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February 2019

Chris McDonough to talk about eastern Eyre Peninsula mallee seeps and soaks at Rudall
Restoring soil pH in the Cleve Hills and lower Eyre Peninsula
Group fox baiting distribution days
Pest animal and weed management in drought-affected areas
Utilising the feed base in a mixed farming business
SANTFA provide free bus for Eyre Peninsula farmers
Coming events


20 - Mallee seeps and soaks workshop @ Rudall
26 - Restoring soil pH workshop @ Cummins
27 - Restoring soil pH workshop @ Cleve

Please contact Mary Crawford to RSVP or for futher information on any of the three workshops listed above: mary.crawford@sa.gov.au


- SANTFA Conference, Tanunda | E: admin@santfa.com.au   

5 - SPAA Precision Ag Expo, Cummins |E. nicole@spaa.com.au

15 - LEADA Expo, Ungarra | E:  leadaexec@gmail.com

18 – 22 - EPARF Farmer meetings

6 -
Growing Together @ Streaky Bay

13 - Growing Together @ Cowell

Please contact Lain via email mentallyfitep@gmail.com or follow on Facebook.

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Chris McDonough to talk about eastern Eyre Peninsula mallee seeps and soaks at Rudall

Farmers are invited to a workshop at Rudall on Wednesday 20 February to discuss the impact of seeps and soaks on their land management and productivity.

Chris McDonough, from Insight Extension for Agriculture, has been working with farmers in the South Australian Murray Mallee researching the causes of seeps and conducted trials and demonstrations to understand how to manage these sites. Mallee seeps have been of increasing concern in the region for many eastern Eyre Peninsula farmers in recent years, leading to some of our most productive ground becoming saturated and unproductive. However, the full extent of seeps and soaks and their impact on production is unknown.

Following the workshop a survey will be sent to land managers in the eastern Eyre Peninsula to gain a better understanding of the impact and spread of seeps in the region. Please register for the workshop by calling Mary on 0407 187 878 or email mary.crawford@sa.gov.au

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Restoring soil pH in the Cleve Hills and lower Eyre Peninsula

This year the ‘Restoring Soil pH’ program has expanded to assist farmers in the Cleve/Mangalo Hills (with red brown earth soils - at risk of soil acidification). To reverse the acidification trends on these soils, land managers can have a paddock mapped, then work out the cost of soil acidity on their production. The first workshop open to attend is Wednesday 27 February.

Lower Eyre Peninsula farmers, with predominantly the ironstone soils and siliceous sandy soils, are also invited to register for a Restoring Soil pH workshops at Cummins Tuesday 26 February.
Farmers involved in previous soil pH workshops have seen great benefits. Although most farmers have only begun pH mapping in the last 1-2 years understanding the variation of soil pH across their paddocks has been worthwhile. Many stated that they did not realise that their pH levels were quite that low.
Benefits include:

• Land managers can automatically vary lime rates from pH maps with their spreader or manually apply variable rates by switching spreader on and off as they pass into different pH zones.

• Large savings achieved by applying variable lime rates to match variations soil type and pH levels.

• Updated pH maps correlate with yield maps.

• decision making techniques for your worst pH paddocks.

Half day workshops will be held at Cummins on Tuesday 26 February and Cleve Wednesday 27 February. Placed are limited. To register please contact Brett Masters on 0428 105 184 or email brett.masters@sa.gov.au

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Group fox baiting distribution days

During late February and March free fox baits are available at conveniant local distribution days to eligible land managers across Eyre Peninsula. Not only will Natural Resources EP staff will be on hand to discuss property baiting programs, but they are also there to discuss other weed control and stockwatering issues etc that you may have.

Like to have your mobile phone number added to a text message reminder list? Let your local NRM Officer know and you'll be added to the reminder txt msg service. See when your nearest distribution day is being held by visiting: www.naturalresources.sa.gov.au/eyrepeninsula/get-involved/events/1902-all-ep-fox-baiting-dates

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Pest animal and weed management in drought-affected areas

Natural Resources EP (NREP) have received funding from the Australian Government’s ‘Pest Animal and Weed Management in Drought-Affected Areas’, through Primary Industries and Regions SA, to support activities to reduce weed incursions and reduce grazing pressure by rabbits in drought-affected areas on Eyre Peninsula.

NREP are seeking 'Expressions of Interest' from land managers who have rabbit warrens on their property, either active or inactive, and who are prepared to undertake warren destruction activities to limit the opportunity for rabbits to re-establish while at historic low numbers.

African Lovegrass is an emerging weed issue on Eyre Peninsula, impacting on both productive farm land and native vegetation.  NREP would also like to hear from land managers who have African Lovegrass on their property and are interested in undertaking a control program, in conjunction with NREP.

Incentives will be offered to landholders based on the contribution that they are prepared to contribute.

Register your interest with Natural Resources EP  – Ceduna call 8625 3144, Streaky Bay call 8626 1108, Cleve call 8628 2077 or email DEW.NREPAdmin@sa.gov.au

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Utilising the feed base in a mixed farming business

Expressions of interest sought on Eyre Peninsula.

Are you interested in undertaking a whole of farm package that addresses the management and matching of different feed sources with animal requirements? We are about to start a program called 'Utilising the feed base in a mixed farming business', which includes six workshop/field based sessions over the year, along with 15 hrs of personal consulting time for each farm business? GRDC is funding a 12 month program that brings together key aspects of the Grain and Graze project.

INVESTMENT: At this stage, the investment per business for the whole 12-month program is $1800 (multiple participants per business are encouraged to attend)

LOCATION: Workshop venue will be tailored depending on level of interest

CONTACT: For more information on the program and to register interest contact: Jessica Crettenden email jessica.crettenden@sa.gov.au call 0428 103 792 or Naomi Scholz email naomi.scholz@sa.gov.au call 0428 540 670. For more information visit: https://eparf.com.au/

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SANTFA provide free bus for Eyre Peninsula farmers

SANTFA's Annual Conference will be held on Friday 1 March at the Barossa Arts and Convention Centre in Tanunda. The conference brochure, including registration form, can be found at: www.santfa.com.au/wp-content/uploads/Conference-2019-brochure-art.pdf

SANTFA is providing a FREE bus from the Eyre Peninsula. The bus will leave the EP on Thursday 28 February and return on Sunday 3 March. Pick-up locations will be determined by demand and will be advised in the coming weeks. All attendees will need to organise their own accommodation.

If you'd like to be on the bus, please send your name and closest town to Leighton Pearce email leighton@santfa.com.au or SMS 0427 688 028.

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This Regenerative Agriculture Project is supported by the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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