1. Salmonella outbreak of unknown origin sickens more than 10021.07.2020. USA. SalmonellaOfficials have announced a Salmonella outbreak that has been making people sick since June 2019. Of those whose information is available, a quarter have been admitted to hospitals.Source: Food Safety News2. Bats and possibly some scaly anteaters are thought to be the likely cause of COVID-19 pandemic; and they could do it again23.07.2020. Global. CoronavirusAn article published recently in the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene suggests that naturally infected bats and scaly anteaters called pangolins in Asia and Southeast Asia have likely caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Food Safety News 3. African Swine Fever has been kept out of U.S., pork remains threatened around the world21.07.2020. Global. African Swine FeverWhile North America isn't being spared from the spread of COVID-19, it has escaped ASF entirely as it is wiping out populations of pigs around the world. Source: Food Safety News 4. E. coli outbreaks in Japan and South Korea leaves thousands sick18.07.2020. Asia. STECKorean officials are investigating an outbreak of E. coli that has affected 100 people; while over 3,000 people recently got food poisoning in Japan, according to media reports.Source: Food Safety News 5. Scotland study suggests risk of toxoplasma from venison24.07.2020. UK. ToxoplasmaConsumption of undercooked meat is a known risk factor in toxoplasmosis, and researchers found a greater prevalance of DNA in venison than in other raw meats. Source: Food Safety News 6. 10 people hositalised for Trichinosis after eating undercooked bear in Russia20.07.2020. Russia. TrichinellaNews outlets have reported that Russian officials reported last week that 10 people, near the Mongolian border, were hospitalised with trichinosis after consuming undercooked bear cub. Source: Barf Blog 7. Fresh produce - raw is risky20.07.2020. USA. Food SafetySalads and fresh vegetables are the largest source of food poisoning in the United States, and are an increasing headache for industry and retail. Source: Barf Blog 8. Plans in place to tackle foodborne parasites in Asia23.07.2020. Asia. Foodborne ParasitesThe first set of food safety risk communication and country-specific action plans have been identified in Asia to tackle the significant public health problem of foodborne parasites. Source: Food Safety News 9. Good compliance for dried herbs and spices found following Irish survey22.07.2020. Ireland. Food SafetyAn Irish survey has found that the majority of dried herbs and spices are safe; however, a small percentage may be contaminated with pathogens. Source: Food Safety News At Dawn Farms we offer a full product solution for cooked, dried and fermented meat ingredients across pizza, sandwich and prepared meal sectors. We are proud to be the preferred supplier to the world's leading food brands and are considered to be the industry leaders in food safety, sustainability and insight-led product innovation. We put the customer at the heart of everything we do, which is why for your convenience all our products are fully cooked and ready-to-eat. Visit our website to discover the ingredients that set us apart. ![]()
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