Message from the Principal
Photo above: Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Dear Parents and Families,
Term 1 is passing very quickly and it is great to see our students embracing the many opportunities made available to all students. Kennedy has a very clear strategic plan in place to ensure that these opportunities continue to develop and are maximized. This plan includes four major strategic priorities that have driven our preparations for 2019. This includes:
To enhance the quality of the teaching and learning agenda through the mechanism of innovation using evidenced-based best practice.
To invest in the wellbeing of students and staff through proactive intervention.
To create a connected community, forging and building upon meaningful relationships within the College and throughout the wider community to further our Christian mission.
To ensure sustainability across all aspects of the College such that Kennedy is well positioned for the future.
These strategic priorities will be a focus for the next three years and drive the allocation of physical, human and financial resources
Easter Services
Kennedy Baptist College is a Christian faith based College committed to providing the best possible educational services. As Easter approaches it is appropriate to reflect on the basis of this faith foundation. Our Easter services provide the opportunity for this reflection as a College. These events are an opportunity for our community to come together and contemplate the Gospel message of Easter. Our Easter services are a compulsory event for all students but more importantly it is an opportunity for families to engage as a community.
This year our services will be a collaboration with Mount Pleasant Baptist Church and we look forward to the wonderful presentations of music, drama and dance that will be presented by so many talented students. Supper will be provided after each service and this should be a great time for families and staff to interact in a social setting. We look forward to meeting with you on these special evenings for Kennedy and hope as many parents as possible can join us.
Student Holiday Leave
Often some families opt to take vacations during term time. This occurs for many reasons however it is very apparent that this practice has a negative impact on student learning and achievement.
I would like to advise all families that this practice is a breach of the West Australian Education Act. We encourage families to examine the impact of these decisions and where possible decline from this practice.
Students who are absent during the term for holidays may be unable to sit assessments at later dates and will need to take responsibility for the tuition they have missed during this time.
Mr Mark Ashby
We are always looking to improve our College and take care of our community. Will you tell us how we are doing and review us on Google? Submit your review here.
Integrity is one of our College values, which while hard to define, you know it when you see it. There is no disparity between what is said and what is done. Integrity is a sense of being whole and undivided.
As I sat at my desk, thinking about this value, many images have gone through my mind - images of those who have failed the integrity test. It is as if we have this unwritten standard by which we believe we all should live, whether it is an individual, or a company or an institution, and when there has been failure to do so, we have this very real sense of having been let down. Of course, we move on, but it is as if another part of our innocence has been chipped away.
Then I began to reflect on my own life. Firstly, as a Chaplain. There are expectations as to how I conduct myself, the choices that I make and, yes, I am to be transparent in all my dealings, even if there is a cost involved:
“Integrity means telling the truth even if the truth is ugly. Better to be honest than to delude others, because then you are probably deluding yourself, too.” (Brian Tracy, CEO Brian Tracy International)
Secondly, and more importantly, I am a Believer. I know that my faith is not about what I do but what has been done for me, but I also know that because I have placed my allegiance in Jesus, this must be reflected as in who I am. There can be no disconnect. Yes, I will fail, but there is the continual challenge to be able to say, “And you (can) imitate me, just I imitate Christ.” (1Corintians 11:1).
Year 7 Report
It has been a promising start for the Year 7 students. The students have settled into their classes well and have been focused and working to the best of their ability.
The Year 11/7 Mentor program has also been a success. It is great to see the mentors acting as outstanding role models for the younger students. I would like to thank them all for going the extra mile and making our Year 7 students feel welcome. On Thursday 21 February our Meet the Teachers Evening was held, it was a great opportunity for students to introduce their subject teachers. In addition to this, we shared some strategies and information to assist our Year 7 student’s transition to the academic rigor of secondary schooling.
