1. ASF cases in Germany top 1,000 with domestic pigs remaining unaffected21.04.2021. Germany. African Swine FeverRestrictions are prolonged on Germany's export industry due to continued outbreaks of African Swine Fever (ASF) in its wild boar population.Source: The Pig Site2. Regional control system for ASF and other diseases to be established in China22.04.2021. China. African Swine FeverA plan has been issued by China's agriculture ministry to divide the country into five regions. The aim is they would have more responsibility and control of African swine fever (ASF) and other animal diseases. Source: The Pig Site 3. Hepatitis A infections possibly linked to dried dates18.04.2021. UK. Hepatitis AUp to 30 Hepatitis A infections could be linked to imported dates, with 28 people sick in different parts of England since the start of this year, according to Public Health England (PHE). Source: Food Safety News 4. Listeria risk in ready-to-eat fish products highlighted in new study22.04.2021. Europe. ListeriaAccording to a long-awaited EFSA and ECDC study, attention is required in relation to the risk of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat (RTE) fish products.Source: Food Safety News 5. Black pepper from Brazil and peanuts from India clamped down on by Europe23.04.2021. Europe. AflatoxinDue to Salmonella, the European Commission has tightened checks on black pepper; and peanuts from India because of aflatoxins.Source: Food Safety News 6. Possible food safety issues with edible insects highlighted by FAO21.04.2021. Global. Food SafetyAccording to the United Nations’ FAO, The benefits of edible insects as an emerging food source must be weighed against potential food safety issues. Source: Food Safety News 7. Salmonella outbreak in Norway linked to dried fruit from multiple countries21.04.2021. Norway. SalmonellaAccording to researchers, a dried fruit mix has been linked to a Salmonella outbreak in Norway which contain products from South East Asia and Africa.Source: Food Safety News 8. EU food controls during the pandemic assessed in study20.04.2021. Europe. CoronavirusA study looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected food controls by European importing countries has been carried out in the first five months of 2020 compared to 2018 and 2019.Source: Food Safety News At Dawn Farms we offer a full product solution for cooked, dried and fermented meat ingredients across pizza, sandwich and prepared meal sectors. We are proud to be the preferred supplier to the world's leading food brands and are considered to be the industry leaders in food safety, sustainability and insight-led product innovation. We put the customer at the heart of everything we do, which is why for your convenience all our products are fully cooked and ready-to-eat. Visit our website to discover the ingredients that set us apart. ![]()
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