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Matariki: an opportunity to connect


Tēnā koutou katoa

Matariki, the Māori New Year, is upon us. It’s a time for reflection, celebration and planning. I’m proud that we’re celebrating this special time at Unitec with a range of events and activities, organised by our Matariki committee.

As our Māori students are one of our priority groups, I encourage you to take this opportunity to bring your team along to learn about and connect with Māori culture: the language, beliefs and tikanga (way of doing things). There are events planned across both campuses from today until 5 July.

Our final event, on Friday 5 July, is the official launch of our Māori Success Strategy and the re-launch of the Pacific Success Strategy in our beautiful wharenui, Ngākau Māhaki. Toni Rewiri, Director Māori Success and Dr Falaniko Tominiko, Director Pacific Success will be presenting the strategies, providing a bit of background on why and how they were developed, and giving you an idea of how we can all contribute to the success of our Māori and Pasifika students.

Following the strategy presentations, we’ll enjoy a screening of the 15-minute short film Te Iwa o Matariki, then we’ll head over to Manaaki (the wharekai) to share some light refreshments. I hope to see many of you next Friday.

Check out the article on the Nest for the rest of our Matariki programme, which includes raranga whetū (weaving stars), a guided hikoi and an art and design exhibition.

Ngā mihi

Glenn Mckay
Te Tumu & Executive Director Student Success