Message from the Principal
Photo above: Year 12 Last Day.
Dear Parents and Families,
It was wonderful to celebrate two significant milestones at Kennedy last week. This included our awards night for Year 10-12 students and the farewelling of our Year 12 students on their last official day. Awards Night provides a great opportunity to acknowledge the hard work of all students and a wide range of awards were presented across both curricular and co-curricular aspects of achievement. It was great to see so many families join us for this celebration. We now look forward to our Year 7-9 Awards Night on Tuesday 26 November where similar acknowledgments and celebrations will take place.
The last day for our Year 12 students provided a great opportunity to honour these students and reflect on their significant contribution to Kennedy. It was not surprising to see tears from students, parents and staff as we farewelled this special group of students. Kennedy prides itself on the care and support it provides and this was certainly reinforced by the heartfelt messages delivered by their teachers. Our final opportunity to farewell the Year 12’s will occur on Friday 15 November at their graduation night. This too, promises to be a great occasion.
Year 11 Examinations and 2020 preparation
As the weeks of Term 4 pass quickly, examinations for Year 11 students are now approaching. These students have only a week of formal classes before their examinations commence. I encourage all these students to have a well-organised study program in place as they prepare for these important assessments. Achieving the best possible grades now will certainly help to ease any pressure next year.
All Year 11 students have been informed that they will be expected to attend classes for the day immediately after exams. This will provide staff an opportunity to review semester results and provide students with preparation packages for 2020. Our goal is to prepare all students for Year 12 as best as possible.
Mr Mark Ashby
Year 7 Report
Our final term for the year has approached so quickly. It has been wonderful to see our Year 7 students transition into wearing our summer uniform once again with such pride and care. As a year group, we are focusing on our growth and integrity during Extended Form. This started with our presentation on self-talk and the power of ‘Yet’. At times our habitual thinking takes over and how we feel about a situation can have a very real and significant impact on how we react. This is referred to as common thinking errors and we can at different times in our lives switch to these. We then encouraged our students to challenge the way in which they self-talk by adopting three steps: firstly to take note of your inner voice, secondly challenge your thought patterns and finally change your self-talk. We encompassed these in the growth mindset philosophy of Dr Carol
Dweck, from Stanford University, who has researched the differences between a fixed and a growth mindset in education. It is when we change the way we think about events that we can then change the way we feel about them. Therefore, we encouraged our students to approach their dreams with energy that says, I can, I will, and I am deserving. Not only are the students more likely to achieve them, but they will also enjoy the journey to get there.
We also held a special assembly last Friday, where the Form teachers recognised the positive attributes of a number of students. It was wonderful to see the shock and joy in their faces when their names were called out. Form teachers and I are very proud of all our students and we feel that it is so important to acknowledge all contributions to our year group, big or small. Congratulations again to all the students who were recognised.
Elections for our 2020 Student Council have been met with great enthusiasm and each student elect will be a fine young leader. We look forward to supporting them as they represent their peers.
On a final note, I would like to encourage all students to continue doing their best at all times to ensure that they maintain a positive mindset both in the classroom and in their interactions with others around the campus.
Year 8 Report
As we move towards the end of 2019, it has been great to see how the Year 8s have settled into their classes and friendship groups. They have gained confidence over the past two years at Kennedy and have shown a growing maturity.
All students are currently involved in the annual Champions Read event run by the Research and Study Centre. Champions Read is such a worthwhile program and I hope that parents are encouraging their child to read as much as possible during these four weeks. Reading has been proven to help students in every area of their lives and as an English teacher, I have seen how important reading is to academic progress in all subjects. We have a fantastically stocked Research and Study Centre at Kennedy and the staff are always available to help students find a book that will appeal to them.
We have two more community service events this term to the Opal Care facility at St Ives Retirement Village. These are always enjoyed by the students who attend. The Year 8s will also be involved in running our next College assembly in Week 4 and some of the seniors from the Opal Centre will be in attendance.
In Week 6 the Year 8 students will have their second round of exams. I do hope that they will feel less stressed this time. The best way to lessen stress is to be well prepared, so parents could encourage their child to start revising and making notes now for each of their subjects. Please ensure that your child is eating well, getting enough sleep and doing some exercise. Limit time spent on their devices, especially social media, which can be a huge distraction in their lives.
Photos above: Year 8 Students reading and taking part in Champions Read.