On 7 March our whole cohort was invited to participate in an action-packed day called Everyday Leader. Arriving at the Perth Convention Centre we were all eagerly awaiting on the guest speakers and proceedings of the day. As soon as the morning began students were out of their seats singing and moving to the musical performers, the atmosphere was energetic and so positive. This was certainly the case when one of our Year 7 students Jekayinoluwa Oladipo confidently got up on stage and danced alongside students from other schools, his ability and spirit had everyone on their feet.
Then we were privileged to hear from a number of powerful and influential guest speakers; Akram Azimi (Young Australian of the Year) Brett Standford (How Ridiculous and Guniness World record holder), Madison De Rozario (Paralympian) Ashton Agar (Australian cricketer and Perth Scorchers) and Shawn Redhage (Perth Wildcats and sports commentator). The themes of resilience, positive self-talk, compassion and the ability to take risks in order to achieve your goals echoed throughout each of the guest speakers presentations. A quote that summarised the day perfectly was from the Akram Azimi, “Culture comes not from what you been given, but what you give back. Your actions must positively contribute to the lives of others”. At Kennedy Baptist College we encourage our students to become ‘everyday leaders’ - to consciously think about the way in which we act as role models every day and how
applying the principles of being kind, being bold and being brave can have a huge positive impact and that these skills will be highly important throughout College and beyond. Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
This year the Year 7 students will attend the Year 7 Foundation Camp at Fairbridge Village, Pinjarra from Monday 8 April to Wednesday 10 April. This is a compulsory event and I hope all students are getting excited. Information has been released through Consent2Go and will continue to be provided to students and families through Seqta Engage. The aim of the camp is to provide students with many memorable experiences and promote a sense of resilience and to enhance the students’ problem-solving skills that will assist your child/student with the often-challenging transition into Year 7.
Also at Kennedy we set homework each night to reinforce basic skills and to encourage good study habits. The Kennedy Handbook on page 13 provides suggestions for each year level. We encourage students to complete 15 minutes each night for MESH subjects. If your child cannot complete this please make a note to the subject teacher or email through Seqta Engage to inform them before the lesson. We are here to provide support and guidance with how to complete and manage homework.
I am looking forward to the rest of the year working alongside students, to build further relationship and to provide support. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.
Photos above: Year 7 students at Everyday Leader, Perth Convention Centre.
Year 8 Report
It is Week 6 already and half the term has gone. The Year 8s have settled in well and most have had one or two assessments in their subject areas. With Interim reports coming out soon, parents will be able to get an idea of how they are doing so far. Some assessments have been hard, so encourage your child to keep on striving and aim to improve their marks as the year goes on. Do not forget that the College offers after-school tutoring in the MESH subjects.
We have had our first Community Service at Opal Care at St Ives and it went very well. Once again, I was impressed by the maturity of the students and the ways in which they interacted with the older people who are in care. I hope that this experience will help to develop empathy, understanding and respect for the older people in our community.
Our first Year 8 social event for the year is coming up in four weeks on Friday 5 April. Information will be released next week through Consent2Go. We will be taking students to Bounce in Cannington for an after-school fun activity. Students will travel by College buses, leaving at 3.30 and will return to the College by 5.30pm. The cost is $15 which includes socks provided by the Centre. It should be a fun activity which develops the bonds of friendship made in Year 8.
Our College Easter services are coming up in Week 9 on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. They will be run differently this year and should be wonderful evenings at which we can celebrate the meaning of Easter. I look forward to seeing all the Year 8 families at these occasions.
Photos above: Year 8 Community Service.
Year 9 Report
The mid-point of the term has come and gone, and it is an important time for Year 9 students to reassess their progress this year. Year 9 being such an important year - both academically and emotionally - it is vital that students consistently gauge their own effort levels, ensuring they are putting in their maximum effort. It is also very important that students recognise that their fellow peers are going through similar struggles that they are encountering and that they should be supporting and building up their peers, not putting them down.
I am pleased to announce our first two community service events will be happening in Weeks 7 and 8 of this term. Our community service program for Year 9s involve, working with St Bartholomew’s House, serving the homeless a BBQ lunch. This service undertaken by the students is the type of behaviour we love to see from our pupils; a desire to engage with the world outside of their Instagram-focussed viewpoint and a genuine wish to make the world a better place. Congratulations to our Stirling students going this term (Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs English) and the remaining Houses will have opportunities to participate later in the year.
