No Images? Click here Vice Provost for Graduate Studies ![]() Wellness Event at the C4C: The Workshop September 27, 2018Dear Graduate and Professional Students,I’d like to introduce you to our new Provost and Senior Vice Chancellor, Dr. Ann E. Cudd. The Provost is responsible for all aspects of academics at the University. She also has a firsthand understanding of graduate studies at Pitt, since she is an almuna who earned a PhD in philosophy and master’s degrees in economics and philosophy here. Last week Provost Cudd stopped by the September meeting of the University Council on Graduate Studies to meet the faculty and student members who are responsible for considering the issues and programs that reflect the broad goals of graduate education across the 14 schools that provide graduate education and training. You can learn more about our new Provost in a video recorded for @Pitt in which she talked about that role and her top priorities for the University. Watch the video. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES AT THE WELLNESS CENTER One of the University’s top priorities is supporting the mental health of our graduate students. The Graduate Studies Office will be providing information about available resources to graduate students and to our faculty and staff who support them. Here are some updates about the Wellness Center. Additional information will be provided in the October newsletter, including an announcement of a Mental Health Resources Panel for Graduate Students to be held on November 1, 2018, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in 2500 Posvar Hall. If you have an idea for a discussion topic, e-mail Nathan Urban at In 2017 the Student Health Service and the University Counseling Center joined forces to become the Wellness Center. How did this benefit graduate and professional students? At the Wellness Center, physicians and therapists collaborate to provide holistic treatment that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional needs of students. Graduate students benefit by receiving improved comprehensive care that may result in early diagnosis of certain disorders and in holistic treatment utilizing support services as appropriate. What expanded or new services does the Wellness Center now offer that would be of particular interest to graduate and professional students? The Wellness Center recognizes the unique needs of graduate students especially in regard to mental health services. As a result, five therapy groups are offered exclusively for graduate students. This fall, a new group is available for graduate students who are parents. The other groups are the Dissertation Support Group, Graduate Support Group (two offerings), and Understand Self and Others Group. View current listings of group therapy options, including meeting times. How long will it take to get an appointment to see a psychologist or a counselor? Through the Wellness Center’s Day-Call service, any student can be seen the day that they walk into the Counseling Center during hours of operation (provided below). The student will meet with a counselor, and together they will determine the next course of treatment, whether it be individual counseling, group therapy, workshops, or a referral to a community therapist. Depending on the needs of the student, an appointment may be scheduled in one to two weeks. Waiting times may increase during busy times in the semester. Is there a limit to the number of psychologist or counseling appointments per student? What happens if I reach this limit and I need to talk to someone? No. There are no session limits. The therapist and student will determine the duration of treatment, which on average is six to seven sessions per student. If it is determined that a student would benefit from frequent or long-term therapy, arrangements will be made to refer the student to a therapist in the community. Care at the Wellness Center will be provided during the transitional period. When a graduate student sees a psychologist or a counselor, will their program director or research advisor find out? No. All visits to the Wellness Center are strictly confidential. Medical and therapy staff are bound by HIPAA privacy rules that prevent them from sharing any information with anyone else without written consent by the student. Many students have academic and/or personal responsibilities from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Are appointments with a psychologist or counselor available after 5:00 p.m.? How about medical services? Counseling appointments are available on Monday and Thursday evenings until 8:30 p.m. Medical services are available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays until 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Note that students who are sick do not need an appointment on Saturday. Additional Information Start with a screening: See how to make an appointment for counseling. Location and Hours: Nordenberg Hall – Wellness Center Thanks to Marian Vanek, Executive Director of the Wellness Center, for her input and guidance as we developed this article. Part 2 will appear in the October edition of the newsletter. INTRODUCING THE DISSERTATION SUCCESS PROGRAM FROM NCFDDThe University of Pittsburgh has just become an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD), an independent professional development, training, and mentoring resource designed to help faculty, postdocs, and graduate students thrive in academia. Their on-demand 12-week Dissertation Success Program and the Discussion Forum are designed to help doctoral candidates finish their dissertation. Graduate students may also find webinars and readings from the Member Library helpful. To enroll and learn more, visit the NCFDD page on the Office of the Provost website. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIESNew National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) Web Page: Graduate Studies is developing resources for students wishing to learn more about the NSF-GRFP application process. At this time, the new Web page contains introductory information about the NSF-GRFP. Visit the NSF-GRFP Web page… SCIENCE 2018 Career Symposium: Exploring Your Passions and Recognizing Your Potential – October 16, 2018, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Dr. Rob Rutenbar, Senior Vice Chancellor for Research, will discuss how doctoral students and postdoctoral trainees can leverage their advanced scientific and analytic reasoning skills to solve challenging problems working in a wide variety of scientific professions. Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to meet and interact with a variety of local professionals from science-related fields who will lead roundtable discussions about career prospects in a range of employment settings, such as academia, industry, and government organizations. A list of employers will be uploaded to the event website soon. Register and learn more... Know Your K: Writing a Successful Career Development Award Application – October 3, 2018, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.: Learn about Career Development (K) Awards offered by the National Institutes of Health, including an overview of the application process and review criteria. Learn more and register at the Center for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Career Development. Hack This. Help Kids. 24-hour pediatric hackathon – October 5–6, 2018, at the Tepper Quad at Carnegie Mellon University: Engage with the best and brightest in medicine, health sciences, engineering, design, software development, and business in an action-packed 24 hours of collaboration. Participants will work with sponsors and mentors to address some of the most challenging health care pain points in the industry. Thomas Tull (founder and CEO of Tulco) will kick off the event, and throughout the hackathon, industry and academic leaders will give mini tech talks. Registration is free; open to all graduate and undergraduate students; and includes admission, meals, prizes, and employer recruitment opportunities. Hosted by the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Foundation in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University. Visit the Hack This. Help Kids. Web site for times, agenda, and to register. The Graduate Student Teaching Initiative at the University Center for Teaching and Learning – Throughout the Year: Information, training opportunities, and support are available to teaching assistants, teaching fellows, and graduate students interested in teaching. Students can earn a credential in pedagogy. LOCAL EVENTS – take some time to get to know Pitt and Pittsburgh Farmers Market – Thursdays, September 27 – November 1, 2018, 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the William Pitt Union Driveway: Purchase fresh food from local farmers and vendors. Pick up lunch from a food truck. Enjoy some fresh air. Learn more… Celebrate International Education Week – October 13–19, 2018: Some highlights are included below, or view the complete schedule of events. University Center for International Studies (UCIS) 50th Anniversary Celebration – Saturday, October 13, 2018, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Cathedral of Learning Commons, 1st Floor: Enjoy an afternoon of international performances, sweet treats from around the globe, children’s activities, and more! Holiday Happy Hour – October 15, 2018, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the William Pitt Union Assembly Room: The Area Studies Centers at UCIS will bring together holiday traditions from around the world to serve as a backdrop for this fun event. Drinks and light snacks will be served; this is an age 21+ event. Speed-Friending – October 16, 2018, 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the William Pitt Union Kurtzman Room: Are you an international student looking to make American friends in Pittsburgh or a native speaker of English interested in meeting people from different cultures? If you’ve ever heard of “Speed Dating,” this is similar. The only difference is that the objective here is to make friends. There will be structured time for short conversations, as well as time for mingling and to enjoy refreshments. Brain Candy Podcast – October 16, 2018, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in the William Pitt Union Assembly Room: The ladies from Brain Candy Podcast, Susie Meister and Sarah Rice, muse about their experiences with reality television, travel abroad, and more. Though perhaps best known for her reality TV show stardom, Pitt alum Susie Meister is well-versed in the global and social issues surrounding displacement. She completed her PhD in religious studies at Pitt in 2014 and now works as a diversity trainer and activist against prejudice. She brings that expertise to her podcast with fellow reality star Sarah Rice from MTV’s The Real World: Brooklyn, as they explore themes ranging from global travel to social media and everything in between. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND RESOURCES Campus Resources Help Newcomers Stay Informed, Healthy, and Connected For new graduate students, getting acclimated to campus life can be challenging. Read this helpful guide. New University Calendar Launches A University Events Calendar has been designed to be the primary resource to share and find events from across participating Pitt schools, departments, and centers. Students can search for keywords, including Graduate Students, your school, or an organization, such as Campus Recreation. Once an event of interest is found, import the information into your calendar, receive email notifications for upcoming events, and invite friends to attend with you. Check out the University Events Calendar… Wellness Resources for Graduate and Professional Students This online brochure highlights resources aimed at keeping you well and healthy so you can stay focused on your educational pursuits. Graduate Study Room Opens The University Library System has opened the PhD Dissertation Writing Room in Hillman Library to any graduate student looking for a quiet environment to pursue their research and writing. Learn more and request access… PhD students who are in dissertation status can still request space in the PhD Carrel Room. Nominate Exceptional PhD Advisors Nominations for the 14th annual Provost’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring are being accepted through October 12, 2018. This award acknowledges graduate faculty members for excellence in the mentoring of doctoral students. View award guidelines and past winners... Nominate Exceptional Teachers Nominations for the Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award are being accepted through October 12, 2018. View award guidelines... OFFICE HOURSMy next monthly office hour is on Wednesday, October 24, 2018, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in 801 Cathedral of Learning. Office hours for the entire fall semester are posted. I welcome the opportunity to answer questions and discuss graduate studies at Pitt. ![]() Nathan Urban Graduate resources: