with this lovely group of students and to see them grow into mature young adults. They have changed and developed enormously this year and I am looking forward to working with them again next year.
As the year seems to have flown by, we are fast approaching the final exams. These will cover all work taught since Term 2. Any work tested in the Term 2 exams will not be examined again. The exams commence in Week 6 (Thursday and Friday) and Week 7 (Monday and Tuesday).
After the exams, the students will continue to complete different assignments for each subject. It is very important that the students have organised all the relevant work and begin studying, as every subject will also have assignments and other assessments due by Week 5. Please encourage your child to work on these every day as it may seem overwhelming if left for later.
We had a great time last term at Laser Tag and 63 students made the most of a lovely fun opportunity. My thanks to all the staff who attended and to the students who were such fun to be with. My motto is “Seize the Day” and it is wonderful to see students making the most of every opportunity they are offered.
Kennedy offers many overseas trips and I would encourage all parents to attempt to budget for their child to experience one during their time here. The Year 8 students who went to Canberra recently had an unforgettable experience, which has changed them all.
Thank you for trusting us with your lovely children and my prayers are with you as we finish a very busy year.
Photos above: Year 8 students during Extended Form activities.
Year 9 Report
There is a buzz in the air as we approach the end of the year and excitement about the upcoming holidays. I am constantly reminding the Year 9 students about making sure we finish the year off strong in both behavior and in class work.
Exams commence in Week 6 on Thursday 16 November. Students should be revising their work from last term and should have a study plan in place from now leading up to the exams. If your child needs some assistance in setting up a study plan please do not hesitate to contact me at the College and I can assist in getting them started.
Yesterday one of our Form classes had the opportunity to attend their Community Service at St Bartholomew’s House. Students enjoyed interacting with these gentleman and had great conversations.
We are having our Year 9 social event at Bounce in Cannington next Wednesday after school and I am looking forward to a great afternoon of trampolining fun. There is still time for students to sign up and come along by returning their permission slip and paying through our Kennedy website.
Photos above: Year 9 students during Community Service.
Year 10 Report
What a jam-packed term we have just started. Already we have had Awards Night and tonight we have the Year 10 Formal. We are looking forward to a great night at East Fremantle Yacht Club with much dancing, excellent food and an outstanding night being had by all.
Next in this most diverse term of the year is Exams. I encourage all students to begin revising now (if you have not done so already), remembering to prioritise and organise their time. If your child would like some help on study techniques and/or time management please let me know and I can organise an excellent session in the Research and Study Centre to help them on their way.
After exams we have three big events involving the Year 10s. First, we have 11/7s training where all our successful applicants will have intensive mentoring and training on 22 and 23 November culminating with Year 7 Orientation Day on Friday 24 November. Secondly, we have Transition Day on Monday 4 December, where all Year 10 students will have several mini seminars focusing on strategies to help them prepare and cope with the rigors of Upper School and the workplace. Thirdly, the Student Leadership Camp, which involves all 2018 House Captains and Student Councillors will be held from Thursday 30 November where our student leaders have the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills.
I would also like to congratulate all of the Year 10 Award Winners and all those other year 10s that continue to put so much effort into doing their best. This is a very talented year group.
If you have any questions about any of the events mentioned above or for any other reason please do not hesitate to contact me at gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Photos above: Year 10 students receiving awards at the Awards Night.
Year 11 Report
Term 3 finished with twenty students taking part in Community Service at Native Arc’s Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Bibra Lake. The afternoon commenced with a short video outlining Native Arc’s mission and the important work they are undertaking returning animals to health and eventually to their natural environments. Students then helped with weeding and mulching, before having a tour of the facility and an opportunity to handle some of the animals. Not everyone was keen to hold Spot the snake, but a few were brave enough!
At the Awards Night last week, many students were awarded for their fantastic efforts throughout the year. Congratulations to all subject award winners for their continued determination and hard work. Brandon Bailey was the worthy recipient of the P&F award, being commended for his fantastic attitude and his commitment to helping others through Operation Christmas Child. Tara Godin and Matthew Patman received the Dux awards for being the top students in General and ATAR courses respectively.
Shortly, Year 11 ATAR students will complete their Semester Two examinations. Preparation for exams is well underway, with time being spent in Extended Form recently getting ready for the final assessments. I have been very impressed by the positive approach adopted by all students.
We are now starting to look forward to Year 12.The planning process for leavers jackets is well underway, with all students providing their references through a survey and next year’s Student Leaders working on the final design. Students are choosing their groups for next year’s Mentor Program, which involves small groups of students being allocated to a teacher who will mentor and support them academically throughout the year. Plans are also underway for the Year 12 Ball, which will be held at Fraser’s Restaurant in the early part of Term 1 in 2018.
