Employee Ownership Matters Special
Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand is committed to broad based employee-ownership, engagement and participation - making it your business.
Angela Perry, LLB, MAICD
Our 2017 Annual Employee Ownership Conference and Awards Night - A Real Sharing Economy: Employee Share Ownership at Work will be a landmark event building on the success of our 2016 conference as highlighted by our 2016 attendees:
“A great range of perspectives and I found the links to innovation and governance - very thought provoking
“Enjoyed the networking and learning from other organisations that presented - great guest speakers
“Focus on innovation was brilliant, much more interesting and engaging than similar conferences.”
Book now in Eventbrite: 2017 Annual Employee Ownership Conference and Awards Night
From Startup to Global Impact with Employee Ownership
Douglas English, Co-Founder of the highly successful startup Culture Amp will be presenting on cutting edge employee ownership business approaches - and how innovation, ownership and employee engagement go together.
More Highlights
This years program showcases a range of highly engaging topics including:
Share Plans that Drive Results – Behavioural Economics and Psychology of Incentives
Employing Good Investment – The Employee Ownership Index
Your Employee as a Customer – Winning and Retaining Equity Plan Participants
Lessons of the Future – Reimagining the Employee Ownership World beyond 2017.
Our research on listed companies to be highlighted at the Conference shows:
Employee-owned companies command a 17% share price premium;
They are twice as likely to show clear evidence of equal opportunity systems;
They outperform or match the ASX 200 in 3 out of 5 social sustainability factors.
2017 is a great year to celebrate the positive social and economic impact of employee ownership in our Australian community. Come together with a diverse range of interests and groups, including listed companies, small-to-medium-sized-enterprises (SMEs), co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs), employee ownership industry specialist consultants service and advice providers, academics,unions and individuals who all share an interest in the development and growth of employee-ownership in the region.
Book now in Eventbrite: 2017 Annual Employee Ownership Conference and Awards Night
The Future is Co-operative: Making Mutual Enterprise Happen – Symposium and Skill-Share
9:00 – 4:00 pm 29 April 2017, Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St, Carlton VIC
This will be a day for Victorian co-operators, supporters and anyone interested to meet for workshops, skill-sharing and discussion.
The panel discussion - Making it Happen – will be moderated by Angela Perry – member of the Prime Minister’s Community and Business Partnership Committee and Chair, Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand:
Anna Boddenberg – Earthworker Co-operative organiser
Joanna Battersby – CEO of Supporting Independent Living Co-operative (SILC)
Renata Feruglio – former co-founder of Temple Brewing and now co-founder of The 888 Antipodean Order of Froth Blowers Co-operative (and prospective brewery)
Carolyn Suggate – co-founder of Organic and Regenerative Investment Co-operative (ORICoop).
There will also be a “Social investment in co-operation” skill-share with Carolyn Suggate and Angela.
Go to the Eventbrite page to book
Get social with EOA
Employee Ownership Australia and New Zealand (EOA) represents a diverse range of members – from listed companies with employee share plans through to worker-owned co-operative and mutual enterprises (CMEs).
You can join a network of like-minded people to exchange ideas, experience and practices and get access to experienced, specialist advisors for advice on tax, legal, employee share ownership finance matters.
You can find EOA on LinkedIn (discussion Group, and Page) and on Facebook - and the EOA Twitter feed (@EOwnership) features a steady flow of interesting information and articles. Subscribe to our
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