Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Welcome to Term 3, we trust that everyone had a wonderful holiday and are now ready to continue embracing the ongoing opportunities at Kennedy. Term 3 promises to be an exciting term with many major events on our term calendar. As we start a new semester I would like to reinforce the mission and values of Kennedy that maximize the learning experience at the College. Kennedy Baptist College endeavours to the very best of its abilities to provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context. In doing so the needs for lifelong learning are also addressed. All staff at Kennedy are committed to this mission through our Christian ethos and the values of: Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth and Service.
Over the semester break our students have had some wonderful occasions to reinforce these values. Our Year 11 students involved with the Cambodia Connect mission trip had the opportunity to experience very personal service opportunities whilst sharing with primary school students in Phnom Penh. Also, 38 Year 10 students had the chance to extend their boundaries and develop new skills skiing in Queenstown New Zealand. Thank you to our staff who gave up their personal leave to be involved in these tours.
We look forward to sharing more opportunities during the Term 3 journey together.
Mark Ashby
Over the school holidays my husband, Mr Mark Burgess, (along with Mr Wendell Pether and Mrs Barbara Meadows) led a group of Year 11 students on a trip to Cambodia. As part of this ongoing relationship with Cambodia Connect, the team visited Angkor Wat, Siem Reap and the Killing Fields, Phnom Penh. Both are significant sites, which have come to define Cambodia, both nationally and internationally.
Australia has its own touchstones. The First Fleet arrival at Port Jackson, 1788; the Eureka Stockade, 1854; the ANZACs arriving at Gallipoli, 1915; and the Mabo decision, 1992. Each of these events in some way, help to define Australia.
Then there are those events in our own lives, which may have not even seemed significant at the time, but which, when we look back, we realize that our lives changed course because of a choice made. For me, it was moving to Australia. Out of that single decision my life totally changed. Yet that life changing decision came out of a decision I made as a 5 year old, when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. It is that decision, made 47 years ago (yep, you can do the math), that is my touchstone. It is how I define who I am. Yes, I am a woman. Yes I am a Kiwi. Yes, I am married. But first and foremost, I am of Christ.
“Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.” (St. Patrick, 5th Century).
Save the date for Father's Day Breakfast
* Grandfathers are welcome to come along.
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP via email to Mrs Janet Hair at jhair@kennedy.wa.edu.au before Friday 28 August 2015.
Drama Showcase
Image: "Toad of Toad Hall" Performers
On Tuesday 30 June 2015, Drama students from Years 8 to 12, participated in the bi-annual Drama Showcase evening. Students performed a variety of scripted drama excerpts, short plays and monologues.
Amongst the pieces performed were excerpts from “Toad of Toad Hall”, “Back to the 80’s” and “A Crazy Story” by Year 8 students. Scene excerpts from, “Charlie and The Chocolate Factory”, performed by the Year 9 Drama students. Selections of published scripted monologue pieces were performed by Year 11 students. Stage 3 WACE Drama students in Year 12, wrote and performed their own Original Solo Performance pieces in preparation for their practical exam at the end of Term 3.
The night was a huge success with much laughter and support from the audience. It is always great for Drama students to perform in front of a live audience and many of the students gave feedback after the event, that they felt more confident about public performance and they enjoyed the experience.
Congratulations to all the students that performed and helped out on the evening! Also, well done and a special thanks to Year 12 Drama student, Jack Wilson, who was an excellent MC for the night.
Ms K O’Malley
Drama Teacher
South of Swan Festival
Last term Dance students from Years 8 to 12 all performed at the 2015 South of the Swan Dance Festival. The dancers performed over two nights with an array of performances from different genres. Congratulations to all students involved on a fantastic dance festival.
Miss Lara Casella
Dance Teacher
Images: Kennedy Performers - 2015 South of the Swan Dance Festival
Year 12 Solo
Friday 21 August
Kennedy Baptist College Auditorium
6.30pm– 7:45pm
A night of Solo Dance and Drama pieces showcased by the Year 12 students in preparation for their practical WACE examinations.
Come along to support them and be entertained. Entry is free.
Kennedy Wins 2015 SAS Competition
From left to right: Oliver Parry, Lachlan Bennett, Terrence Ng, Isabel Chew, Lukkika Worathipromma (May), Samantha Dunbar, Rebecca Boni, Brittany McGrath, Sonya Moyes. Not in photo- Daniel Withers, Isaac Davison, Eveline West
After fantastic efforts throughout Term 1 & 2 of Interschool SAS sport we are pleased to announce that Kennedy Baptist College has finished overall victors of the Associated and Catholic Colleges Southern Associated Schools (SAS) competition.
