Message from the Principal
Photos above: Year 7 Student Councillors and House Captains announced at our Assembly.
Dear Parents and Families,
The first term of 2018 has passed incredibly quickly and it has been rewarding to see our students embrace the opportunities on offer at Kennedy. Highlights of the term include:
The way our Year 7 students have successfully settled into high school life with the help of their Year 11 mentors.
The growth of our Student Councillors in their leadership capacity and their impact on College life.
Our Easter Services, which are always a highlight and were powerful evenings with excellent performances from our Arts students.
The success of our swim team who performed incredibly well in C division against very tough competition.
The outstanding results of our Upper School students in the SAS interschool sports competition. This included grand final wins for the Senior Boys and Girls basketball teams and the Senior Girls volleyball teams. Congratulations to all Staff and Students involved with our interschool teams.
It has been a pleasure to spend time with our students on camp this week.
Our goal has been to challenge students in a different context and it has been great to see our students respond to those challenges in a team environment.
Even though the term has included the long Easter break we have still managed to complete all of our extra-curricular goals. This is a great testament to the hard work from all of our Staff. None of the camps, excursions or socials could have taken place this term without Staff giving up their personal time to make it happen. All of our students need to be grateful to our staff for the extra efforts they make.
Transform Cambodia
I am proud to announce that over 60 Kennedy families have committed to sponsor five-year-old students in poverty in Cambodia after the presentations at our Easter services. Kennedy is committed to international service through this project and we look forward to celebrating the opening of the Kennedy Centre when our students visit Phnom Penh at the end of next term. This will be a long term commitment for the College and allows for all students and families to be involved. It takes Boldness for our College to commit to such a venture, but it also takes boldness for students and families to make such a commitment and use it for personal growth.
We will continue to support and promote this project as we still have impoverished students available for sponsorship. Should you wish to sponsor a child or support our Centre in Phnom Penh please do not hesitate to contact our Administration. Please click here for more information.
Mr Mark Ashby
God is here, within these walls; before me, behind me, on my right hand, on my left hand. He who fills immensity has come down to me here. I am now about to bow at His feet and speak to Him … I may pour forth my desires before Him, and not one syllable from my lips shall escape His ear. I may speak to Him as I would to my dearest friend I have on earth. - Prayer by Tim Keller
It is as we pray we sense God's presence. While I understand that as a Believer I am the dwelling place of God, it is through prayer that this relationship is deepened. There is an extra level of intimacy that takes place when we pray. Yes, we are commanded to pray (Phil 4:6-7), but prayer is that conversation we have with God, not only because we are told to or even because we need to (and yes, we need to) but because we want to. If you need to talk to your best friend, you do so for many reasons, but the main one is because you want to. In times of crisis, or when things are going well, it is often our best friend that we share the news with first. So, it is with God. He is the one we can talk to with complete confidence – we can pour out our heart to Him, telling Him all about our fears, concerns, anxieties, joy, wonder and gratitude and in doing so,
hold nothing back. Thankfully, prayer is not a monologue. It is a dialogue. He responds to us by His Spirit – directly to our spirit, or through His word or within the Believing community and as He responds, we enter the compassion, love, mercy, and grace of our God.
Deputy Principal Curriculum Report
Term Two brings a number of significant curriculum events including:
Year 10 Curriculum Information Evening (Tuesday 8 May at 7.00pm)
NAPLAN for Year 7 & 9 (Weeks 3 and 4)
Examinations for Year 8-12 (Weeks 5 and 6)
Externally Set Tasks for Year 12 General students (Weeks 3 and 4)
2018 Course selections for current Year 10 and 11 students.
All Year 10 students and parents should attend the Curriculum Information Evening on Tuesday 8 May at 7.00pm in the Auditorium. Representatives from post-secondary institutions will provide information about qualifications and careers pathways for students after Year 12. I will also be covering information pertinent to making appropriate course selections for Year 11 & 12. Year 10 students will be given a Course Information Booklet which is an excellent reference for the information provided during the evening. I look forward to seeing all Year 10 students and parents at this event.
NAPLAN will be an on-line assessment, meaning that students will be completing the assessment using their computers. Parents (and students) can complete preparation tests via the public information website. This is a terrific site for students to become test literate; that is to gain a better understanding of how to navigate the test questions, the different ways to answer the questions, and how to use their headphones. Students can utilise their headphones and listen to all questions, except in the reading assessment. The public website is:
Once on this page, choose the year level, choose the test, choose Standard Test and click on next. All passwords are built into the public demonstration site. NAPLAN covers a range of concepts and therefore the best preparation for the assessment occurs each day in every class. Please encourage your child to give of their best effort. Year 9 students who achieve a result of Band 8 or higher will meet the Literacy and/or Numeracy standard required by the Western Australian Certificate of Education issued after Year 12. Year 9 students who do not achieve Band 8 or higher will be required to complete further tests in Year 10, 11 and/or 12 in order to meet the Literacy and Numeracy standard. Nobody wants to complete more tests, therefore I am sure all Year 9 students will be diligent when completing their NAPLAN assessments.
