Message from the Principal
Dear Parents
Welcome to Term 3. We trust that everyone had a wonderful holiday and they are now ready to continue embracing the ongoing opportunities at Kennedy. Term 3 promises to be an exciting term with many major events on our term calendar. As we start a new semester I would like to reinforce the mission and values of Kennedy that maximise the learning experience at the College. Kennedy Baptist College endeavours to the very best of its abilities, to provide educational opportunities of excellence in a Christian context. In doing so, the needs for lifelong learning are also addressed. All staff at Kennedy are committed to this mission through our Christian ethos and the values of: Faith, Integrity, Boldness, Growth and Service.
Over the semester break, our students have had some wonderful occasions to reinforce these values. Our Year 10 students had the chance to push their boundaries and develop new skills skiing in Queenstown, New Zealand. Thank you to our staff who gave up their personal leave to be involved in these tours.
We look forward to sharing more opportunities during our Term 3 journey together.
Mr Mark Ashby
During the last two assemblies, the theme was, “Finishing well”. The film clip shown at those assemblies was from the Mexico City Olympic Games, 1968 and depicted the marathon runner, John Stephen Ahkwari of Tanzania, who entered the stadium almost an hour after all of the other runners had crossed the line. He was bleeding and his knee had been dislocated at the joint. He had been repeatedly asked by officials to quit the race but he had refused their requests. As he passed the finishing line he received huge applause and almighty cheers from the spectators who were still in the stadium. When asked why he didn’t quit, his reply was, “My country did not send me 10,000 miles to start the race; they sent me to finish the race.”
Paul, the Apostle, uses the imagery of being a competitor in a race, throughout his letters. Towards the end of his life, after 30 years of ministry, it is in his second letter to Timothy that there is a sense of completion. Paul is in a Roman gaol, waiting for his execution when he writes, “... I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race…” and the grammar of this verse is an indicator that there is nothing more for Paul to do. He knows that his race is over, but also that he has run in such a way that there were eternal consequences. For him, the prize would be the wreath worn by the victor. Paul finished well.
Whatever stage you are in the race, have the same attitude as Paul; to run in such a way that you give your all, choosing never to quit and your goal being to finish well.
Semester One Awards Assemblies
Photo Above: Mr Ashby at our Semester One Awards Assembly.
Our Semester One Awards Assembly celebrated the achievement and success of our students. We had a large number of students receive awards across all learning areas of the College.
Mr Ashby opened the Assembly. He spoke about commitment and success in examinations and that ongoing study of any kind involves commitment. Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity or organization. Commitment is about achieving goals through characteristics such as dedication, devotion, loyalty, faithfulness and fidelity; characteristics that are all synonymous with the values of our College. At Kennedy our curricula programs aim to help students develop a great sense of commitment.
Mr Ashby shared Victor Yushchenko’s story. Who stood for presidency of the Ukraine in 2004. Although his face was disfigured and he almost lost his life when he was mysteriously poisoned, he was determined to stand for presidency. On the day of the election Yushchenko was comfortably in the lead, despite the state-run television station reporting that he had been decisively defeated”.
In the lower right-hand corner of the screen a woman provided a translation service for the deaf community. She refused to translate, and then went on to address all the deaf citizens of the Ukraine. She signed, “They are lying and I am ashamed to translate those lies. Yushchenko is our president.”
“Without the unwavering commitment of the deaf community, democratic justice would not have been achieved.” Just like Yushchenko’s story it is hoped that all students who have worked to the best of their abilities, showing great commitment, will be rewarded with personal best results.
Mr Ashby finished his address with acknowledging the hard work and commitment of both staff and students.
Year 7 to 9 Semester One Academic Awards Assembly
The following awards were presented during the Assembly:
Certificates of Excellence
Cross Country Awards
Certificates of Achievement
Academic House Awards (Top 5 Students in their year group)
The Duke of Edinburgh Award
Cross Country House Winner
Congratulations to Stirling the Cross Country House winner! Kennedy would like to acknowledge the hard work and commitment of each student.
Assembly Photos
Click here for Year 7 to 9 photos.
Click here for Year 10 to 12 photos.
Student Council Week
During the last week of Semester One the Student Councillors held activities around the College grounds. Taking on the Olympics theme, the students enjoyed and took part in an egg and spoon race, limbo dance challenge and sumo wrestling provided by Nations Youth. The semester ended with a delicious Mr Whippy ice-cream.
Year 7 KEEP Water Project
During Term 2 the Year 7 Extension and Enrichment class had a curriculum focused on water.
Each student was provided with the opportunity to explore any element of water and present their project to parents. On Tuesday 28 June students set up displays in the Lower Foyer to show their work and ideas. There was a variety of information presented including: Water Consumption; Evaporation of Water from Trees and Water Quality.
