No Images? Click here 29 August 2019 CaRST eNewsletterEventsIntellectual Property 101 Are you new to the world of intellectual property? Have you heard the term IP and wondered what it is all about? This presentation will give you an overview of what IP is and how it is protected. 30 August 2019, 10am – 11am, North Terrace OR online via live stream. Register here. Working with your Supervisor - Professions The relationship you have with your supervisor is crucial in determining your PhD experience. They are your primary source of guidance as you undertake an individual research project and even the best student/supervisor relationships can experience periods of strain through the ups and downs of research. In this workshop you will learn what you can do to establish a positive working relationship with your supervisor and ultimately get the most out of your HDR experience. 3 September 2019, 2:30pm – 4:30pm, North Terrace. Register here. This session is for Faculty of Professions students only. Other faculty specific sessions will be delivered throughout the year. View upcoming session dates for your faculty. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain D. Improve your Confidence with Improv Is there a performer inside you, dying to get out? Want to improve your public speaking skills or feel more comfortable when put on the spot? If you answered yes, or you just want to have a truckload of fun, improvisation is for you! This workshop presented by On The Fly Impro is a fun way to help you to build confidence and improve your communication skills. This workshop is based on theatre games and requires some physical activity. 5 September 2019, 10am - 12pm, Waite. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain B. Integrity and Authorship Training for Research Students If you’re doing research, you may have heard (or even been directly involved with) discussions about authorship or research integrity. Did you know that ethical research practice, including the appropriate acknowledgement of the role of others, is not only a feature of good research culture but also required by national funding bodies and the University? This session will introduce your responsibilities as a researcher, including how to address authorship/integrity issues, and how to seek help if things go awry. 6 September 2019, 10am - 12pm, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain C. Media Training for Scientists Dealing with the media can be a challenge. In this workshop, the Australian Science Media Centre will explore how scientists can get the most out of working with the mainstream media. It will focus on making tricky science accessible, avoiding jargon, and how to communicate your message to a broad lay audience. 12 September 2019, 3pm - 5pm, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain D. Engaging with Industry Independent of your area of research, and independent of your future career plans, engaging and collaborating with others outside of the academic environment will form part of your future working life. Delivered by Associate Professor Carolin Plewa, this hands-on workshop will provide a framework and starting point for becoming industry confident as we address questions regarding how to find partners, how to initiate partnerships, how to manage expectations and how to develop long-term strategic partnerships for continued success in this area. 13 September 2019, 10am - 12pm, North Terrace. Register here. This activity counts for 2 credits in Domain D. NewsGale Discovery Day Drop in and learn about the library's great range of Gale products and find out how they can help your learning, teaching, or research efforts at the Gale Discovery Day. No bookings required. The Ira Raymond Room, Barr Smith Library, 5 September 2019 10am - 3pm. Find more information here. Profile Booster: Optimise your Profiles for Maximum Research Visiblity Researchers, do you need help with setting up your ORCiD? Do you want to update your Aurora and Researcher Profiles to promote your research and reputation? Bring your laptop along and get help from library and IT Training staff at these drop-in sessions this September. The Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) Program and Scholarship IEP scholarships are now available to support eligible domestic and international students who undertake an industry placement. The University of Adelaide’s Industry Engaged PhD (IEP) program involves participation in an industry placement of 1-3 months (FTE) in duration, together with the completion of a number of Career and Research Skills Training (CaRST) and other professional development activities. Completion of the IEP, including the compulsory CaRST credit courses, will be reflected as a statement on the academic transcript. For information about this program, including the application process, please visit the IEP website. APR Internship Opportunities Available! The University of Adelaide has partnered with APR.Intern to expand the range of placement opportunities available to our PhD students. At this time, there are lots of exciting opportunities available for SA. APR.Intern facilitates short term 3-5 month placements for students to apply their research expertise to projects while gaining invaluable industry experience. For current APR.Intern opportunities and program information please visit their website. About CaRST Located within the Adelaide Graduate Centre, CaRST is a specialised training and development program for HDR students at the University of Adelaide. For further information on CaRST visit the CaRST website. |