Examination preparation should begin now. The best preparation is practice, therefore I would encourage all students to begin summarizing curriculum notes and complete questions from textbooks and worksheets. Tutoring is a fantastic opportunity to reinforce skills and further develop an understanding of the concepts presented. Examination schedules will be distributed early Term 2.
Deputy Principal Pastoral Care Report
Student Leadership is a vitally important part of Kennedy Baptist College.
Our Student Leadership Programme provides opportunities for students to actively participate in the life of the College. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles in an endeavour to serve the College Community and further develop their leadership skills.
In discussions with the Student Councillors, one main theme that emerged was their desire to run activities across the College. In response we developed the concept of a “Student Council Week” which involves one week being allocated to the Student Council to operate their own College events.
Our Student Council Week was held recently and the Head Boy (Callum Peterson) Head Girl (Prarthana Harish) Deputy Head Boy (Nicholas Hui) and Deputy Head Girl (Kayleigh Hawke) each led a team of councillors to support various aspects of the project. The councillor teams embraced the opportunity to plan, organise and implement their ideas and help build community. Their activities included, Amazing Race Competitions, Vertical Leap, Giant Connect four, Corn Hole Bags Games, student music choices, a visit from Mr Whippy and a fun filled Staff vs Student Dodgeball game in the College Sports Centre.
All our councillors learnt a great deal about organising events and further developed their leadership skills. The Student Council Week has developed into a regular feature of College life and we look forward to seeing what our student leaders produce next.
Harmony Day at Kennedy
On Wednesday 21 March the College was involved in National Harmony Day which is a nation wide event celebrating cultural diversity. This coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. At Kennedy we had a number of special guests including Bollywood Dancers, Moorditj Mob Indigenous Performers, and Lion Dancers as well as various multicultural food and celebration events recognising the wide diversity within our college community.
Photo above: Year 11 students enjoying Harmony Day.
Photo above: Moorditj Mob Indigenous Performers.
National Ride2School Day
Students and parents, along with staff from Kennedy Baptist College geared up to ride to school as part of National Ride2School day on Friday 23 March. Students dressed up their bikes, science teachers wore their lab coats and more than 60 participants arrived at the College to enjoy a healthy breakfast at Beedawong before heading off to class.
Ride2School Day is an initiative run by Bicycling Western Australia, in conjunction with similar eastern states organisations. By riding and walking to school, students contributed to their minimum physical activity level of 60 minutes per day. Research shows that students who ride and walk as part of their journey to school are more focused and ready to learn when compared with those who are driven.
Easter Bunny Visits Kennedy
On Thursday 29 March, two Easter Bunnies made a surprise visit to the College. They made their way to the Sport Centre, enjoying a basketball session, said hello to students in the Research and Study Centre and handed out chocolate eggs to students all around the campus.
Term 1 Final College Assembly
On Wednesday 4 April we celebrated students at our Final Term 1 Assembly.
Mr Mark Ashby highlighted the huge opportunities and responsibilities ahead, including camps, excursions, sporting and academic achievements. We announced the Year 7 Councillors for this year and recognised all the individual achievements and everyone who participated in the recent swimming carnivals. Congratulations to the Interhouse Swimming King and Queen of the pool, Phoebe Ashworth and Benjamin Wai.
Photo above: King and Queen of the pool.
The House Points for Term 1 was drawn. Cameron Currey from Year 7 was the eventual winner of the stand-up paddle board from Supwest. Cameron wast the first student to memorize a complete sequence of colours and replace it by hanging coloured paper on a rope. Click here for more Assembly photos.
Mother's Day Morning Tea Invitation
This will be a fun filled morning so please come and join other Kennedy Mums over a cuppa and some tempting treats at our annual Mother's Day morning tea. Grandmothers are also welcome!
Date: Friday 11 May 2018
Venue: Staff Lounge
Time: 9.00am - 10.15am
For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Janet Hair by clicking here before Wednesday 9 May 2018.
Students at Work
Year 12 Sailing Expedition
After thorough preparation through capsize drills, sailing classes and equipment preparation on the day, the Year 12s embarked on their first expedition of the year. With clear blue and sunny skies, the water passed smoothly by as we motored to our camping site for the trip at Woodman Point, via the bustling Fremantle Harbour. Our second and third days, with the onset of more blustery weather, saw us start to sail and challenged our group dynamics as we navigated the channel between Garden island and the mainland.
Highlights of the expedition included seeing an array of marine animals including sea lions at Carnac Island and testing our mooring skills when finding a berth in Fishing Boat Harbour for lunch on our way back to the Marine Education Boatshed. A big thanks to Rod Martin and the crew at the Marine Education Boatshed for the tireless work they put in to make it an unforgettable trip.
Miss Karina Podmore
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Photo above: Year 12 Sailing Expedition.
Year 12 Alcoa Excursion
On Friday 2 March, the Year 12 Business Management & Enterprise students visited the main business operations located in Pinjarra as a part of their global business development unit. This excursion provided students with an opportunity to view its operations and its impact on the local community.
