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As much of South Australia observes a dramatic change in the weather, we are aware that the recent circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have created much uncertainty, change and anxiety within our communities. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for the generous ways you have quickly transitioned to new ways of being the Church and continue to care for each other by patiently observing the restrictions that are in place. COVID-19 has provided amazing opportunities for the Church to be innovative at this time. The Synod, in collaboration with the Presbyteries, continues to provide information and support for congregations and other ministries. If you have questions, are seeking information or further advice, please contact Sue Page or Phil Gardner and use generic emails if your questions are specific to the payroll, finance or property teams. The government has made available a COVID-19 Safe Mobile APP. While it is your personal decision whether or not to download the APP on your phone, we are encouraging all staff, employees and members of the church to do so. This action will further support our commitment to keeping the community safe. Financial relief for CongregationsThe financial impact of COVID-19 is widespread and is impacting the financial resources of Congregations. In consultation with Presbytery leaders, we know that the provision of financial relief to Congregations is necessary, particularly for those that have lost hall hire income, op-shop proceeds, and in many cases, a significant portion of tithes and offerings and fund raising. Whilst news of Government financial assistance packages has been gratefully received, the extent to which each UCA SA Congregation, Presbytery and the Synod will benefit from these for these is not yet clear. Last week the Resources Board provided relief to Congregations with loans with the Uniting Church Loan Fund by offering the suspension of loan repayments for six months. At its meeting on Friday (24 April), Synod Standing Committee resolved to reduce the Synod portion of Mission and Service Fund Congregation contribution rate from 6% to 3% for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020. This reduction is in addition to the decision of each Presbytery to forego their additional 2% call on Congregations for the same period. This reduction will be reviewed in June 2020. The decisions of the Presbyteries and Synod mean the Congregation Contribution levy for April, May and June 2020 is 7% (rather than 12%). 3% will be directed to the Synod and 4% will be forwarded to Presbyteries. It is also understood that the financial resources of some Congregations have not been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. If this is your Congregation’s situation, the Standing Committee invites you to contribute the full amount your Congregation committed at the beginning of the year to assist the Synod and Presbyteries maintain their ministry activities and services to the whole church. The April contribution, based on the revised levy (7%) will be processed today. Please email the Synod ( if you are able to maintain your original 2020 financial commitment.
Thank you again for your continued ministry within your communities. Your understanding and continued collaboration with the Synod and your Presbytery is in these difficult times is greatly valued. May God continue to guide you and your Congregation through this unusual time and remain your source of inspiration and strength. |