Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Families,
Kennedy has had a wonderful, smooth start to the year, thank you to all families for such a great start. It has also been very pleasing to see our students so quickly embrace the challenges and opportunities of Kennedy as the academic year commenced and some great outcomes have already been achieved. We look forward to an exciting and productive year of partnering with our students and their families.
It was great to welcome our new Year 7 students and their families to the College last week at our Commencement Ceremony. At this service I reinforced the notion that Kennedy is a community that is built on the partnership between the College and families. There is no doubt that maximising this partnership is a benefit to all our community members. Educational research indicates that higher parent engagement with the school results in higher outcomes achieved by students. I encourage all families to connect with as many College community members as possible throughout the year. One of the ways is to join our Parents & Friends Association.
Parents and Friends Association
The P&F held their Annual General Meeting last night and appointed the following parents to the important office bearer positions of:
President: Renee Puizina
Vice President: Michelle Marshall
Secretary: Peter Gough
Treasurer: Marie Spires
Congratulations on these appointments. We thank you for volunteering to be involved in the leadership of the Association.
Easter Services
A reminder that our College will hold two Easter services this year.
Monday 6 April: Eyre and Forrest families.
Tuesday 7 April: King and Stirling families
Both services will commence at 7.00pm and I would like to emphasise that this is a compulsory event for all students.
Each year we endeavour to make our services different and engaging for families with a focus on the Christian Easter message: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year we have the pleasure of the Lakeside Baptist Church worship team joining our Arts team to present a combined service. The services will be a time of both reflection and celebration of the true significance of Easter.
Mr Mark Ashby
Year 7 Report
What an excellent start to their Kennedy journey the Year 7s have had. Everyone had fun at the Pre-start day and they all experienced their first walk across the stage at the Commencement Ceremony. Our goal at Kennedy for Year 7 is
‘Following a transition journey of participation and belonging, students will develop a sense of identity, safety and confidence in their College community.’
These events and the monumental help of the 11/7s Mentors have led to most of the students starting to feel comfortable in the high school environment and we as a community taking a giant step to fulfilling this goal. I ask that if you find that your child is struggling, please let me know ASAP so we can put additional strategies in place.
We have a number of events coming up in the next few weeks. The Meet the Teachers night will be held at the College from 5.00pm-6.30pm on Thursday 20 February. This will begin in the Auditorium and then move to the Staff Lounge. Our Protective Behaviours Parent Information evening will also be held in the Auditorium from 5.00pm-6.30pm on Wednesday 4 March.
I am looking forward to a fun-filled year where we will see the Year 7s start to become the amazing young adults I know they can be; Striving to do their best, being kind to themselves and others, and asking for help on their journey. May God Bless us all for the year ahead.
Orientation Day photos here
Pre-start Day photos here
Commencement Ceremony photos here
Photo above: Year 7 Pre-start day.
Photo above: Year 7 First day.
Year 8 Report
Our Year 8 students have made a fantastic start to the year. Our overarching goal for the year is that all students will enjoy their time at the College. This can be very tricky in Year 8, as friendships made in Year 7 are often tested by new classes and differing timetables. I am proud to say that every student has met the challenge of a new school year with courage and resilience, and are already making new friends and adapting to the different teaching styles of teachers they have not met until now.
As we continue our journey of discovering God and His plan for our lives, students are taking part in regular devotions in Form. This, coupled with regular prayer means that all students have the opportunity to explore their faith and learn more about the God who loves us all.
We have lots of fun and meaningful activities planned for Extended Form this term, starting with a visit from Nations Youth next week and a House chant-off in preparation for the Interhouse Swimming Carnival the following week. This year we will also be embracing the positive education curriculum, which focusses on student wellbeing and complements our existing Pastoral Care and academic curricula.
It is my vision and prayer for our students that this year, they will come to understand that they are valued by God, by staff at the College and by their peers. I have asked that all students look out for one another and encourage one another as we continue our Kennedy journey.
Year 9 Report
Welcome to Year 9. We have an exciting year ahead with new opportunities and the excitement of a camp coming up in Week 9 this term. Our overarching goal for Year 9 is ‘Who am I?’ and is a chance for students to learn more about themselves. We trust that as the year progresses the students will grow in their understanding of the Christian faith, build and refine their academic skills, develop a friendly year group that celebrates others, develop leadership skills and encourage teamwork, foster social responsibility and discover and develop self-worth. Our Form devotions, social activities, community service and structured Form times as well as Extended Forms will help us to attain these goals. The Councillors and I look forward to planning some fun activities.