Kennedy Baptist College Chess Team
Well done to the Kennedy Baptist College Chess Team who thoroughly enjoyed their day at the Interschool Chess Tournament held at Leeming Senior High School last semester on 21 and 22 June . Although our team came in 4th overall, we had some excellent individual results.
Ignatius Yap: Certificate of High Distinction (for finishing in the top 5% of players in our region)
Blair Maloney: Certificate of Credit (for finishing in the top 25% of players in our region)
Amy Lewis and Hannah Butler came in 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Female category.
Winthrop IGA Sponsor
Thanks again to IGA Winthrop and all the families who support the College by shopping at IGA Winthrop.
By registering with IGA Winthrop, part proceeds from your shopping are returned to the College and contribute toward a number of projects such as the development of an outdoor environmental learning space here at Kennedy Baptist College.
For more information visit Winthrop IGA Supermarket or click here for more information.
Excursion Update and Students Serving The Community
Excursion to the Gravity Discovery Centre (GDC) at Gingin
On Friday 24 June, the Year 12 Physics students boarded the bus for the long drive to Gingin, where we were met by David, our informative tour guide. In the gallery David demonstrated many activities relating to the Physics topics studied by the students. We climbed the 222 steps to the top of the leaning tower of Gingin to
re-enact Galileo’s experiments to show that different mass water filled balloons experienced the same gravitational acceleration.
The main purpose for the GDC is the search for Gravity Waves as predicted by Einstein. They were discovered last year. David explained how the interferometer operated with a small scale model and using a trampoline, demonstrated how Gravity Waves operate in the fabric of space time. In the Centre’s Cosmology Gallery the students followed the timeline for our Universe from the beginning of time until today.
Using the giant Conical Pendulum we took measurements to determine the mass of the earth; however the most popular apparatus was the spinning capsule that measured the maximum G-force the students could bear as well as the smoke cannon.
Mrs Richter
Year 11 Blood Donation
Seven brave students were the first to participate in the National Blood Donation week from 13 to 17 June.
These students were brave throughout the process. It has been amazing to hear that from these seven donations, 51 West Australian lives have been saved. Thank you to Anna Zwitser, Ross Stewart, Kevin Tang, Pinky Suksathan, Jack Shea, Cameron Grice and Savannah Mitchell.
Mrs Laura DeGois
Head of Year 11
Year 8 Community Service
On Thursday 23 June, 35 of the Year 8 Students participated in a community event.
They arrived at Shelley Foreshore and were met by a team member from the City of Canning who outlined why tree planting was important.
Students planted dozens of plants to prevent erosion and to filter runoff into the river, thus preventing pollution and algal blooms. Our river is in a poor condition now, compared to 100 years ago, but is slowly improving due to groups such as the Swan River Trust and the City of Canning.
The students were a fantastic group who worked hard and had a lot of fun.
Mr Rijk Batley
Head of Year 8
College Fees
Family Statements were posted to all families in the second week of the school holidays.
Please ensure that all fee payments are accurate and up to date based on your nominated payment option. If extra charges have been added due to subject changes, camps etc and adjustments have not already been applied to include these costs, please make a one off payment to cover the charge/s.
Monthly instalments: Please check that fees have been deducted each month from February - June.
Term 3 and Semester Two payments: Fees are due Friday 29 July 2016.
If you have any queries regarding your statement, please contact Mrs Michelle Willans, Accounts Receivable on 9314 7722 or email fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Kennedy Baptist College Community Open Day
Our Kennedy Baptist College Community Open Day is fast approaching and we are excited to host you. For any other information or if you wish to be a part of this amazing day, please contact Administration on 9314 7722.
Kennedy Baptist College Booth at Garden City Shopping Centre
During the second week of the holiday break, administrative and leadership staff members operated a Kennedy Baptist College information booth at Garden City Shopping Centre. It was wonderful to receive so many enquiries from prospective parents and relatives and to speak with current families and former Kennedy graduates.
Alice in Wonderland
4 and 5 August
Tickets are available for Alice in Wonderland! Performed by students from Year 7 to 11, the 1 hour pantomime is guaranteed to entertain both young and old! Tickets are $10 each and available from Student Services.
Refreshments will be available for purchase from 6.15pm. Performance commences at 7.00pm in the Auditorium.
New Location For Uniform Shop
We are proud to announce that our Uniform Shop has moved next to the Lower Foyer. Mrs Kerry James, our Uniform Shop Manager, has been working hard to create a comfortable, new space for our potential and current families.
For more information contact Mrs Kerry James: kjames@kennedy.wa.edu.au
Scheduled List of Events for Universities
Thursday 21 July
Open Day at Murdoch
Wednesday 27 July
UMAT Test Date
Thursday 28 July
Engineering Information Evening at UWA
Sunday 31 July
Curtin University Open Day
Tutoring Timetable - Term 3
Click here for print version.
Celebrating Student Achievement
Minke Terblanche and Reuben Darch
Congratulations to Minke Terblanche and Reuben Darch who have been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2016 Golf Team. This team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Adelaide, SA from 13 to 20 August 2016.