Year 9 Report
Watching the Year 12 students enjoy the guard of honour for our Year 12s, it struck me that in three years’ time the current Year 9 students will be doing the exact same walk. When the 12s were walking through, there were showers of positivity, compliments and congratulations for a job well done and for their efforts exerted throughout their six years at Kennedy. I would encourage our Year 9 students to extrapolate their futures to this same point and think of how they will feel. Will they be satisfied with their work? Will they be proud of their achievements and will they be accepting of compliments for their hard work? Or instead, will there be a nagging feeling that they could have done more and tried harder. My encouragement to all Year 9 students is to look forward to
their futures and see where they are going and knuckle down in their efforts so that when it is their time to be congratulated for a job well done it can be accepted with open arms and felt like it is truly earned.
Year 9 exams are scheduled for Week 6 this term and now is the perfect time for students to begin their preparation. Creating a study routine, studying small amounts of each subject every evening, ensuring work they don’t know or cannot understand is brought to their teacher's attention are all ways that can help students to improve their results. As always, we are not expecting ‘A’ grades from all students; instead we expect our students to achieve their potential and realise what they can achieve. Please encourage your child to ensure they are preparing adequately for their exams.
Our new student councillors have planned a social for Year 9 students to celebrate the end of term. The social will be held at Laser Corp in Bibra Lake and will cost $25, which includes transport to and from the venue along with 1.5 hours of gameplay. Students are encouraged to attend the social and engage with their peers in an alternative setting, reinforcing friendships and promoting positive relationships. Spaces are limited and information has been emailed to parents, please encourage your child to attend.
Year 10 Report
We are all looking forward to the Year 10 Formal dinner tonight, with 147 students attending. The student councillors have been decorating the venue this afternoon and organised great prizes for several catagories such as the most active and enthusiastic dancer and much much more!
The Awards Night went exceptionally well, and I was impressed with the behaviour of the Year 10 students who attended. Congratulations to Nicholas Payne, who was delighted with his Long Tan award, which he richly deserves for his commitment to the College, and we are very proud of our Year 10 Dux, Joshua Thomas Ninan. Steph Dober received a well-deserved P&F Award for her positive contribution to her Form class. Well done to all the award winners.
We are now participating in Champion’s Read. The College campus was quiet during Extended Form yesterday as students from Year 7 to 10 took out a book to read. We hope that all parents will encourage their children to develop good reading habits which will be very beneficial for them.
With the exams just around the corner, I hope that most students have begun their revision, 30-minutes a day, increasing as the exams get closer. This will help remove the pressure! I also encourage students to attend tutoring which is available after school.
With the year coming to an end, I ask again that students make the most of their final days in Year 10 and embrace every opportunity they are given.
Year 11 Report
Reflecting at the end of Term 3, our Year 11 students had their last social activity of the year, the River Cruise. It was a great night on the MV James Stirling filled with fun and dancing. The highlights on the night were students getting all dressed up, the photo booth with unlimited photos and the opportunity to enjoy some social time outside of College. Halfway through the cruise, we picked up Crust pizzas and Krispy Kreme, which the students enjoyed on the return journey from Fremantle. A big hit was the dance floor where students spent the majority of the night.
Last week we watched as our Year 12 students finished off their College years, we celebrated with them while also recognising that this time next year, it will be us! As we get closer to the end of the year, our 11s will commence their end-of-year exams and we are in full swing planning the Year 12 Ball, which will be held at Fraser's Restaurant at Kings Park on Friday 14 February 2020. It is an exhilarating time for our students as their turn comes for this significant College event. We are finalising all the details which will be sent out to parents shortly.
Although it is starting to sink in that our Year 11 students are nearing the end of their College days, we realise there is still so much to do and a lot of hard work before the final count down. I want to encourage students to give their best and finish off the year well.
Photos above: Year 11 River Cruise.
Year 12 Report
What an exciting but crazy last few weeks it has been for the Graduating Class of 2019. It started with revision and Mock exams for the ATAR students and the finalisation of assessments for the General students. On their return to College, then the ‘lasts’ began.
On the final SAS/PE class, we had a BBQ, games and a slip and slide on the oval where everyone had a great time. Then during Extended Form on Wednesday, we had Form farewells which were very emotional for staff and students alike. On Thursday, we saw the Year 12s come dress up as what they planned to be in 10 years' time. I was very impressed with their creativity and execution. They all looked great. At lunchtime everyone said goodbye and thank you to their mentors.
Friday, the last day of Year 12, was spectacular! We started with an excellent breakfast at Tomkins on Swan, moving out onto the grassed area where photos started being taken. We then came back to College for the final Year 12 assembly where the Form teachers and I gave some heartfelt advice and then finished off the proceedings by dancing our hearts out. Thank you Form teachers for giving your all for the last three years!
Students then received an honour guard from the rest of the student body and were showered in confetti. Finally, a morning tea was had with parents and staff in the Lower Foyer.
I want to thank the Year 12s for being such a great group of young adults and celebrating enthusiastically and safely. I wish them well for the future and pray that their lives be fruitful and fulfilling. Oh the places you’ll go!
