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Hello Fresh Fish Fans!

IT'S FRESH FISH TIME! Remember you'll need to walk a few feet further down the dock to get your fresh fish...We've moved our operation to the boat. Just look for our umbrellas ~ and come get your dinner!


Do you notice anything different about our setup this week? (Besides the 'on the boat' location, of course) If you notice, and are the first to mention it - I'll give ya $3.00 off your total this week. Pretty cool, right?

From the Fisherman's Wife

We've lived in our new place for about 4 1/2 months already. We love it! We are really enjoying the Community Pool, having a bit more space, being closer to the's all so good! Of course, there are still boxes in the garage. And I still have to stop and really think sometimes about where I decided the extra linens are now stored, or which day the trash is supposed to be put out. But, we all really love this house!

Our new neighbors have been so awesome! The kids and I have met so many nice people. As we've chatted with them, I have been reminded of how 'interesting' this whole Commercial Fishing thing is to other people. We are so used to it, that we forget how odd it must seem to people when they hear me say...'Oh, I'm not really sure where my husband is...the last time I talked to him he was somewhere near 119 W, but that was a few days ago' Or when I have to RSVP to invites with 'Yes, we are coming! Unless the weather changes....' Most people think we are a little crazy. We have no idea when he will be home, how much money we will make (or lose), or if we can attend some event 3 months away. 'Normal' for us includes:  having dates on Wednesday morning at 11, taking our kids to Disneyland after everyone else is in school, packing bags and driving to random Harbors at 2 am, dragging kids out of their beds to watch fish being unloaded (which they think is great fun!) and making a School Project out of preserving, sanding and carving our names into Swordfish Bills. Hey, it's educational.

So I do what any new neighbor does. I try to explain...and then just  default to 'smile and wave'.  I tell the kids to not be too noisy. I try to keep most of the fishing stuff at storage and not at home, and the dog on her leash (mostly). And when I can, I bring our neighbors some of our fresh fish. That usually helps. Hopefully, when they hear a loud diesel truck pull up in the middle of the night and peer into the shadows to see a couple smelly guys in slickers and Xtra Tuffs hauling out 20 huge White Sea Bass, with my kids (and the dog) going nuts because daddy is home, they will not be too offended. Hopefully.



From the kitchen of...

Our amazing and loyal customer Susan has the most inspiring food blog! So this week, go check her out :) She posted a lovely recipe with our White Sea Bass.

She uses fresh, local ingredients....and has made several recipes using our super fresh fish. Plus, there are a bunch of other ideas there too. Go check it out!!

About FFF

Fresh Fish Fanatics is a local, family owned business. My husband Chris has operated out of Channel Island Harbor for over 30 years. He and his hardworking deckhands are FANATICS about landing the FRESHEST catch and offering it directly to our wonderful customers. His years of experience have earned him a reputation in our industry that we are very proud of. Chris works obsessively and goes to extreme measures to keep his hard earned catch in amazing condition.

We like to keep things simple. Our fish isn't trucked, enhanced or otherwise messed with. We catch it, we cut it, YOU ENJOY IT. Now that's FRESH.