This is an honour and often represents a significant stepping stone in ultimate achievement of senior and national selection. We wish them all the best.
Sarah Tidy and Angela Fourie
Congratulations to Sarah Tidy and Angela Fourie who have been working towards a Certificate II in Hospitality through Adventure World.
They have both graduated after two years of studying and on-the-job-training. By having this qualification, the girls are well-positioned in the jobs market. This is indeed a fantastic result for both girls. We wish them all the best.
Parents & Friends Association and Open Day
Open Day at Kennedy Baptist College
Saturday 27 August - 10.00am to 2.00pm
Only a few weeks to go before Kennedy Community Open Day on Saturday 27 August from 10.00am to 2.00pm. Planning is wellunder way and there are a numerous areas in which you can assist the College. We would love to hear from you if you are available. to help. The Open Day is a great opportunity to come and see what is happening at the College; see some of the work from the students, presentations, performances and displays. The new Science class rooms will be open too.
The P&F run a variety of stalls on the day including an array of delicious food stalls as well as a Craft stall. Open day is a major fundraiser with the money raised this year going towards the funding of equipment for the new Sports Centre and Gymnasium currently under construction.
If you are able to help out, please contact us via our email pandfkennedybaptistcollege@gmail.com
Help required as follow:
Your time … preparing
If you are available during College hours Monday 15 August to Friday 26 August then you could help us pack hampers and assist with other preparations.
Your time…. On the day
We require a number of volunteers to assist with set up, running and packing up of stalls on our Community Open Day. If you are able to assist please email us your contact details and include your preferred timeslot for manning a stall or other area in which you can assist. Helping at a stall is for one hour shift, and a good opportunity to meet other parents. Shifts start from 9.00am for set up.
Jam Making with the P&F
We are getting together on Saturday 30 July from 2.00pm at the Beedawong cafeteria to make jam and marmalade or the Craft Stall. We are planning to have lots of fun and would love you to join us. Please RSVP to the P&F email and bring along your apron, knife for chopping, potato peeler and chopping board. If you have a Thermomix it would be great if you could bring that too.
Donations required:
Glass jars and lids - washed and clean (no labels please).
Fruit - eg citrus, strawberries, plums.
Sugar - including caster, normal sugar and raw sugar
A strange request - old uniforms that you can’t sell as they are slightly damaged. We need girls summer dresses and boys’ shirts. Please deliver to Student Services by Friday 29 July.
Donating a hamper item
Each year group has a theme for their donations. Once they have been collected, our hamper team will put together a series of prizes for the silent auctions happening on the day.
Years group themes are:
Year 7
BBQ and garden items – eg BBQ utensils, gardening gloves, seeds etc.
Year 8
Gourmet and kitchen items – non-perishable please.
Year 9
Toiletries and hair accessories – eg hand creams, body sprays - Lynx too.
Year 10
Pet items - doggy treats, pet toys, collars, brushes etc.
Year 11
Chocolates and lollies.
Year 12
Mobile phone and stationery items
We also need baskets and boxes (like Aussie Farmer’s boxes) for the hampers. Please deliver to Student Services by 5 August - Thank you.
Apart from reading about the P&F in the newsletter the best way to find out what is happening is:
Come along to a meeting. Our next meeting for Term 3 will be held on Tuesday 2 August at 7.00pm in the College Staff Room.
Join our Facebook community at Kennedy P&F. This is also a really good way to buy or sell second hand items - uniforms, text books etc.
We thank all parents and helpers in advance for making this day possible!
Community Events
Skills West Expo is Western Australia’s leading, largest and most attended careers event that enables visitors to explore tertiary and VET course options, find traineeships, apprenticeships and plan new career pathways.
Skills West Expo is free for all visitors to attend and will be held on 12 to 14 August 2016 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre.
The event attracts more than 9,000 students, graduates and career changers across three days. It is open until 4.00pm each day.
For more information visit www.skillswestexpo.com.au.
Get your skates on and visit us today!
Ice skating sessions, birthday parties, ice hockey, ice skating lessons, skating as a school sport. Enjoy our theme nights & events synchronised skating ballet and hip-hop studio classes.
For more information please visit our website at cockburnicearena.com.au.
Lakeiya Flynn is 19 years old and has been suffering with Crohn's disease. At 9.00am on Saturday 6 August, Lakeside Fitness Centre is having a fun workout. Donations for Crohn's disease will be collected after the exercise session. For more information click here.
University Hall (UniHall) is inviting Kennedy Parents and students to an exclusive (free) Open Day Breakfast at 9.00am on Sunday 14 August.
On the day students will meet our ambassadors who will take them on a tour and share their stories about living at the Hall. Students will also have a chance to win some prizes in our ‘Hang Out Zone’.
Register Online by clicking here or for further information please don’t hesitate to contact Kelly Sheppard on 9273 3488.