Nu-Tek Australasia

World Leader in Sodium Reduction

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Drop the Salt - Lithgow

The George Institute for Global Health is collaborating with Lithgow City Council, local business and Nu-Tek Food Science to address Australia’s excessive salt consumption levels. The collaboration aims to reduce salt consumption in Lithgow, a regional New South Wales town.

A novel component of the initiative targets discretionary salt consumption by swapping household table salt with Nu-Tek "Salt for Life". This product comprises sea salt enriched with potassium to provide 70% less sodium than regular salt. The salt substitute will also be provided to local bakeries to help them achieve the targets set for breads by the Australian Food and Health Dialogue.

The Lithgow program is part of a broader initiative seeking to identify scalable and sustainable salt reduction policies that can be applied nationally and internationally. Salt reduction has recently been prioritised by the World Health Organization as a preferred strategy for the prevention of chronic diseases but little is known about to how to achieve this in practice.

Source: The George Institute

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Salt Swap Initiative

LITHGOW is leading the way in achieving the new World Health Organisation target of a 30 per cent reduction in population salt intake by 2025.

Salt Swap Lithgow is an exciting health initiative supported by The George Institute for Global Health, NSW Health, NSW Food Authority, AFGC, AWASH and Lithgow City Council which places the community at the forefront of achieving the global goal of reducing the burden of raised blood pressure, stroke and heart disease. Salt Swap is an innovative campaign to reduce salt intake by “swapping” household table salt for “Salt for Life” (a new sea salt blend which offers 70 per cent less sodium than table salt), reformulation of locally produced processed foods and using the FoodSwitch Smartphone application to help people make better food choices in the supermarket.

Drop the Salt Lithgow aims to reduce intake by 10 per cent. Achieving this reduction would be a significant public health achievement, and has the potential to be scaled up to underpin national and international policy.

Source: Lithgow Mercury


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Nu-Tek Salt Australasia
P.O. Box 2252, Tingalpa, Queensland 4173, Australia
PH: +61 (0)7 3836 3153 • FAX: +61 (0)7 3112 4083

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