Click to view the photos of the Year 12 dress-up day and the Year 12 last day at Kennedy.
Photos above: Year 12 dress up day.
Photos above: Year 12 last day.
Kennedy Laptops Saving Rhinos in Zambia
Kennedy recently donated some old desktops, laptops, speakers, projectors and network switches to an organisation involved in wildlife conservation in Zambia. These items were well received and will go a long way to assist with training rangers with technology to help in their anti-poaching efforts. The items will assist with:
Upskilling team leaders to write patrol reports
Teaching operation room staff about data entry so that relevant information like poaching incidents, snaring traps or even animal sightings can be logged
Desktops for operation room staff so they can track patrol teams out in the field as well as receive and track the GPS information from the animal tracking collars
Projectors to run PowerPoint lessons when upskilling rangers as well as delivering mission orders to patrol teams
Laptops and projectors to assist the community engagement teams
Only two of the 15 senior rangers under training have ever touched a computer before. It is good to see our old equipment put to good use.
Mr Ken Lee
IT Manager
Photos above: Wildlife conservation in Zambia working on the laptops Kennedy donated.
Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a project that aims to provide a gift-filled shoebox to children around the world, who may be affected by war or poverty, to brighten their Christmas and spread a message of love. Since 1993, 168 million children in more than 100 countries have received shoeboxes.
A huge thank you to everyone in our Kennedy Community who contributed to this year’s Operation Christmas Child project. The boxes were sorted by our House Captains after school last Friday. It was evident that this was a rewarding experience for these students, as well as every student across the College who brought in a gift or donation, giving them a tangible way to bring love and happiness to others. In total, we filled 131 boxes and raised $730 towards the cost of postage of these boxes ($10 per box is needed). There will be a free dress day later this term with some of the money raised on that day also going towards this cost.
Once again, a big thank you to everyone who helped make this project so successful.
Mrs Claire Wallace
Photos above: House Captains sorted items and helped pack boxes after school last Friday.
Year 10 - 12 Awards Night
On Tuesday 22 October we celebrated our Year 10-12 students at our annual Year 10-12 Awards night. We congratulate all students and acknowledge their hard work and achievements throughout the year. The following is a list of special Awards received:
Year 10 Dux - Joshua Thomas Ninan
Year 11 Dux General - Paige Celenza
Year 11 Dux ATAR - Annika Donald
Year 12 Dux General - Caitlin Waters
Year 12 Dux ATAR - Rachel Tebbit
Year 10 Long Tan Award - Nicholas Payne
Year 12 Long Tan Award - Eleesha Popkiss
Year 12 Caltex Best All Rounder - Montana Turnbull
Year 12 Sportsperson of the Year Award - Luke Shaw
Year 12 Community Leadership Award - Emma Patman
Year 10 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Stephanie Dober
Year 11 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Annika Donald
Year 12 Parents and Friends Excellence Award - Ellen Zwitser
Click here for more photos.
Kelmscott Agricultural Show
Our Bio Club went to the Kelmscott Agricultural Show from Friday 18 October to Saturday 19 October and did exceptionally well. Barry (the guinea pig) won first prize, our stick insect won second place and we received an Encouragement Award for our Siamese fighting fish. Ian, the Siamese fighting fish, also recieved a $25 Better Pets and Garden voucher as the "Stewards Pick".
We were then delighted to receive the prize for the most points in the high schools' section for our vegetables. I want to thank the following students who assisted us at the show, Christine Gee, Riley Bradley, Lucas Blackman, Charlotte Hywood.
Mrs Elizabeth Lourensz
Senior Science Technician
2019 Kennedy Photography Competition
In Terms 2 and 3, students were able to enter their own photographs into the Kennedy Photography competition. We had more than 170 photographs entered, from students in Years 7 – 12. The best photographs in each category have been decided after a tough decision making process. Winners will be announced during the assembly in Week 4, and they will receive a JB Hi-Fi voucher. A display of the winning photographs and some of the other entries will be on display in the Research and Study Centre after the winners are announced. Thank you to all students who entered this year. Start taking photos for next year’s competition now!
Mr Simon James
Photography Teacher
Students at Work
High School Musical Production 2020
It was with great excitement that the entire cast of Kennedy’s musical production gathered together in the first week of Term 4, for their very first rehearsal for "High School Musical". With groups of leads, chorus, dancers and band ranging from Years 7 – 12, we will be getting to know each other over the next two terms as we rehearse songs, learn dance moves and put the story together. Our first rehearsal consisted of a massive read-through, with scripts being handed out and everyone reading and listening to how the stories develop and to some of the newer songs. The cast had a lot of fun seeing the scenes they know from the movie, and also some new characters and changes that add some different elements. The cast also discovered a surprise twist - that the production will be directed by me, Mr James, which is very exciting (for me at least)! I am sure
the show is going to turn out great and be lots of fun for the cast and the audience!
