AAA Member Update September 2020The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with our members. From the Interim PresidentSpring is here, the grass, (and capeweed), is growing in most States, shearing has commenced in Queensland and hopefully this Sunday’s announcement will map out the easing of lockdown restrictions in Victoria. Apart from the planned West Australian halter & fleece show to be run in October being cancelled, the only other bad news is the footy grand-final being held at the Gabba and not the MCG. Speaking of shearing, the list of shearers is being updated on the AAA website. I would like to thank Mick Williams (Director – Special Projects) and Amanda Olthof for the enormous amount of time and effort they have put in liaising with the relevant Government Departments to ensure your shearers can cross State borders. Amanda has also been liaising with Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to support international shearers to gain access to Australia. AAA Interim President Prue Walduck I encourage everyone, as you prepare for your shearing, to select your best fleeces for the Fleece Challenge in December. Its promising to be a great event. As mentioned in Cathi McMullen’s Education article, fibre education sessions are being prepared as a lead up to the Fleece Challenge to encourage those who have never show fleeces – “to have a go”. Training and Education, and Member Services will be the major topics at the next Regional President’s meeting on 10 September. As President I have a monthly Zoom meeting with the Regional Presidents to open up two-way communication between the Regions and the Board. Cathi (Director – Training & Education) & Brett Fallon (Director – Member Services) will be attending the September meeting to discuss and seek feedback on Member Services and share the recent Member Survey results along with Cathi discussing Education and Training. It is no co-incidence that we are focusing on Member Services and Education and Training as both are fundamental to ensuring a sustainable future for our industry - as is the opening of Export Markets, Research and Development. Sarah Wheeler (Director - Biosecurity, Animal Health & Welfare) is developing an R&D Strategy with the next step calling for suggested projects from the Membership. The aim is to be shovel ready for the next round of grant applications in February 2021. I look forward to seeing the contributions from our “creative” members in the “National Art, Photography and Product Competition” to be held in late January. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine, Prue Walduck, Interim President. Richard Dixson ScholarshipIn recognition of services to the alpaca industry by the late Dr Richard Dixon, the AAA offers a scholarship to senior veterinary students. The development scholarship honours the late Richard Dixon who is widely recognised for his vision and commitment to improving alpaca health and for establishing so many of the founding veterinary practices in Australian alpaca industry including Q-Alpaca. Submissions close 30 October 2020. For more information please see the AAA website "There’s No Business Like Show Business"In the alpaca world, we firmly believe that "there's no business like ALPACA show business". Mick Williams (Director – Special Projects) in conjunction with the SJC are working on a concept to ensure we have a show season in 2021 irrespective of COVID-19 Art, photography and product competitionWe are excited to announce the National Art, Photography and Product Show to be held end of January 2021. Members and non-members will have the opportunity to present their use of alpaca fibre through various mediums as well as show their alpacas through art and photography. Look out for more information in the next newsletter and through our social media channels Q Alpaca returnsFor those members who are part of Q Alpaca - a reminder that renewal time is here. Please download your renewal form from eAlpaca and submit. Your signed veterinary paperwork should be submitted to the AAA Office. If you are not a member of Q Alpaca and would like to participate, or would like information on the program, please contact the AAA at Regional news
Membership ServicesMembership Services is such a broad concept, and the AAA membership itself so diverse. To assist with this the Membership Services Committee has been formed to support the Board and it’s initial focus is delivering on some key outcomes from the 2020 membership survey such as;
Please continue to submit ideas to assist with the ongoing improvement in the value of your AAA membership. Youth UpdateImprovements to eAlpaca continue to be followed up with upgrades anticipated to allow for Family Memberships and Youth Events included within eAlpaca. There have been some great initiatives since the formalisation of Youth Groups. In particular, WA will have their own Youth Group by the end of the year. WA also held their first Youth Paraders workshop for 2020 with great success, and further opportunities developing for their first ever Youth Camp in early 2021. Education UpdateAs Covid roles on, I am happy to say that we have an awesome education and training committee working steadily to develop educational offerings suited to the times, but with a mind to how these can be used “on the other side”. The Educational and Training Committee have a great mix of experience and skills - Taryan Matthews, Steve Glenday, Katy Armson-Graham, Janelle Jago and Anne-Marie Ashton-Wyatt. Feel free to pass on any ideas and feedback through them. We now also have “friends” working on resources on shearing preparation, health & husbandry issues and halter training and leading. Also in preparation, is an explainer on AWEX codes for fleece and guidance preparing fleeces for commercial collection. More details on these soon. In anticipation of shows down the track – initially, we assume with State boundaries -we are currently investigating with the showing and judging committee what training in this area can be delivered in an online mode – and later be used in conjunction with face-to-face workshops. Given the demand for training in areas of stewarding and convening, these areas will be addressed in line with the new Convenors and Stewards manual. Also, insights into what judges are looking for both in halter classes and in fleece shows. Recommended resources for September: Shearing and Shearing Shed Guidelines. Cathi McMullen Market Access and Trade (MATC) UpdateAustralian Standard for the Export of Livestock (ASEL) - We have previously advised that the new ASEL 3.0, to take effect from 1 November 2020, reduced the alpaca stocking density in the crate on the aircraft. The MATC have spent considerable time seeking an amendment to the stocking density rate. We believe we have presented a strong argument in support of the amendment. This was largely possible through the support and input from two Licenced alpaca Exporters. We would like to acknowledge and thank Sue and Steve Ridout (International Alpaca Exports P/L) and Carolyn Young (Viona Exports) for their respective contributions. We are hopeful of a positive response. Prue Walduck, MATC From the CEO
Australian alpacas provide hope for COVIDOn several acres of rolling green pasture in Bairnsdale there's a very special herd of alpacas.They are the start of a project that could one day turn their unique virus-busting antibodies into a powerful treatment for the global pandemic. Read more Alpaca is the Ultimate Eco-Friendly, Cruelty-Free Luxury Fibre"Alpaca wool is one of the most ethical products available on the luxury market. This eco-friendly and cruelty-free yarn, worn by Peruvians for centuries, leads to the rise of the thriving textile industry. It is now known worldwide as a more luxurious, warmer, and lighter alternative to Cashmere" Read more In the AAA Shop -Everyone is focussing on fibre withthe start of the shearing season and the announcement of the AAA #2020FleeceChallenge. One of our great resources is the Alpaca Fleece Classing – Code of Practice 2016-2021. The industry standard for the preparation of Australian alpaca fleece. The 2016-2018 Code of Pratcice has been extended out under agreement with AWEX to cover until 2021! The Code of Practice has been produced to enable a standardised and quality assured product to be offered for sale to both domestic and international buyers.. Purchase on the AAA website Contact the AAA Board
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