![]() Sid Shares #6SidShares Hi All! Here is my sixth monthly dose of “Sid Shares.” A list of what I’m enjoying and exploring. November was hugely interesting, full of challenge and packed with learning. A really tough month but definitely one that nudged my life along in a positive way. For the month of December I’m going to dedicate it to anticipation. Here’s a selection of what keeps me curious and the anticipation of better… Change is not easy. Not for anyone. There’s a great saying I heard years ago that nobody likes change other than a wet baby! How true is that. Change is inevitable and is in everything that we do, we say and how we react. How we behave to change determines how rewarding our lives become. Sometimes the greater the change the greater the learning, and sometimes the most rewarding it is too. So in anticipation… I recently finished reading Happier: Can you learn to be Happy? by Tal Ben-Shahar. If you want a down to earth self-help book then this is for you. It provides straightforward guidelines for integrating habits of gratitude and accepting negative emotions into daily life. It’s an absolute cracker. It’s grounded in “positive psychology” and ingeniously combines scientific studies, scholarly research, self-help advice, and spiritual enlightenment. If you’re looking for a Happy Festive Gift then this is a must buy. And have a watch of this Be Happier: How to Enjoy Lasting Change with Tal Ben-Shahar for a quick burst of what it entails. In my third book ‘Meee in a Family Minute’ minute 00:10 is called ‘Be a Tourist Every Day’. The chapter starts with a quote from Jawaharial Nehru (the first Prime Minister of India) – “We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open”. I go on to talk about being a tourist every day is not just about deciding to visit new places, it’s also about doing new things, meeting new people and discovering new ideas and ways of looking at the world. Plus, it’s about deliberately exploring your life as it is right now, and viewing it through fresh eyes. This December be a tourist for the day and do some discovering around you. And if you do let me know by sending a tweet to @madgesid ☺ Someone I’ve just started following… I recently came across the wonderful Esther Wojcicki and the awesome story of how she raised her three daughters - two CEOs and a doctor! These Are My Secrets to Parenting Successful Children is by Esther Wojcicki and it’s well worth a read. It’s not easy being a parent or a child but these tips are definitely a jump in the right direction.
A poem I adore… If you would like to, please give me feedback on Twitter. Which article above is your favorite? What would you like more or less of? Any other suggestions? Please let me know! Just send a tweet to @madgesid and put #6SidShares at the end so I can find it. Here’s to a wonderful festive December and the anticipation to what it will bring and for 2020. Happy festivities to you and yours. ![]() |