Every few weeks, we are going to try and keep the Kennedy community updated in the newsletter with what is happening with the College production of High School Musical, so that you can read about rehearsals and get excited about the upcoming production in 2020.
If you as a student, parent or family member would like to get involved in set construction or painting, costume or prop production, backstage or ushering, please contact Ms Carolyn MacDonald.
Mr Simon James
High School Musical Director
Photo above: High School Musical production cast gathered together.
Investigating the Food Industry
On Wednesday 18 September, 20 ATAR Geography students and three teachers conducted a fieldwork excursion investigating the food industry of Perth and the Swan Valley. (Sounds tough but someone has to step up). This is a key component of their geography syllabus as Depth Study One: Global commodity or product. First stop was Yahava and the Swan Valley, then Victoria Park and Carousel food precinct. The students conducted a number of field observations on the day like transects of urban streetscapes and coffee demonstrations at Yahava. It was a great day and the students attitude and effort was outstanding. They are to be commended. Mr Austen and myself thoroughly enjoyed the day out with our students.
Mr Mark Burgess
Humanities Teacher
Year 12 Harvey Visit
The Year 12 General Geography students travelled to Harvey to further their understanding of Dairy Farming as a Global Industry. They visited the Harvey Dairy Factory to learn about different cheeses. This was an informative and tasty visit. We then travelled to White Rocks Dairy Farm where the farmer explained all the inputs, throughputs and outputs of the farm as well as the history of White Rocks. After watching the cows get milked we were given the opportunity to fit the cups ourselves which many brave students did well. We learned first hand, that cows do not only produce milk but squirt out, quite vigorously, quite a lot of waste. I want to thank the owners of White Rocks for an excellent, fun and informative tour.
Mr Rijk Batley
Geography Teacher
Photo above: ATAR Geography students.
Photo above: Year 12 General Geography students travelled to Harvey.
Sport at Kennedy
ACC Basketball
Congratulations to the Year 7 basketball boys on their Super Series Grand Final win against All Saints. Kennedy defeated All Saints' 43-31. The boys basketball team are to be congratulated on the great game and level of respect and sportsmanship shown.
Photo above: Year 7 basketball boys on thier Super Series Grand Final.
College Notices
Instrumental Music Recitals
Thanks to all the students who performed solos in this year’s Instrumental Music Recitals, on a range of instruments including flutes, saxophones, trumpets, violins, guitars, drums, keyboard and vocals.
The final Instrumental Music Recital is on Friday 1 November at 5.30pm and will feature our vocal and keyboard students. Congratulations to our wonderful tutors on preparing the students for these performances. It is great to see the standard of performance rising as students participate in these important performance opportunities.
Mrs Janelle Anthony
Music Teacher
You Are Invited to a Beach Clean Up Day
Year 8 students Amie Hugo and Ava Webb will be coordinating a Beach Clean Up Day in collaboration with Clean Up Australia. The Beach Clean Up Day has been organised as part of a project for the Genius Hour Program students are engaged in as part of their English Extension course at Kennedy. Amie and Ava invite you to join them on Sunday 3 November from 2:00pm to 5:00pm, at Ammo Jetty, Woodman Point in Cockburn. For more information please email them and sign-up via SignUP.com
Drama Performance
Year 9, 10 and 11 Drama students will perform their exciting play, Worlds Apart. Students are looking forward to entertain the audience in the College Auditorium.
When: Tuesday 5 November 2019
Time: 7.00pm - 9.30pm
Tickets: $5 pp at the door (cash only)
There will also be delicious $3 cookies for sale during interval in support of Transform Cambodia. Everyone is welcome! Please click here for more information.
Term 4 Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 3.45pm.
* Closed for lunch 12.30-1.00pm. For more information please email Mrs Kerry James here.
Term 4 Beedawong Menu
With summer here, Beedawong has spiced up their menu! With so much more to choose from, please click here to find the Term 4 Cafeteria menu.
Volunteering Opportunities
We value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community! Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com.
Invitations to our annual Volunteer Appreciation Afternoon Tea will be sent out shortly. The event will be held at 2.00pm in the Staff Lounge on the student's final day, Friday 6 December.
Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
Celebrating Student Achievements
Anna Shiloh Tan
Congratulations to Anna who was recently offered a National Training scholarship/position in soccer with the U/14 NTC girls program.
Millie Jones
Congratulations to Millie who was selected for the AFL Diversity All Stars Program. Millie also represented WA in the 2019 AFL 15s Girls Championship at the School Sport Australia National Championships.