Ever-improving digital technology has significantly changed the methods of judicial communication. This brings opportunities and challenges for courts, regulators and legal practitioners and consequently impacts access to justice.
This bilateral Symposium, hosted by the UTS China Law Research Group, considers how judges communicate in our technological world and what role the Internet plays in providing access to justice and understanding legal principles. Issues to be considered include how judges, regulators and law practitioners use digital media and other technologies to comment and discuss ideas, help or facilitate juridical communication and improve the existing dispute settlement mechanisms in general.
Major improvements have occurred in recent years in the quality and consistency of Chinese judgment writing, and Guiding
Cases have become increasingly important in the adjudication of commercial lawsuits in particular. Digital technology has significantly facilitated such a process.
The Symposium will bring together Australian judges, academics, legal practitioners and professionals in major IT companies with their Chinese peers for dialogue about improving techniques of legal adjudication in the current digital environment.
Download the program here.