It seems that not a day goes by without climate change in the news media. I follow Greta Thunberg on Facebook and love and admire her stand. During our recent biannual Trust meeting in Wellington we adjourned our meeting for a couple of hours to join the climate march on Parliament with 40,000 others. It was an amazing experience.
It is generally well accepted that the projected effects of climate change such as warming seas, sea level rise, increased intensity of coastal storms, increased climate extremes such as drought and flood events are going to be much more than the watered down projections as predicted by the IPCC.
The Coastal Restoration Trust’s view is that we must invest in creating dynamic natural buffers along our shores that ebb and flow with the cycles and seasons.
Mō āpōpō, mō ake, ake tonu rā.
For tomorrow, for the future, through the eons of time.
See you at our conference in Murihiku Southland.
Ngā mihi nui
Greg Bennett