Mrs Senika Gunawardena
Business Management & Enterprise
RAC BStreetsmart Presentation
On Thursday 5 April, all Year 10 students attended the annual RAC Bstreetsmart presentation at Perth Arena. RAC Bstreetsmart is a road safety event designed to show students the realities of risky behaviour on the roads. Students said they learned a great deal from the day.
Mr Scott Britza
Head of Year 10
Photo above: Year 12 Business Management & Enterprise students.
Photos above: Year 10 students at RAC Bstreetsmart presentation at Perth Arena.
Back to School Information
Please be advised that the Administration Office will be closed for the term break on Monday 16 April 2018 and will re-open on Monday 23 April 2018.
The Office will also be closed on Anzac Day Wednesday 25 April.
Students commence Term 2 on Tuesday 1 May 2018 at 8.15am. Students are to wear full winter uniform for Terms 2 and 3. Please note that Monday 30 April is a Staff Professional Development Day (Students do not attend).
It is advisable to have your child try on their uniforms during the break so purchases can be made at the Uniform Shop if necessary. Winter uniform orders are available for pickup from the Uniform Shop. If you have not placed an order, we encourage that you bring your child in for a fitting as soon as possible.
We hope that you have a restful and safe break during this school holiday period.
College Notices
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
The Uniform Shop will be open during the 2nd week of the school holidays. Open hours during the holidays will be Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.30am to 3.30pm.
Uniform Shop Hours for Term 2 is Monday to Wednesday,
8.00am - 3.45pm. * Closed for lunch 12.30 to 1.00pm. Closed on Friday.
Please note that the hours for Monday 30 April Staff Day will be from 9.15am - 1.00 pm & 2.15pm 3.45pm. For more information please contact Mrs Kerry James via email. To view Uniform Policy click here.
Student Medication
Kennedy Baptist College can only administer paracetamol to students with parental consent. If your child has a condition requiring medication and you wish them to take the medication at school, please complete a medication form which is available from the office.
Student Support Services will then store your child’s medication under lock and key. Please make sure all medication is in the original packaging as we cannot accept medication provided in zip lock bags etc.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Beedawong Cafeteria Volunteers
We need volunteers to help us in our Cafeteria. We are a great group who all work together in a fun environment. Your task would be to help prepare food and assist the Cafeteria Manager with other small tasks. If you would like help, please email us and let us know your availability.
Wednesday 25 April
Anzac Day
Tuesday 1 May
Students commence Term 2
Tuesday 8 May
Year 10 Curriculum Evening
Wednesday 9 May
Interhouse Cross Country
P&F General Committee Meeting
Friday 11 May
Kennedy Mother's Day Morning Tea
Celebrating Students Achievements
Jett Smith
Congratulations to Jett Smith who has qualified for entry to the 2018 UCI BMX World Championships in Baku, Azerbaijan. Jett finished 3rd in the UCI Oceana competition on Wednesday 21 March. Then on Friday 23 March Jett did his best, finishing 5th after a crash in the Semi-Finals. He is currently ranked 5th in Australia.
Community Events
Term 1 Intensive Holiday Revision Classes with Naplan & Semester One Exam Preparation at Rossmoyne Senior High School from Monday 16 April - Friday 20 April. For more information, please contact 9455 6808 / 0410 121 509 or our website here.
For more upcoming seminars and courses for Parents please click here.
April 2018 Middle School, Study Skills & NAPLAN Preparation Programs. For students in Years 7, 8 and 9 on Monday 16 April To Friday 20 April. For more information please click here. For students in Years 10, 11 and 12 on Monday 16 April To Friday 20 April. Please click here for more information.
April 2018 Revision Program - Senior School. For students in years 10, 11 and 12, 2018 on Monday 23 April to Friday 27 April. Click here for more information and price.
Join us for upcoming events. Post graduate info evening on Tuesday 15 May and Course info evening and expo on Wednesday 30 May. Apply here.
Researchers at Curtin University are trialling a free group program for adolescents aged 14-17, who have problems with worry or negative thinking linked to anxiety and depression. For more information or to participate, please click here.
Year 11 & 12 Parent Information Evening. Join us at ECU Joondalup Campus on 1 May at 6.00pm.
Year 10 Parent Information Evening. Join us at our Mount Lawley Campus on Thursday 24 May at 6:00pm or at our Joondalup Campus on Tuesday 5 June at 6:00pm.
You can register your attendance at this event by visiting our Future Student Events page here.
School Holiday Program! Let our coaches - winners from HBF Run & City to Surf teach your children correct running technique and posture. Suitable for Year 7. Tuesday 17 and 24 April at 9.00am - 10.00am. Fee: $25/child for 2 sessions. Venue: Len Shearer Reserve, Corner Marmion & Marcus Ave, Booragoon.
Register here. For more information please send us an email or call us on 0402784225 or visit our facebook page here.
Youth week skate jam! Book in for some skating or just come and chill to some tunes! Monday 16 April at 3.00pm - 6.00pm at Melville Skate Park. Click here for more information.