IntlUni Newsletter #2
It gives us great pleasure to send you the second IntlUni Newsletter. Although the IntlUni project only started in October 2012 we have already made great progress, and this newsletter will inform you about recent developments and decisions within the IntlUni Network.
You are also more than welcome to circulate the newsletter to interested colleagues in your own networks and within your own institution – and to visit our website http://www.IntlUni.eu for more information about the project.
Overall the IntlUni project addresses the Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University.
Almost all European Higher Educations Institutions (HEIs) have undergone tremendous changes as a result of internationalisation and the development of the European Higher Education Area. Until now, many resources have been devoted to key areas such as motivating and funding mobility (grants), ensuring transferability of credits (ECTS and the Qualification Framework) as well as joint European Quality Standards. However, what actually goes on in the classroom, where lecturers as well as students have different first languages and have grown up in different educational cultures with different educational traditions and norms, has attracted less attention. This is where IntlUni aims to make a difference!
We hope you find this an informative and inspiring read and we look forward to continue to provide our readers with relevant and up-to-date information about the IntlUni project and our progress.
Progress: Where are we now? And where are we headed?
Recent activities:
IntlUni 2nd Partner Meeting at Warsaw University, June 5th-7th 2013
Day 1. Hotel Metropol. Between Warsaw’s Frederick Chopin airport and the rather charmless Hotel Metropol, located centrally at Rondo Dmovskiesgo, is an approximate 27-minute bus drive. For most of us this was our first glimpse of Warsaw as we arrived in the course of Wednesday June 5th, an unpromising grey day accentuating the endless apartment blocks on the way to the city centre, with its landmark Cultural Palace, a post-war reconstruction gift from Stalin, now somewhat put in the shade by glitzy hotels and teeming shopping malls at Marszalkowska. Oddly, the huge plastic palm tree planted at the Rondo de Gaulle junction seemed to mark the end to the drabness and herald the beginning of another side of the city at Nowy Swiat. Some of us made our way down there, a quaint but noble neighborhood graced with cafés, boutiques, chapels, churches, statues, the beginnings of parks and
university buildings, all peopled with students, clerics, tourists and other passers-by. Some of us may have even got as far as the old town, the Royal Palace and the big cobbled café square beyond that, all reconstructed from scratch, after their near complete destruction in the Second World War.
Read the rest of the article here
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