Our Year 9 Adventure Camp is at the beginning and middle of Week 10. The camp is split into a female and male component with the girls going from 8 April - 10 April and the boys going from 10 April - 12 April. This gender split echoes the Strength and Shine programs we are running with our Year 9s during Extended Form, which involves us reinforcing the importance that both men and women play in our society and how both need to be valued and respected. The camp is designed to test and push students, encouraging them to extend the limits of their beliefs in their own abilities and making them realise they are capable of so much more than they think. The camp has adventure activities including; one of the largest flying foxes in the southern hemisphere, abseiling, a pamper pole, ski biscuiting, kayaking, raft building and more. This adventure camp
promises to be a pivotal point in a students’ life at Kennedy and I am looking forward to it! Parental information and permission will be forthcoming shortly.
Photos above: Strength and Shine program.
Year 10 Report
We are half way into a busy term and students enjoyed the Interhouse Swimming Carnival Build Up Day and some councilor led activities during Extended Form. There is still so much that the Year 10 students can look forward to this term.
On Thursday 4 April all Year 10 students will be going to Perth Arena for the RAC Bstreetsmart event. This event is a very informative day on the dangers and consequences of distracted driving, speeding and drink and drug driving. The focus is on informing our students and giving them practical options to reduce risk taking behaviours. It is a great precursor to our Keys for Life program that we run through Health classes in Term 2.
In Week 10 our students will be off on their work placements for the week as part of our work experience program. What a great opportunity for our students to have a look at what it is like to be in the workforce. Our goal for this opportunity is that students will come back with a renewed focus for possible career choices in the future. It will then help us look at what subjects are on offer for Senior School and students can start thinking about their subject selections. Subject selections take place at the end of Term 2. I wish all our students the best and I look forward to being able to visit some of them at their work placement venues.
The Year 10 students have matured a great deal since Year 9 and I am looking forward to them showing increased maturity and taking more adult responsibility as time passes. I hope that working with you as parents, we will prepare them well for their future as they become positive, contributing members of the community.
Photos above: Year 10 Extended Form.
Year 11 Report
We are over halfway through Term 1 of this year and reality has set in on the challenges of Year 11. During this time we have had a parent study-skills session where our amazing Research and Study Centre staff took parents through what we have been showing and teaching the Year 11 students. They covered studying topics such as, tips on note taking and preparation for tests and exams. Last week we had a Protective Behaviours information evening which was also well attended.
During Extended Form, students have also focused on goal setting, enjoyed Build Up Day in preparation for the Interhouse Swimming Carnival and had some fun in the Sports Centre.
We are fast approaching the Year 11 Transition Camp on Rottnest Island from Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 April. This will be a camp filled with great activities to build relationships and create lasting memories within the year group. We will be having some self-reflection time, look at the challenges of Year 11 and how the students are coping so far. I am really looking forward to finishing off the term with this camp and I am praying for nice warm weather so we can enjoy the great location that Rottnest provides. Please continue to check your SEQTA messages for further updates. The camp information has been sent out via consent2go.
If you have any queries regarding the camp please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
Photos above: Extended Form.
Year 12 Report
This year’s Year 12 Ball was held at Frasers Restaurant, Kings Park on Friday 15 February. The standard set by these amazing young men and women was excellent. All the males looked very dapper and the females - glamorous in their suits and ball gowns. As the students arrived you could feel the buzz of expectation and excitement as they all enjoyed a mocktail and admired each other’s attire. Congratulations to Montana Turnbull and Nikola Tesevic, the Belle and Beau of the Ball, and all the other award winners. Thank you to Mr Groom and the Year 12 leadership team who spent hours planning and running the Ball, making it a night to remember.
