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Academic leadership change proposal


Kia ora koutou

Today I presented the Academic Leadership change proposal to the Network Deans and HoPPs which proposes a new structure of ten Centres/Schools in place of our current Pathways and Networks from the beginning of 2019.

The purpose of this change is to create an academic leadership structure which is simpler, flatter, more efficient, and provides greater clarity around the roles and responsibilities of each position. 

A summary of the change proposal including timeline and draft position descriptions can be found here. In short we would introduce ten Head of Centre/School positions, reporting directly to the Executive Dean.

If the proposal goes ahead, this would mean the disestablishment of our current Dean and HoPP positions.

The current Academic Leader roles would be replaced by new Programme Manager roles which will be permanent management positions, including 0.2 FTE teaching time to ensure a close connection with our teaching staff and students. The proposed number of Programme Manager and administration positions will be determined alongside the changes being made with the ATOM project currently.

I want to acknowledge the continued engagement and professionalism of our Deans and HoPPs since announcing our intention to consult on this back in July, and recognise their contribution to the change proposal – thank you. Our Academic Leaders have also been doing an outstanding job. It is important to remember this change is in response to issues with our existing structure and is no reflection on our brilliant staff. Current staff will be considered first for the new positions if they express interest.

I appreciate that many of you may have concerns around the transition from one structure to another and ensuring our students and EER are not negatively impacted. Please be assured that we will not discontinue our current approach in an area until we are certain that we have the necessary knowledge and skills in place for a smooth transition.

We are now inviting you to provide any feedback regarding this proposal by 5pm Thursday 4 October.

Ngā mihi

Merran Davis
Interim Chief Executive