Photos above: Community service at Native Arc’s Animal Rehabilitation Centre.
Year 12 Report
Apart from WACE exams and Graduation the Year 12s have finished for the year. We had a full week last week with students receiving their results and teachers doing last minute revision with classes.
On their last Thursday, the Year 12s came to school dressed as they see themselves in ten years’ time. It was very interesting to see the diversity of choices of careers and occupations. They then met for a pizza lunch with their mentors and this was followed by an afternoon in the Auditorium where the Form Teachers farewelled their classes in an informal setting. There were lots of laughs and some tears after most Form teachers and their Forms had travelled together for the last three years.
Friday started with a delicious breakfast at Tompkins-on-Swan and then the students were bussed back to the College for a whole school assembly where we honoured and farewelled our Year 12s. The Form Teachers gave short talks on different verses from the book of Proverbs in the Bible. I hope the students take on board the practical advice from these talks. Everyone enjoyed the Walk of Honour to the oval and the release of balloons signifying the end of an era for our students and the beginning of the next step in their journey. It was wonderful to see so many parents present at the event and enjoying the wonderful morning tea in the Lower Foyer.
Our last event for the year will be Graduation on Friday 17 November. We have requested students to come to the College at 10am on that Friday morning for a rehearsal. The evening will start with finger food in the Lower Foyer at 6pm, to which each student and two guests are invited. Our Graduation Ceremony will start at 7pm and students may invite as many guests as they like to this event. This will be followed by supper in the Lower Foyer. A photographer will take photos of each student as they walk across the stage and will be available after the ceremony for individual and group photos. Regardless of academic results, all students who finish the year at Kennedy will graduate from the College.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of our students God’s blessings as they finish the year at Kennedy and step out on the next stage of their journey. Thank you to all the parents who have supported our efforts in getting your child to this point.
Click here for more photos about the Year 12 Last Day.
Photos above: Year 12 Mentor Lunch and Last Day.
Year 10-12 Awards Night 2017
On Tuesday 17 October we celebrated our Year 10-12 students. We congratulate all students and acknowledge their hard work and achievements throughout the year. The following special awards were received are:
Year 10 Dux - Emma Patman
Year 11 Dux General - Tara Godin
Year 11 Dux ATAR - Matthew Patman
Year 12 Dux General - Hannah Ogilvy
Year 12 Dux ATAR - Rebecca Thomson
Year 10 Long Tan Award - Eleesha Popkiss
Year 12 Long Tan Award - Tess Meyer
Year 12 Caltex Best All Rounder - Anna Zwitser
Year 12 Sportsperson of the Year Award - Alex Fraser
Year 12 Community Leadership Award - Rachel Clarke
Year 10 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Jaymon Needham
Year 11 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Brandon Bailey
Year 12 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Tian Kruger
Click here for more photos
Photos above: Year 10-12 Awards Night.
College Fees
Unknown Deposit
The following deposit has been made to the College's bank account. Details are as below:
18/09/17 NEBOJSHA FRANICH Nebo Franich Depos
If you have made this deposit please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in our Finance Department on 9314 7722 or email fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Excursion Update
Ben Morton Visits Our Year 10 Students
On Wednesday 11 October the Member for Tangney, Mr Ben Morton, visited the Year 10 Extension Humanities class. He was invited to the class as part of their Politics and Law studies. Mr Morton spoke to them about what he does in Parliament and the sort of attitudes that are needed to be successful. He stressed the view of the role of Government in helping people in striving and aspiring for their goals.
Mr Morton kindly stayed to answer students questions. There was a wide range of questions such as, ‘What do you do on a daily basis?’, ‘Is there anyone in Parliament you like and dislike?’, and ‘How did you get into Parliament?’.
I wish to thank Mr Ben Morton for giving up his time to help the students in their studies.
Mr Mark Burgess
Humanities Teacher
Photos above: Ben Morton's visit to the Year 10 Students.
Sport at Kennedy
Year 8/9 Girls Football Carnival
On Friday 20 October I had the pleasure of taking our Year 9 Girls Fitness class to the Year 8/9 Girls Football Carnival held at All Saints College. East and South Fremantle WAFL clubs run the competition in an attempt to get girls playing football and have fun. In the spirit of the day there was no scoring recorded but games were played with full rules including tackling which the girls were excited and worried about.
It was great to watch the girls do some tackling and I was impressed by their skill level. At the end of the day, I was asked to select five girls who would be invited to play a representative game for South Fremantle. A big congratulations to Zoe Grice, Mikaela Spires, Osian Robertson, Grace Crapper and Sophie Thorne for being selected for this game. It was a great day and all our girls are to be commended for their efforts, behavior and sportsmanship at the carnival.
