Message from the Principal
Photo above: Community Open Day 2018.
Dear Parents and Families
We had a wonderful Community Open Day last Saturday with visitors enjoying all the various displays as well as a wide range of activities including the bouncy castles, the engaging science experiments and the fascinating animal farm to name a few.
Thank you to our Parents & Friends Association who worked so hard to co-ordinate the range of activities available on the day. Also thanks to all our families who supported the College either by attending, volunteering or donating items. It was extremely pleasing to have so many community members come along and enjoy the Kennedy experience. Open Day provides a great opportunity for the College to show what a dynamic community we have at Kennedy and it was pleasing to see everyone sharing their experiences with such a large number of visitors. What was also very positive was the number of current parents who took the opportunity to view all parts of the campus and see how their contributions are used to improve resources and facilities for students. Please click here for Open Day photos.
Year 12 Students
We are very mindful that this is the last full term for Year 12 students. As a College we are continuing to encourage, support and pray for them as they move towards the final stage of their schooling at Kennedy. We look forward to their future success either in an apprenticeship, full time employment, University or TAFE and we will continue to provide assistance for each student on that journey.
Kennedy Father’s Day Breakfast
This week we held our annual College Father’s Day breakfast in the College Staff Lounge. Our special guest speaker was Mr Jonathan Anthony, the Young Adult’s and Creative Ministries Pastor from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church who has been working with our Year 12 students throughout this year. The delicious food was provided by our Beedawong cafeteria and a good time was enjoyed by all fathers and grandfathers.
Mr Wendell Pether
Acting Principal
That’s where he restores and revives my life.
He opens before me pathways to God’s pleasure
and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness
so that I can bring honour to his name.
Psalm 23:3
There are times when I would literally be lost without the GPS on my mobile telephone. I depend on the voice of the very tiny woman who has managed to hide herself inside my mobile, to tell me when to turn, when to change lanes and even which direction to take as I go through an intersection. When I make an error she corrects me and ‘restores’ me to the right position. It is this type of correction that the Psalmist is referring to in this verse. The Shepherd not only guides the sheep as to the right path to take, also goes out of His way to ‘restore’ those who have wandered off (Luke 15:4-5).
In these few lines we have an amazing truth and it is this. We all need to know that Jesus, our Shepherd is real and that this realisation can happen now or when He returns. Not only is God real, He wants us to know His voice and the reality of what it is to be in relationship with Him. He wants His voice to be the GPS for our lives. As we allow his written word to correct us; as we see life through the lens of Jesus our Shepherd and as we are guided by his Holy Spirit it is then that we discover that the metaphor has changed. We are no longer sheep simply following Jesus, we are now like Him in His righteousness; we are walking in His footsteps and this is how He is honoured.
Year 7 Report
The Year 7 students are now settling in well and finding their feet at high school. It is a big change from primary school and they are navigating areas like uniform, homework, sport, assignments and assessments as well as friendship groups. It does take a while to feel settled and I feel that they are doing well.
We had a wonderful Extended Form last week doing Tabloid sports on the oval and the winning House of Forrest enjoyed individual ice cream tubs as their prize. This week we will be having a revision session with the Research and Study Centre on the SMARTS program that all students did earlier in the year. This is to help them with their study and revision skills.
In Week 8 there will be Councillor and House Captain elections for Year 8 in 2019. The newly elected Councillors and House Captains will take up their duties in Term 4 this year. It is wonderful to see the high calibre of the students who are standing for these positions. Our present team of Student Councillors have done a wonderful job this year.
This Friday we have a social activity planned for the Year 7s at Tropical Twist. I am looking forward to the event and seeing the students enjoying themselves as they continue to make friends and build their social skills.
Year 8 Report
Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in
return, but because of who you are!
- Mother Teresa
This term is flying by and I am thrilled to report that the Year 8 students have settled down well and seem to be enjoying themselves at College. I have noticed some strong friendship groups developing and how the students support each other.
Over the past few weeks we have been busy during Extended Form. Jade Lewis delivered an excellent talk to the Year 8s on the dangers of drugs. Jade herself was a drug addict getting involved during her time at school when some friends introduced her to drugs. What was great about the presentation was that she gave the students strategies on how to deal with the possibility of being introduced to drugs and how to say ‘NO.’ I spoke to many students afterwards who said they enjoyed her talk and found it very informative.
As a year group we have also enjoyed a breakfast, movie and time to chill out with our friends and Form teachers. Yesterday we made up small gifts for the Esther Foundation as part of our Community Service project. The group has raised $860.00 and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, the parents and guardians for your support. The students packed the items, wrote cards to the Esther girls. The items will be delivered to Esther Foundation towards the end of the term.
Lastly, I have been overwhelmed at the great effort students have made to apply for House Captains and/or Student Councillors for 2019. It is not easy having to present a speech in front of your year group and I applaud those that despite not being comfortable with this choose to overcome their fears and see the bigger picture of how to serve their College.
As this will be my last newsletter for the term I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and the excellent care each Form teacher imparts daily. May you all have a very blessed holiday.
