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Let’s celebrate our people - new categories, new look! Get your nominations in now for the Unitec Excellence Awards.



Kia ora koutou

Celebrations are always important but even more so when times are tough!

Have you nominated an individual or team for our Unitec Excellence Awards? Our new format this year means there’s a category for everyone, whether they’re in a teaching or support role. Due to EER we've extended the closing date, with nominations now closing at 5pm, Wednesday 14 November. Just 300 words is all it takes to highlight your nominee’s contribution or achievement.

If you haven’t taken a look at the Nest page yet, here’s the list of categories:


Excellence in Support
An individual in a support role who either supports our staff with systems and processes, or supports teachers to deliver education to our students, or directly supports students in their journey at Unitec.


Contribution to Unitec and/or the wider community
An individual or team who has gone above and beyond in their role, and made a significant contribution to Unitec and/or the wider community. All staff eligible.


Innovation and Enterprise
An individual or team that has demonstrated innovation and/or enterprise. All staff eligible.


Te Noho Kotahitanga Team Award
A team that has demonstrated excellence and has lived our values throughout the year. All teams eligible.


Unitec Champion
An individual who has demonstrated all-round excellence and contribution. All staff eligible.


Excellence in Teaching
An experienced teacher or teaching team, that has demonstrated excellence in their teaching for over five years.

    Kaupapa Māori
A teacher or teaching team that has demonstrated excellence in tertiary teaching in a Kaupapa Māori context, for over five years.

Emerging Teaching Excellence
An individual teacher who has been teaching for up to five years.


Excellence in Research
An experienced or early career researcher or research team, that has demonstrated excellence in their research for over five years.

The Awards event will be held on Thursday 6 December. Let’s make sure those people who have shone this year are celebrated for their outstanding work. Have a chat with your colleagues about who has stood out this year and get your nominations in by next Wednesday.

Ngā mihi
Merran Davis
Interim Chief Executive