Developed by our own Human Resources (HR) and Learning & Development (L&D) teams, the workshops are purpose-built for Unitec, and incorporate our Te Noho Kotahitanga values and the latest best practice in the workshop subject matter. The sessions will be concise – just one to two hours – and will be repeated a few times a year, so if you miss the first one, keep an eye out for the next listing.
Choose a workshop to suit your professional development needs
Below is an overview of the workshops – if you click on the links you’ll find more information on the People Management Workshops page on the Nest, or you can click straight through to the registration form (scroll to the workshop you're interested in). After you've registered your interest for a workshop, you will receive a calendar invite with venue details and information on what to bring.
The numbers at each workshop will be limited, with all COVID-19 guidelines followed.
Many thanks to our HR and L&D teams for pulling this programme together to support our staff, and demonstrating rangatiratanga by sharing their expertise so we can all continue to add to our own kete o te wānanga (baskets of knowledge).
More information and reminders will be shared on the Nest, so keep checking in and register for the workshops most relevant to your needs. If you have any questions, please contact
Ngā mihi
Mary Johnston
Executive Director – People and Infrastructure