Since joining the Association and it's competition in 2013, Kennedy has been successful in winning the competition each year. This is due to the high standards our students set. We are proud of our Kennedy students’ performances and the way they present themselves to other schools throughout the competition. Kennedy teams have excellent sportsmanship and our students are simply nice young men and women. Congratulations to all players on a fantastic result this year!
Teams and their Most Valuable Players
Boys Volleyball A - Daniel Withers
Boys Volleyball B - Isaac Davison
Girls Volleyball A - Eveline West
Girls Volleyball B - Brittany McGrath
Girls Badminton - Isabel Chew
Boys Badminton - Terrence Ng
Girls Netball A - Rebecca Boni
Girls Netball B - Lukkika Worathipromma
Girls Netball C - Sonya Moyes
Boys AFL - Lachlan Bennett
Girls Soccer - Samantha Dunbar
Boys Soccer - Oliver Parry
Boys Handball - Kieran Tifflin
Miss J Kennedy
SAS Sport Coordinator
P&F Update and Meeting
Bricks were delivered and paved over the school holidays.
P&F Meeting
Just a reminder that the next P&F meeting will be on 28 July 2015, 7.00pm - 8.00pm at our Staff Lounge.
Open Day Help Request
On 29 August 2015, Kennedy Baptist College will open its doors to the wider community for Open Day.
We are still looking for volunteers to help in preparation for that day. A more detail email will be sent next week.
Please email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com for any enquires.
Beedawong Term 3 Menu
Our exciting Term 3 menu is now available. Chicken Adobo (chicken with soy) and rice is one of our delicious and exciting additions this term . More
After School Tutoring Sessions
Term 3 Tutoring Sessions are available for all students to attend at no additional cost. More
College Fees
Family Statements were posted to all families in the second week of the school holidays
Repairs to Laptops: All outstanding and current charges have been applied to your Statement where necessary - separate invoices will no longer be issued
Extra Charges: If extra charges have been added due to subject changes, laptop repairs, camps etc please make a one off payment to cover the charge.
Please check for any payments missed as we have unknown deposits which have been advertised in previous newsletters not yet claimed.
For Term & Semester payments (Option 2 and 3) Fees are due Friday 31 July. If you had yet to make these overdue payment, the fees can be paid by BPay, eftpos, cheque or cash
For Monthly payments (Option 4) please check that the fees have been deducted each month from February - June
Please refer all queries regarding the statement to Mrs Gillian Wood on 93147722 or email fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Upcoming Events
The list below shows the upcoming events for the next 2 weeks. Please visit our website for more dates and events
Friday 24 July
Year 11 Physics Tournament of Minds
Tuesday 28 July
Kennedy Enrichment & Extension Testing 8.45am -11.00am
Wednesday 29 July
Year 10 Humanities Excursion
Year 9 Community Service
Thursday 30 July
Australian Mathematics Competition
Year 12 Business Management Excursion
Monday 3 August
Lower School Basketball Carnival- Boys
Tuesday 4 August
Lower School Basketball Carnival- Girls
Year 7 AFL Fremantle Dockers Cup
Wednesday 5 August
Aurecon Bridge Building Competition - Year 9 Mechatronics
Thursday 6 August
French Tour Preparation Classes
Year 11 River Cruise
2016 China Cultural Tour
Come along to find out more and obtain an Expression of Interest form.
Information Night Tuesday, 11 August 2015, 7:30pm in the -6pm, Staff Lounge
Community Events
We accept notices from parents, and advertisements from local companies and businesses for a small fee and reserve the right to accept the application for advertisement to be placed in the Newsletter or Notice board. Please email news@kennedy.wa.edu.au for more information
UniHall Open Day Breakfast
Experience first-hand the vibrant community present at the Hall and take a tour with our ambassadors to hear their personal stories and to see the rooms for yourself. More
Lakeside Fitness Centre
Would you like an individual program tailored to your needs?
Is it time to improve your appearance,health, sports performance?
Do you find it hard to motivate yourself to be active?
Are you fed up of feeling tired and stressed with no energy?
Have you reached a plateau with your training and need to boost your exercise regime with something new?
Then come and get 1:1 tuition and support with 1 of our 4 personal trainers.
Please sign up at reception or the gym and a personal trainer will call you
No obligation to purchase further personal trainer sessions
you don’t need to be a member of the fitness centre to take up this offer. Click here for the list of Trainer