The Year 9 Camp will be held at Forrest Edge during Week 9. The girls will attend first from Monday 30 March until Wednesday 1 April while the boys remain at the College and continue with lessons on Monday and Tuesday. The boys will start camp on Wednesday 1 April until Friday 3 April while the girls return to the College for lessons on the Thursday and Friday. More information will be sent out about the camp in Week 4.
I am looking forward to the rest of the year and getting to know the students and parents more as we work together to make your child’s time at Kennedy the best it can be.
Year 10 Report
Welcome parents, guardians and students to Year 10 and welcome to another year filled with opportunities for students to fulfill their potential.
As we enter a new year it is important for us to focus on this stage of the Kennedy journey and understand our part in it. The focus for our year group is titled “where am I going?” and is centered around students becoming aware for themselves of their input into their own lives rather than relying on parents to push and make decisions on their behalf. Throughout the year students will become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and the impact these character traits will have on their futures. Our desire is for students to look at the bigger picture, not just the wider world but the students’ own part within that world – their raison d'être. Within this introspection is a renewed focus on a student’s Christian faith and spirituality; an exposure to different people and various life experiences thereby increasing tolerance
and harmony along with encouraging students to look beyond their own needs and focus on helping others. We want students to become citizens of the globe – not just their own friendship group.
In Year 10 classes have new Form teachers and new goals. The Form goals that we are all going to be focusing on this year include creating a relationship between every student and their Form teacher – the Form teacher being the first staff member students see every day we want the relationship to be positive and beneficial to all students. Other goals include broadening students horizons, consistency, daily check-ins and prayer with each student.
2020 promises to be a fantastic year, one full of prospect and possibility. I wish all students and families all the best for 2020 and look forward to sharing in this year's successes.
Year 11 Report
Welcome to 2020. I hope everyone had a wonderful break over the Christmas holiday.
The students have made a very good start to the year! Our goals for the Year 11 students this year is to help them become responsible members of the community by helping them to develop their character, assertion and an ability to contribute to society. We want to help students to be more self-aware and encourage them to be tolerant as well as respectful to each other and those in authority. During the year students will be encouraged to make informed decisions and aim for excellence, while developing an understanding of how to establish clear boundaries in their own lives. I would love to see them develop independence in character but also to know when and where to seek support.
These goals will be reinforced and looked at again at our Year 11 Transition Camp. The camp will take place on 8 - 9 April at Rottnest. The purpose of this camp is also to enhance the personal growth of each student, aid transition into Senior School and increase social interaction outside their usual group.
Students are given multiple opportunities here at Kennedy and Community Service is one of them. During Term 2 we will venture to the animal shelter, Native Ark where we will assist in taking care of animals and lending a helping hand.
I pray for all students and I know that we will have a wonderful, productive and successful year. I have made it my goal to help all Year 11 students achieve their potential, making the most of their opportunities and positioning them to become successful adults.
Year 12 Report
It’s been a busy start to the year and it’s a little surreal to see my students suddenly walking around as the oldest cohort in the College. Where has that time gone? The ball preparation is in full swing and we are looking forward to an amazing night at Frasers Restaurant in Kings Park this Friday.
I am also noticing that the Year 12s are enjoying the Common Room, this space is exclusive for Year 12 students and it is a place for them to catch up and sit during recess and lunch. Students are also excited about the prospect of soon receiving their leavers’ jacket, this will definitely distinguish them from the lower year groups.
One big focus this year is preparing our students for the transition to life after high school. We will be having a range of external speakers and presentations from staff to give the students as much information about next year as possible. We will also be looking at some key life skills that they will be able to take with them when they leave the College. We will be hearing from ex-students of Kennedy and also having Universities and TAFE coming in to talk about opportunities for next year. As I said to the students on the first day this year, my goal is not that they survive this year but rather that they flourish and be ready to launch into their future with the knowledge they have from their subjects and skills they have learned throughout their time here at Kennedy.
I am looking forward to an amazing year and please feel free to contact me about anything regarding your child in Year 12.
College Assembly Term 1
At last Wednesday's assembly, we welcomed back some of the high achieving graduates from 2019 to present them with Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards. We are very proud of their accomplishments.
We also took the opportunity to award current students for their outstanding final academic achievements for 2019. The top five students in each year group received House Academic Awards and Certificates of Achievement were awarded to students who have demonstrated an excellent standard of work. What a great start to the year! For more photos please click here.
New Technologies Centre Is Well Underway
Since Kennedy commenced in 2013, a master plan for the College campus has been implemented and has resulted in the development of outstanding facilities for our students. Please click here to read more.