Photos above: Small gifts for the Esther Foundation.
Year 9 Report
Thank you to all the parents who volunteered at our Community Open Day and thank you to those that attended. It was a wonderful day with great weather. I was very proud of all the Year 9 students who performed or had their work displayed. The standards of the Year 9 students are very high and we received much positive feedback from the general public who attended.
This Friday, another Community Service project is taking place at St Bartholomews where Year 9 students will have the opportunity to serve the homeless. This is a blessing to many and gives our students a greater appreciation of what they have and how privileged they are.
We have less than four weeks of Term 3 remaining and a short term after that with the exams not far off. I would encourage all students to ensure they do not leave assessments and learning for tests until the last minute as this is an effective way of preparing for the exams and earning a good year mark.
I would like to end with a quote from “Positive Parenting.”
“Children thrive in safe, loving, low conflict environments with adults who enjoy parenting and who teach children social and emotional skills like resilience.”
Year 10 Report
As it starts to get warmer it brings with it the excitement that the end of the term is near. Last week we concluded the Protective Behaviours talks that the Year 10s had this term. All of the talks that the Year 10 students received were of a high level in regards to their content. I would like to thank the Year 10 students for their maturity and involvement in these sessions on consent in relationships, sexual harassment, problems with pornography and other issues within relationships. Students were reminded multiple times that there are people to talk to if any of this content was difficult or brought up things in their life. Support is still available and if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me sbritza@kennedy.wa.edu.au
We are planning to run a social with the Year 10s at the end of this term, so please look out for this information. The most exciting event on the Year 10 calendar is happening next term which is the Year 10 Formal dance and dinner. This will be on Thursday 25 October. Student councillors are helping plan this event and it is set to be an amazing night of fun and dancing. More information will also come out before the end of term in relation to this event.
Thank you to all students who have worked hard this term, your efforts and good behaviour are seen and acknowledged.
Year 11 Report
The opportunities and excitement continue as Year 11 rolls on towards Year 12. Preparations have begun for the Year 12 Ball, which will be in Week 2 of Term 1 2019, and all the nominations are in for Head Boy/Head Girl, Student Councillors and House Captains with the results being announced in Week 9.
Our Pastoral Care Form time has continued to be jam packed. In Week 4 and 5 we had guest speakers from WA Child Protection Society and Frames Initiatives, talking about Party Safety, Consent and the Impact of Pornography on Relationships, plus a session on First Aid. These were very informative and, in some cases, emotive. Please use them as catalysts to conversations with your young adult. We have also highlighted the importance of balance with a de-brief/team building session in individual forms and an excellent House Competition Day during Wednesday period 1.
By now all parents should have received an email with permission and payment details for the River Cruise on Friday 14 September. Responses are due by Wednesday 5 September. It would be great if you would respond even if your child is not coming so that we know you have received the email. If you have not received an email or have any other queries, please contact me at gtyrie@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Next Tuesday, we are taking a group of students to Native Arc’s Native Animal Rehabilitation Centre in Bibra Lake to do some Community Service. I look forward to telling you all about it in the next newsletter.
Year 12 Report
Term 3 has been a wonderful time of academic celebration, House spirit and an opportunity for our students to improve in their attitude, effort and application. These areas have been a major focus in our Extended Form programs. Firstly, our students were briefed by presenters Mr Betts from both TISC and Mr Palmer TAFE which provided students with valuable information on how to correctly apply for their courses as well as the importance of continuing to work hard and aim for their dream courses. This as such an exciting time for our Year 12 students and it was so great to see the many conversations that were held following these presentations. Our most recent guest speaker Mr Marcus Wong from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church spoke with such compassion and grace about his time in a Uganda orphanage where he had the responsibility to care for 20 young children
whilst filming a documentary on the issues facing the country. Staff and students were all touched with the genuine care Marcus presented in his film of the children and it reminded us of how fortunate we are with the resources and opportunities we are given.
As we draw closer to the final weeks of schooling we understand the pressures that our students are feeling so our students have met with their Mentor teacher providing counsel, assistance with their courses, encouragement and most importantly prayer to help remain focused as well as calm as they continue to reach their goal for achieving the WACE Certificate.
Our last social event for the year is the Year 12 Spring Fling. This will be on Friday 7 September. Staff and students will depart from the Barrack Street Jetty on the stunning Crystal Swan. Making their way down the Swan River will be a chance for students to relax, enjoy good food and enjoy each other’s company before the preparation of revision begins.
Kennedy Father's Day Breakfast
Our College father’s enjoyed a scrumptious breakfast enjoying each other’s company and engaging with their community. Before listening to an inspiring talk from our guest speaker, Mr Jonathan Anthony, there was much excitement in the room as all the dads partook in an ice-breaker of people bingo.
Mr Anthony spoke with much authority, recognising and reminding the dads about their value in current society and highlighting the importance of the presence of a father and the significance of a father’s blessing. We value our Kennedy dads and pray they have a blessed Father’s day this Sunday.
Arts Learning Area
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The Arts Department would like to sincerely thank the following ensembles and students for performing at our recent Open Day.