The Ball highlighted again to me and the other staff who attended what a great group of young adults these Year 12s are becoming. I look forward to another exciting year as their Head of Year. If you have any queries and concerns as the year progresses please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.
With the Ball now a memory, the Year 12s have started to settle into the workload of their final year at Secondary School. First assessments are done and interim reports are soon to be released. Now is the time to start the process of evaluation and improvement. Remember that cyclic revision is the best way to improve your understanding and retention. If your child feels they would like help in how to do this, please encourage them book in a time at the Research and Study Centre, come and ask their mentor or myself.
Leavers Jackets were also distributed this week. These may be worn instead of any College jumper. Students will still need to wear their blazer for formal occasions, these include Awards Night and Graduation at the end of the year.
If you have any other queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Photos above: Year 12 Ball 2019.
Instrumental Music Lessons
Instrument Storage and Term 2 lessons. Students learning portable instruments (guitars, bass, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, flute, violin, cello), are advised of the new storage facility at the rear of the Arts Office. Students can access this space via the Lower Foyer corridor. Instruments can be brought there before school then collected before the instrumental music lesson. Please do not leave instruments overnight or over the weekend as this may pose a security risk to the instruments.
There are some vacancies for the instruments taught at Kennedy for Term 2 - interested parents/guardians need to complete an online application form by Friday 29 March. Please click here for application form.
National Ride2School Day 2019
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Kennedy Baptist College is excited to be celebrating National Ride2School Day on Friday 22 March 2019. In the spirit of embracing a healthy and happy start to the day, we encourage families to leave the car at home and give riding to school a go.
National Ride2School Day is a House event, where students can wear their House colours in the form of their sports uniform, or by dressing up for the occasion. Students can also decorate their bikes in house colours. The dressing up and decorating the bike is optional, but there will be a prize for the best dressed and for the best decorated bike! Last year, King house had the most participants, which was great to see. Students, staff members and parents who participate will also be able to enjoy a free breakfast at our Beedawong Café.
There will be two places to join the ride, Carpark 11 Murdoch University at 7.30am and Carpark 7 Murdoch University at 7.40am.
Students have until Friday 15 March to get their breakfast order forms into Student Services. Parents and guardians will also need to provide permission for students to participate via Consent2Go. Thank you for supporting Ride2School Day!
Easter Services
Our College will hold two Easter services this year. Both services will commence at 7.00pm and this is a compulsory event for all students.
Tuesday 2 April: Eyre and Forrest families.
Wednesday 3 April: King and Stirling families
Each year we endeavour to make our services different and engaging for families with a focus on the Christian Easter message: the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This year Mount Pleasant Baptist Church worship team will join our Arts team to present a combined service. The services will focus on the true significance of Easter and be a time of both reflection and celebration.
Excursion Updates
Year 12 Integrated Science
The Year 12 Integrated Science students went on an excursion to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre in Mundaring. The aim of the excursion was to learn about the role of fire in promoting the health of our local forests. The students learned about the role of fire in native ecosystems and how regular prescribed burning is undertaken by local authorities. The students studied various plant species and their adaptations to either survive fire or for their seeds to germinate after a fire. Students were able to survey the fuel loads on the ground and determine whether those fuel loads would result in either a “hot” or a “cool” fire.
Over the course of the day, students became abundantly aware of the importance of fire in promoting the health of our forests; they additionally realized how difficult a task the management of these fires are.
Mr Jon Groom
Science Teacher
Year 11 ATAR Drama
On Wednesday 27 February, the Year 11 ATAR Drama students travelled to Penrhos College to participate in the Independent Schools’ Drama Association Drama Day. We were joined by students from different schools. In our mixed groups we participated in three different workshops throughout the day, including Improvisation, Movement and Text Analysis.
Professionals from the industry facilitated the sessions and gave us valuable tools to use as we prepare for our written and practical exams.
Drama Day was a huge success and it was wonderful to interact with so many students from other independent schools. We gained a lot from the ISDA Drama Day and are grateful to Penrhos and ISDA for hosting an excellent event.