Instrumental Music Program
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This year in the Instrumental Music Program, we are thrilled to introduce some new tutors to our teaching staff.
We welcome Carolyn Thomas (Vocals), Rebecca McGregor (Flute), James Calvert (Clarinet/Saxophone) and Anthony Dodos (Trombone) – which is a new instrument for our Music area. There is already a waiting list for several instruments. For those who would like a Term 2 start, please register your interest here.
Easter Orchestra
Expressions of interest are sought from students who may be learning the following instruments outside of school – Clarinet, Violin, Cello, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trombone and Trumpet. We will be forming an Orchestra for our upcoming Easter Services, partnering with Lakeside Baptist Church and our current instrumental music students. Students will need to be at least Grade 2 standard or above on their instruments. Please email Janelle Anthony for more information.
Music Ensemble News
All Music Ensembles recommenced this week and we are so pleased to see the level of interest and enthusiasm from students from all different year levels. The Vocal Ensemble is open to all students and will not require an audition – this group rehearses on Wednesdays after school from 3.20 to 4.20pm in the Auditorium. There is a trial period for the next 2 weeks, so please feel free to ‘check out’ some of these ensembles.
High School Musical Production Update
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After weeks of break and much needed holidays, we started this year’s rehearsals off with two day-camps where we covered all the big iconic scenes you know and love, like Stick To The Status Quo and Start Of Something New.
A highlight of being part of the cast in the High School Musical Production has got to be the photoshoot for advertising the musical. Prior to the shoot, Mr James allowed us the opportunity to bring in our take on our character’s costume and the uniqueness of each of the costumes really depicted the show’s theme of individuality. During rehearsals, it was so fulfilling to see every single cast member working hard, from band members practicing their parts, ensemble and dance members in groups just going over choreography over and over again, all the way to Mrs Anthony with the leads, drilling the more challenging songs into our heads! Have no doubt, we were all singing Bop To The Top for days.
The entire production is coming along well, and I think I can speak for everyone involved when I say “Wildcats, I hope you’re ready to sing along” because the school’s High School Musical Production is something you don’t want to miss!
Megan Petrus-Kasim
Lead Actor, playing Taylor
College Notices
Fees - Secondary Assistance Scheme
The State Government, through the Department of Education, provides financial support to eligible parents through the Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS). The scheme aims to assist low-income families with secondary school costs. Applications close on Thursday 9 April 2020. Please click here to read more.
We are working with Sheryn Films to produce the Kennedy Promotional Short Film and we’re opening submissions for student scriptwriters and actors! It’s going to be a really easy, fun project!
All you need to do is fill out a submission form online and email Sheryn a copy of your script or your audition video (a video of you reading out your own script, or our sample script). Go to the link below to find out more. For more information visit:
Submissions close Friday 13 March!
Art Extension - After School Workshops
Students who would like to join in on some After School Art Workshops are welcome to contact the Arts Office for an application form. Please click here to see more details on times.
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
All students will be competing in the Interhouse Swimming Carnival on Thursday 27 February 2020. This is a compulsory event and students unable to participate must email a medical certificate to the Attendance Officer absent@kennedy.wa.edu.au prior to the carnival. Please click here to download the program.
Tutoring Timetable
The tutoring timetable is now available on the website. Please click here for more information.
Lunch Orders
Beedawong, Kennedy's cafeteria, and dining room has chosen to use Our Online Canteen system to provide an easy and convenient to order your child's lunch. Students may purchase breakfast, recess and limited lunch items over the counter. (Gluten free options are now available).
No lunch orders will be taken after 9.00am and ordered lunches will be served first. Click here for Menu and our Canteen Online website.
Excursion Bags Now Available
The Uniform Shop now has excursion bags for sale. They have a drawstring and are water proof - an excellent addition to the uniform when students are going on excursions. The cost is $20 each.
Uniform Requirements
Please note that an email has been sent to all families regarding our uniform policy. The hair policy has been modified. Please see our Kennedy Handbook for the uniform policy changes here.
Students and parents can access SEQTA’s software, with a free mobile app for SEQTA Learn and SEQTA Engage. iOS and Android versions are available via the App Store. When downloading the app please enter the school URL code as follows:
Volunteering Opportunities
Each year we value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community by helping at the Café, Research & Study Centre, Uniform shop, Sports Carnivals and Open Day. Co-ordination of all our volunteers is coordinated through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are as below:
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
Beedawong Café
Book Covering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.