Stay kind, stay well, stay informed! No images? Click here ![]() Saturday 28 March 2020 Kia ora ,Over the past weeks we have experienced many changes in response to COVID-19. Both of our Unitec Campuses are now closed for at least four weeks and classes will soon be delivered online. As we adjust to learning from home and life in lock-down, we ask you to take care of yourselves, stay connected, and remember that Student Services are still available to you during this time, just delivered remotely. Together we can do our bit to stop the spread of COVID-19. Stay kind, stay well, stay informed, stay home.
Teaching and Learning Online with Zoom and Echo 360Starting Monday 30 March, all classes, where possible, will be delivered via Echo 360 or Zoom. Please check your announcements in moodle to see updates on the way your classes are being delivered. We want to provide the best support for you as you study remotely over the next few weeks. You will have received an email with a survey, please complete this if you haven’t already to help us understand your readiness to study from home. Student Services ALL Student Services can be reached by calling 0800 10 75 10. Student Services will operate during normal operating hours by phone, email, Echo 360 or Zoom while you study from home. See how you can access Student Services below. Te Puna Waiora Health and Counselling ServicesTe Puna Waiora Medical Centre will continue to provide services throughout the Alert Level 4 lock-down, as an essential service, and will take appointments by phone only. To make a booking call 0800 10 85 10. The medical centre will not accept walk ins. Consultations with the Nurse or Doctor and counselling services will be by phone or Zoom. Library & InformationOur Library and Information team will be delivering services remotely. If you have an overdue library book, the due date has now been extended. If you have library related queries, general queries, or need to contact a member of our student services, contact the team on 0800 10 75 10, via email, or Libchat. Student Learning & AchievementWhether you require help with structuring an essay, referencing, maths, or more, our Learning Advisors are taking appointments over Zoom or phone. Book an appointment by calling the Library & Information team. Subject LibrariansOur Subject Librarians can guide you to find resources relevant to your course online via the Unitec Library website and various other online databases that you can access from home. Book an appointment by calling the Library & Information team on 0800 10 75 10 or click here. Student Support AdvisorsOur Student Support Advisors will continue to provide support to students experiencing hardship or challenges affecting their studies,. The team can also help with informal complaints or feedback. All appointments will be via phone or Zoom. Contact the team on 0800 10 75 10 who will arrange an appointment for you. International SupportThe International Team can still support your questions related to Visa, Insurance, Homestay or general information by phone. You will need to make an appointment which you can do by calling 0800 10 75 10 or click here. Disability Support ServicesOur Access Coordinators and disability support services will still continue during the lock-down period. Our Access Coordinator's will be available via phone, video, or email for any enquiries. Please note: note taking services will be suspended until further notice however please contact the team if you still have queries. Please email us if you have any pressing concerns around what support will look like for you during this time. Career DevelopmentOur Career Development Team is continuing to support you whilst our campuses are closed. They are providing the full range of services through a variety of platforms and will work with you to find the best method of contact.Book an appointment by calling the Library & Information team. Spiritual & Religious SupportOur Volunteer Chaplains support Unitec students and staff of all faiths, as well as those of no particular faith. Our Chaplains are non-judgemental of personal lifestyles and here to assist everyone. If you require spiritual or religious support contact the team by calling +64 9 815 4321 ext 7208 or via email. Stay ConnectedWe endeavour to keep you updated and informed as information comes to hand through our channels. Please like and follow our pages @UnitecStudents Facebook and Instagram also for upcoming information and tips on living in lockdown. Kia kaha Unitec Students |