![]() Sid Shares #14SidShares Hi All! Here is my August monthly dose of “Sid Shares.” A list of what I’m enjoying and exploring. (The picture above is of Freddie (3) seeing his world from very different lenses...!) Well July was interesting! A tad on the cold side, but great to have started the process of emerging from months of lockdown. I don't know about you but I feel I've been waiting for something to happen...but I'm not sure what. Many are talking about a 'new normal', which is an interesting concept but not one I follow. Firstly, 'normal' doesn't exist. It's just a word. Secondly, it starts with 'no' so clearly it's wrong. And thirdly, if 'normal' is meant to be normal I don't want to be normal. So in light of this supposed 'new normal' this month is about 'normal' and challenging its validity and assumptions. Dr. Brené Brown is someone I've followed, admired and quoted for years. Her brilliant insights, thoughts and work feature in the work we do at Meee. I came across this fab compilation of her work by Erik Qualman. It's called 7 Super Tips and it really is super. I LOVE how she demystifies and explores vulnerability, fear and change (definitely nothing 'normal' here). Many, many years ago I was working with an amazing architectural practice called YRM (Yorke Rosenberg and Mardell) on a pitch to redevelop the Kings Cross area in London. As part of the pitch we used the awesome work of Stephen Wiltshire. I was amazed, and still am, about his ability to retain information on a level most of us will never even get near. What I love about this film is that his brain has the ability to retain all the information it sees and then enables him to then draw it! So, does that mean that our brains also have this capacity too...and if they do how exciting!!! Imagine what that could enable us to do? One thing I know about this 'new normal' is that we can't go back. Whatever we had before Covid-19 has now significantly changed. Whatever it is that we're living through is what it is, and we can't change it. For me it's been really tough and really exciting all at the same time, with a huge amount of personal growth and opportunity to live a better, more inclusive and kinder life. As children we embrace change with avid curiosity. As adults we fear it. And therein lies the rub. Our thinking as children is mainly unfettered and so beautifully open. But as we grow through life we tend to lose that openness and curiosity and live more in the world of fear. I'm a big fan of Nancy Kline and her wonderful thoughts about thinking. Have a listen to this interview with Jane Adshead-Grant with Nancy Kline. And if you feel compelled do buy her book Time To Think do, it's a game changer. And here's something light to watch from the extraordinarily funny Rowan Atkinson :) A poem that feels more and more relevant is 'Rebirth' by Alex Elle.
If you would like to, please give me feedback on email, Twitter or Facebook on any of the topics above. Or any thoughts you have or suggestions for the future. If you would like more information about Meee and the resources please follow this link. Here’s to not being 'normal' in August and embracing whatever comes our way. With love and blessings xxx ![]() |