No images? Click here 6 April 2020 CaRST eNewsletterDirector’s Message
In response to the COVID-19 situation and the need to practice social distancing, CaRST has moved completely online. Along with many of you, we have had to quickly adapt to using Zoom, with virtual meetings and events becoming the new norm. There is a great deal of work that goes on behind the scenes to facilitate these changes, which is why I’m pleased to report that our first four live webinars, joined by over 180 participants in total, have been delivered successfully. For one of these, I was in front of the camera instead of behind, so I know firsthand how nerve-wracking the whole experience can be! But it’s been great to see the level of engagement we are getting online and that we can still have interactive live Q&As and chats with participants. The Graduate Centre has also moved to a virtual office model and one of the ways we are communicating with students and staff is through Twitter. Here we are sharing the latest news and events as well as information and tips that may help to support you through these challenging times. Follow us @GradCentreUofA. Last but not least, applications for the 2020 Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMINS) program are now open. This is a fabulous program connecting motivated PhD students in STEM with leaders in the MedTech-Pharma, Energy, and Minerals industries. Make sure to apply before the 24th April for your chance to participate. Dr Monica Kerr AGC Events
How to Plan your PhD Date: 20 April 2020 A PhD is a major undertaking, yet many people spend more time planning a weekend away than they do planning the next three years of their life. If you want to finish on time and enjoy the process along the way then it is important to have a good plan. Presented by Hugh Kearns, this session will teach you how to develop your own PhD Planning Toolkit and guide you in how to use it to plan your PhD. Commercialisation 101 Date: 21 April 2020 What is commercialisation and how does it relate to research? In this session, Adelaide Enterprise will discuss how research can be translated into a commercialisation outcome, and how value is created in the process. All researchers should have an understanding of the commercialisation process, so join us for this important session. Register here. Bookings close 30 minutes prior to the session. Project Management (Online) This is a 2-part workshop. Recommended for mid to late candidature HDR students, this workshop will provide an introduction into the context, rationale, strategy and tactics of project management. Presented by the Entrepreneurship, Commercialisation & Innovation Centre (ECIC), this workshop will provide you with basic knowledge in core areas of scope, time and cost, allowing you to confidently deal with the ever growing complexities and challenges of project management. Register here. Bookings close 30 minutes prior to the session. NOTE: This is the online version of the AGC50 Project Management course. Attendance at both sessions is required. CaRST Tip If you are a scientist without a lab, check out this visual guide for PhD researchers for ideas on what you can do from home to stay productive and maintain mental wellness. Developed by Dr Zoë Ayres. Other NewsCOVID-19 FAQs for HDR Students The Graduate Centre has created a Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQs) regarding COVD-19 which will be updated regularly as the situation develops. Please visit the Adelaide Graduate Centre website for COVID-19 FAQs for HDR Students. Find us on Twitter The Adelaide Graduate Centre is now on Twitter. Follow us @GradCentreUofA for the latest research student news, events, tips and more. Social media is an important way of engaging the public, communicating research and creating impact. If your research students don’t have a Twitter account, encourage them to create one and start tweeting today! University Library update The University Library is open and providing access to resources and services. We encourage you to access our collections and connect with us online:
We have recently developed a suite of online courses to help with finding, using and referencing information:
Your Liaison Librarian is available for guidance and information. Schedule a zoom meeting or send a question via email. NVivo Webinars NVivo offers a number of free, live webinars to help qualitative researchers explore the power of NVivo and gain useful tips and tricks to enhance your research journey. The next webinar When the “field” is Online: Qualitative Data Collection has been organised in response to the COVID-19 situation to explore ways that researchers can adapt approaches for online data collection. Further information. Online IT and software courses Throughout the month of April, Pluralsight is offering their suite of online video courses for free. Get free access to over 7,000 courses all month long that build in-demand tech skills, such as Python and Java. Further information. Blog post - ideas for remote research with human participants Many researchers are now faced with the challenge of how to carry out their research remotely. University of Adelaide researcher, Dr Rebecca Vivian, has created a blog post about how researchers can harness technology to run participant research online. Read it here. Industry Opportunities Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) The Adelaide Graduate Centre invites applications for the 2020 Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) program. IMNIS connects motivated PhD students in STEM with influential, high-level industry leaders in the MedTech-Pharma, Energy, and Minerals industries. Participants receive one-year of individual mentoring and the opportunity to attend several state-level networking events. Further information and to apply.
IEP scholarships are now available to support eligible domestic and international students who undertake an industry placement as part of their PhD. The University of Adelaide’s Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) program involves participation in an industry placement of 1-3 months (FTE) in duration, together with the completion of a number of Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) and other professional development activities. Completion of the IEP, including the CaRST credit courses, will be reflected as a statement on the academic transcript. For information about this program, including the application process, please visit the IEP website. APR Internship Opportunities Available! The University of Adelaide has partnered with APR.Intern to expand the range of placement opportunities available to our PhD students. At this time, there are lots of exciting opportunities available for SA. APR.Intern facilitates short term 3-5 month placements for students to apply their research expertise to projects while gaining invaluable industry experience. For current APR.Intern opportunities and program information, please visit their website. About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website. Copyright © 2018 The University of Adelaide. |