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December 2013

IntlUni Newsletter # 3

IntlUni Newsletter #3

Welcome to the third IntlUni newsletter. As always, there are plenty of things going on in the IntlUni community, and this is your chance to be updated on our most recent activities and on decisions made in the project.

The Network’s project addresses the challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space (MMLS) in the International University, that is, the international classrooms where lecturers and students have different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The ultimate aim of the project is to identify the quality criteria that should characterise teaching and learning in the MMLS, and to develop recommendations for how Higher Education Institutions may implement and ensure the sustainability of quality teaching and learning in the MMLS.

As the second year of the project gets under way we have already taken important steps towards achieving some of our ultimate project aims. Details about all these developments and more can be found in this newsletter as well as on our website.

You are also more than welcome to circulate the newsletter to interested colleagues in your own networks and within your own institution.

We hope you will find this an informative and inspiring read and we look forward to continuing to provide our readers with relevant and up-to-date information about the IntlUni project and our progress.

Results of WP2-3: Getting Down to Business at the 3rd All Partner Meeting in Colchester

One year into the project and six months after the 2nd All Partner Meeting in Warsaw, the University of Essex in Colchester, England provided the venue for IntlUni’s 3rd All Partner Meeting. The goal of the meeting chaired by Project Coordinator Karen M. Lauridsen was to finalise the project outcomes for WP2-3, i.e. the identification of pertinent HEI scenarios and their concomitant linguistic, cultural and pedagogical/didactic challenges.

Read rest of the article here

The Transition to WP 4: Inputs from the new Work Package Leaders

To mark the successful transition to WP4 we thought we should devote some space to comments by the three upcoming WPLs, Thomas Vogel, Kevin Haines and Stacey Marie Cozart. We asked the WP4 team for their thoughts on the project:

How do you feel the project is progressing and what do you hope the outcomes will be?

Read rest of the article here

Recent activities: 3rd all partner meeting in Colchester

‘Remember, Remember, the 5th of November’ begins the popular English rhyme celebrating the thwarting of Guy Fawkes’ Gunpowder Plot in 1605. And what could be more memorably English than the distant crackle of fireworks and the damp, autumn smog of Bonfire Night that greeted those arriving from across Europe to take part, it has to be said, in nothing more sinister than the EU-sponsored, IntlUni 3rdAll Partner Meeting at the University of Essex in Colchester.

Read rest of the article here

38 Higher Education Institutions in 27 countries

The IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network comprises 38 Higher Education Institutions in 27 countries, which gives the Network a Europe-wide scope and makes it possible to draw conclusions on the current situation regarding the internationalisation of higher education in Europe and make recommendations for future initiatives.
IntlUni partner representatives cover a wide range of functions within the institutions they represent – language and content lecturers and researchers, directors of international centres, directors of language centres, educational developers, etc. This heterogeneity allows the project to cover many aspects related to the internationalisation of higher education.

The IntlUni Academic Network runs its three-year project (2012-15) with € 600,000+ financial support from the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme.

Read more about IntlUni here


  • 10-12 February 2014, Copenhagen, Management Committee Meeting and Work Package Leader Meeting
  • 21-23 May 2014, Lausanne, CH - All partner meeting at University of Lausanne
  • 4-7 November 2014, Braga, PT - All partner meeting at University of Minho

                                                                                                                         See the full calendar here


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Season's Greetings

We are looking forward to keeping in contact with members of our inner and outer circles and take this opportunity to send you all the very best wishes for the Holiday Season and the New Year.

All the very best from

The IntlUni Management Team at Aarhus University, DK

This Erasmus Academic Network has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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