Music students: The ATAR Band, Year 10 Singing & Music, ‘Rhythm’ Vocal Ensemble, Chloe Von Kaschke & Emma Manning, Victoria Whiting & Declan Cawthorn, Rachel Arianto, Leziel San Juan & Nikhita Nageswaran, Emily Felstead-Welch, Faith Kee & Connor Lock, Carie Breytenbach & Adrian Luk, Jasper Robinson, Shahan Behramkamdin, Daniel Doss & Felix Cricelli, and Chloe Calvert.
Dance students: The Dance teachers would also like to acknowledge the contribution of the Dance students, ranging from Years 7 to 12.
Drama students: It was a delight to work with 27 enthusiastic Year 7 to Year 10 Drama students in preparation for Open Day. Their creative ideas contributed towards engaging living statues and tableaus on the College campus. Energy and focus ensured a lively performance of the iconic play, Hating Alison Ashley. Well done to each of these talented students. Please click here for more Open Day photos.
New Music Tutors
We are delighted to welcome Caitlin Burke and Eljo Agenbach to our Instrumental Music Teaching staff at Kennedy. These two woodwind teachers will be replacing Scott Collinson who was recently relocated to Canberra to take on a different Music role. Caitlin Burke will be teaching our flute and saxophone students and has broad experience (and a UWA Music degree), in teaching instrumental music to both primary and secondary school students. Eljo Agenbach is currently excelling in her Music course at the University of Western Australia (UWA) and received a perfect score in her Year 12 WACE Performance Exam on the clarinet. She will teach the clarinet students at Kennedy and has a very enthusiastic approach towards sharing her knowledge and skills in music.
Instrumental Music Enrolments for Term 4 2018
There are several vacancies in the following instruments for the final term of the year in our Instrumental Music program. If students wish to learn any of the instruments listed here, please email Mrs Janelle Anthony or download an instrumental application form from the College website, by Friday 7 September.
Mrs Janelle Anthony
Music Teacher
Write a Book in a Day
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On Thursday 2 August, 30 students from Year 8 to 10 came to the Research & Study Centre and took part in the 'Write a Book in a Day' competition over twelve hours - from 8am to 8pm! This is a competition run by The Kids’ Cancer Project and as well as raising money for a good cause, it puts the books entered in the competition into children’s hospitals around Australia for sick children to read!
What a great day – Mr Errey, Mr Markham, Mr Siggins and Mrs Yurisich were all setting up the Research & Study Centre at 7.30am. Students from the Book Club, Year 9 Creative Writing and Year 10 Creative Writing were divided up into four teams (teams must have between five and ten members). Several parameters for each team were given on the morning – main characters, setting, an issue and five random words – so it really is something they have to do from scratch.
The students started arriving at 7.45am and the competition began promptly at 8.00am.There was a real buzz throughout the day as planning, editing, arguing and then resolving the arguments, discussions, decisions being made, drawing and more editing were all happening in each group. It was a pleasure for the teachers to see the higher-order thinking skills such as creating, evaluating, judging and analysing all being used in the creation of these books.
We finally managed to submit all four PDF versions of the books at 7.59pm – talk about close to the wire!
From a learning and collaborating point of view, the day was a great success. You can see a copy of each book in the Research and Study Centre.
Winners of the competition are announced in November but the real winners here were the students on the day and the sick children in hospital who will get a copy of the book to read. We look forward to running this again next year!
Mrs Yurisich, Mr Errey, Mr Markham, Mr Siggins
Photos above: Students writing a book in a day.
Term 3 House Prize
A scenic flight for three people departing Crown Towers Perth.
The flight will showcase Perth’s City Centre, Elizabeth Quay, the Swan River, King’s Park, and more, before heading over the coastline for a low level scenic flight of Perth’s spectacular beaches. To be drawn at the week 10 Assembly. Sponsored by Corsaire Aviation. Brought to you by Forrest. Valued at $570.
Mrs Nicole Robins
Forrest House Coordinator
Sport at Kennedy
Interhouse Athletics Carnival
The Interhouse Athletics Carnival held on Thursday 16 August was once again a success. Students performed exceptionally well throughout the day. The combination of both the tabloid and main stadium events created the overall total for the 2018 Carnival. Final results and prizes will be presented at our next Assembly. Thank you to all students who participated in the annual House event. Please click here for more photos.
Mr Jonathon Wood
Head of Learning Area, Health & Physical Education
Photos above: Interhouse Athletics Carnival.
College Notices
Pie Day at Beedawong on Wednesday 5 September. All speciality pies will be $4.50 each and a dessert pie will be $4.00. Login to Quickcliq and start ordering! Orders open till 2.00pm on Tuesday 4 September.
Canteen Competition
As a thank you for your support, Beedawong Cafeteria is offering the opportunity to WIN Online Canteen Credit $$$! Place an order online by Friday 31 August! Each time you order, you will go in the draw to win $10 credit. The winners will be drawn, notified and credit added to their QuickCliq account balance. Login and start ordering! www.quickcliq.com.au