Mr Scott Britza
Health & Physical Education Teacher
Netball Girls Thriving
Our students played in the Year 7 Super Series at the WA Netball Centre and had the opportunity to meet Natalie Medhurst, a former Australian Netball Player.
Photo above: Girls netball at the WA Netball Centre.
Photo above: Year 8/9 Girls Football Carnival.
State Representatives
Has your child represented WA in sport this year?
We would like to acknowledge students in the 2017 Yearbook who represented the State in their chosen sport. If your child has represented WA this year please send details of the sport, the competition, the result and any other pertinent details to Mrs Mandy Beaurain through email by 31 October. Thank you.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm
* Closed on Friday
* Closed for lunch 12.30pm to 1.00pm
Please contact Mrs Jo Van Der Merwe in the Uniform Shop by either phoning the College (phone 9314 7722) or by email: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Please note that the uniform shop will close on Thursday 30 November.
Please click here for more details about our Uniform Shop.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Kennedy Baptist College commends our students for their hard work and commitment. Kennedy is proud of their achievements and we wish them all the best.
All Stars Basketball
Congratulations to Isaac Grida, Amy Jacobs, Claire Jacobs and Courtney Green who were selected for the ACC teams in the All Stars Basketball Match against the Combined Government Schools team. The games was held on Sunday 15 October at Bendat Stadium. Both the girls and boys teams showed great effort and this was a fantastic opportunity for our Kennedy students.
Tyler Lindorff
Tyler flew to Adelaide early August to begin training with the Australian Team in preparation for the Junior World Track Cycling Championship held in Montichiari, Italy. He was chosen to compete in the Team Pursuit and Individual Pursuit events.
The Australian U/19 Mens Team Pursuit qualified for the finals and finished a close 5th in the world with just seconds separating 1st and 5th placings.
Tyler then competed in the 3km Individual Time Trial and is now ranked 12th in the world and the fastest Australian in this event. An outstanding result for a truly humble sportsman being the youngest competitor from Perth at this event in the track endurance team. His experience of being a part of this high performance team at the ultimate world event will have a positive result on Tyler for the rest of his life and the challenges he faces in both his pursuit for success in sport and chosen career path for future studies at University.
This is an outstanding achievement and Kennedy Baptist College is very proud of his success.
Parents & Friends Association
Stay Connected
Apart from reading about us in the newsletter the best ways to find out about what is happening with the P&F are:
To come along to a meeting. Our next P&F meeting date is set for next year on Tuesday 6 February 2018 at 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge. We have one meeting a term and this is a good opportunity to hear about what is happening in the College. Please email the P&F for more information.
Join our facebook community – Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to find/sell second hand items such as uniforms, text books etc.
Entertainment Book
The Kennedy P&F do a wonderful job raising money for the College. The 2017/2018 Entertainment Book and Membership is availible, please support them by ordering your Entertainment Book here.
Community Events
Parent-Teen Connection. Cost: $50 pp, $75 p/couple. Developing a helpful perspective on adolescence; Handling conflict; and Discipline. Join us on Saturday 4 November 2017 at 9.30am to 4.30pm. Click here for more information.
Our qualified and experienced teachers want to help! Boost student confidence and marks. For current courses please click here.
Year 11 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
Year 12 ATAR Exam Boost Seminars
Target your exam preparation with a one day seminar for $200. Click here for more information.
The University of Notre Dame is hosting an ATAR Advice Day on 21 December. This event is designed to provide one-on-one course counselling in light of students receiving their ATAR results.
Give us a call on 08 9433 0533 or email future@nd.edu.au to book in your visit or presentation, or if we can assist with anything at all.
Postgraduate Information Evening on 8 November. For future students important dates please click here.
For more information and upcoming events, please click here.
Drivewell Driving Academy aims to teach students driving skills that will not only enable them to pass their Practical Driving Assessment, but also establish good habits for safe life long driving. At Drivewell we teach driving in a manual car as we believe this can open up more opportunities in the future for our students.
Adrian Yurisich is an experienced trainer who teaches in a calm, supportive and encouraging manner. He has a proven strategy for success which will take students step by step from a beginner through to a confident driver. Phone Adrian on 0431 657 566 or click here for more information.
Join us for an in-depth look at the ADHD Brain at all ages – from all angles. The ADHD Brain – Science, Strategies and Stories on Saturday 11 November at 8:30am to 4.00pm. The Niche, 11 Aberdare Rd Nedlands. Gourmet lunch and morning tea provided.
For more information, please click here.