November 2020 News HEADLINESImagine a future of 'Global Public Investment' instead of 'foreign aid'We are excited to announce that Jonathan Glennie, renowned writer & researcher, will present ideas from his soon-to-be-published new book ‘The Future of Aid’, which argues for a paradigm shift away from the concept of ‘foreign aid’ towards the empowering concept of Global Public Investment. His key-note speech will follow our AGM and an afternoon of discussions and presentations focusing on how our sector can up its game to help build the brighter, fairer future we all want to see. The afternoon meeting on 2 December is for all our members – both organisational and individual – as well as our members’ principal partners. If you are not a member and would like to join this meeting, get in touch. Meet your MSP to demand a fair, green recovery that has international solidarity at its heartEarlier this year, we joined over 80 other organisations across Scottish civil society calling for a just and green recovery plan for Scotland. We got behind this campaign because we agree that it is possible to build a better, greener future here in Scotland while supporting people in poverty and crisis across the world. Check out our 2021 Election Manifesto for our vision. Between 4-11 November, people across Scotland are meeting their MSPs online to demand a recovery plan that protects workers, invests in our public services, addresses inequality, and is serious about climate action and international solidarity. So, join in and speak up for a just and green recovery! FOCUS ON CLIMATE2020-21 Alliance photo and film competition open for entries!We think photography and film are powerful tools to raise awareness of how the climate crisis is affecting people across the world, building support for more focused climate action where it is needed most. That's why this year's Alliance photo and film competition is inviting entries focusing on the theme 'the climate crisis from the front line'. We particularly welcome entries from our members and their partners, but our competition is open to all with a link to Scotland. Deadline for entries is 15 March 2021. Join our COP26 planning meetingsIn November we have a range of meetings on specific work areas that will turn our COP26 Strategy into action. From communications planning to developing a climate charter, we need your to help make climate justice a central theme next year here in Scotland. Click on the any of the meetings below to find out more and book your place. OPINIONBeyond the camera lensJo Dallas, Media Officer at Christian Aid Scotland, offers her thoughts on our recent training event 'Ethical and empowering use of imagery' that gave participants the chance reflect on, discuss and develop responsible strategies for the use of images in our sector. Examining Power, Privilege and Pay in our sectorWhat does fair pay mean for international aid and development organisations? Dr Ishbel McWha-Hermann from the University of Edinburgh tells us why she established Project FAIR, an initiative which seeks to share best practice and evidence for what works in addressing fair pay. Want to write a blog or opinion piece for us? Find out more. GET INVOLVEDHub Cymru Africa ResearchOur sister organisation in Wales, Hub Cymru Africa, is researching how digital can support micro-organisations. In this initial phase they are looking to speak to charities who have used digital in innovative ways to support their organisation’s delivery of core services, without a significant digital budget. They would also appreciate signposting to any relevant resources, hubs or contacts. If you can help, please email them directly. Ask your MP to support a new Committee to replace the IDCThe House of Commons Select Committee with the mandate to scrutinise international aid and development - the International Development Committee - is likely to be disbanded as a result of the recent merger. There is no successor yet, although the presumption must be that the Foreign Affairs Committee will inherit the brief. Will you consider asking your MP for a new ODA Committee? IN OTHER NEWSPost-Brexit Trade for Development: An Unfulfilled PromiseFour lessons from Zambia’s emerging debt defaultAidWatch 2020: Concord's latest report an urgent call to action to EU leadersNew UK Aid Match round opens to UK based charitiesUPCOMING EVENTSLeadership and Safeguarding Culture9 November 2020 Organisations are often eager and committed to developing and maintaining a healthy culture, but unsure what this looks like in practical terms. This course will focus on the role of leadership in strengthening safeguarding culture in an organisation. Round-table meeting with Ian Murray MP30 November As part of our on-going political engagement, this round-table informal online meeting will give Alliance members the opportunity to discuss priorities and share ideas with Labour's Ian Murray MP, the Shadow Secretary of State for Scotland. Registered Scottish Charity No. SC035314 |