Mrs Liezl Breytenbach
Drama Teacher
Photo above: Year 12 Integrated Science.
Photo above: Year 11 ATAR Drama students.
Photo above: Year 12s visit the Zoo.
Year 12 Psychology visit the Zoo
The Year 12 Psychology students visited Perth Zoo to take part in their “Hiss-teria – Psychology in Action” program. Students were able to see how psychology is used to train the animals and also to treat people with phobias, which involved them touching a live snake. The students were fantastic and learnt a lot from the experience.
Mrs Judi Fleming
Psychology Teacher.
Street Law’s visit to Kennedy
Last week Friday we were fortunate to have a Solicitor and CLE Coordinator from Street Law Centre WA, Rachael Doraisamy, visited all the Year 7 Humanities classes, as well as the Year 11 Politics & Law class, to discuss the importance of legal representation. Students learned about Street Law Centre’s work providing representation and legal advice for those who were homeless or at risk of homelessness. Students were able to ask questions about the law, representation and disadvantage in the legal system. We at Kennedy are grateful to the Street Law Centre for their commitment to fighting disadvantage, and for helping to inform students about the importance of Community Legal Centres.
Mr Theodore Doraisamy
Humanities teacher.
Photo above: Year 12 Psychology class.
Photo above: Rachael Doraisamy visits Year 7s.
Sport at Kennedy
Interhouse Swimming Carnival
The Interhouse Swimming Carnival was held at HBF Stadium on 28 April. Students impressed us in the main pool with great results in all events. Outside in the warmer weather, students made the most of an opportunity to take part in a variety of activities. After all events were completed, the overall winning House, Eyre was announced. A big congratulations to all students on the day who contributed to a successful carnival atmosphere with great enthusiasm and fantastic behaviour. Please click here for photos.
Photos above: Interhouse Swimming Carnival.
Parent-Teacher Interviews
Parent - Teacher Interviews can now be booked at times that suit your family best. Please see dates of interviews below and follow the link to make your booking. Please click here to make your booking.
Years 10 & 12 Interviews & Career Expo on Tuesday 19 March, 2.00pm - 7.00pm.
Years 8 & 11 Interviews on Thursday 21 March, 2.00pm - 7.00pm.
Years 7 & 9 Interviews on Wednesday 27 March, 2.00pm - 6.30pm.
Career Expo at Kennedy
Come talk to the experts! Tuesday 19 March 2019 at 2.00pm to 5.30pm. In Room 3.1-3.2.
The Career Expo coincides with the Year 10 and 12 Parent Teacher Interview Evening. The Careers Expo will help you explore possible study pathways, potential careers and enable you to make wiser subject choices at school. Everyone is welcome.
The College cafeteria serves breakfast, recess and lunch. Purchases can be made over the counter using cash or card and lunches can also be pre-ordered via the online canteen. For more information on how to order and view the canteen menu, please click here.
Please note that pre-ordered Winter Uniforms are now available and can be collected from the Uniform Shop. If you have not yet ordered, please contact Mrs Kerry James via email for a fitting to ensure that your child is ready to start Term 2 in full Winter Uniform.
Lunch Orders & Smartrider
Beedawong utilises cashless payments with SmartRider cards. Students can top up their cafeteria credit on their SmartRider before school or during the latter part of the lunch break ONLY form INSIDE the café.
On-line Transperth cash on the card is strictly for transport only!
Harmony Day
On Wednesday 20 March we will celebrating Harmony Day. This is also be a free dress day and require a minimum gold coin donation.
2018 Yearbook
Due to unforeseen circumstances the 2018 Yearbook will now be available at the end of Term 1.
Volunteering Opportunities
Each year we value the support of our volunteers who contribute to the College community by helping at the Café, Research & Study Centre, Uniform shop, Sports Carnivals and Open Day. Co-ordination of all our volunteers is managed through the easy to use automated online system SIGNUP.com. Current volunteer opportunities are available with:
Beedawong Café
Book Covering
Please click here to sign up and volunteer.