Message from the Principal
Photo Above: Dane Johnston 10S1 at the Inter-House Athletics Carnival.
Dear Parents
Kennedy Baptist College prides itself on the individual care it provides for students and the extensive pastoral care programs we have developed and implemented. Last week I had the opportunity to meet with the Minister of Education, The Hon. Peter Collier, MLC, who discussed the importance of pastoral care in schools across Western Australia and how this needs to be a planning priority. Kennedy is certainly very well placed to provide excellent care for all students with attention to their individual needs.
Kennedy Baptist College has several compulsory events for students during the year. These events are great opportunities to come together as a whole school and support the College values and each other.
Inter-House Athletics Carnival
Today’s Inter-House Athletics Carnival was a great success and a wonderful opportunity for the College to work together and reinforce the collaborative spirit at Kennedy. I would like to congratulate our students on a fantastic day, the way they enthusiastically prepared for this event and represented their Houses with pride was a credit to the College. Final results and prizes will be presented at our next assembly on Wednesday 7 September.
Open Day: Saturday 27 August
A reminder that Open Day is next Saturday. We hope you can join us during the day to experience the exceptional opportunities that our students have embraced. Thank you to all our families who have made generous donations to our Parents and Friends Association for the day, your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Mr Mark Ashby
Photo: Mr Ashby at the Bateman Morning Tea with the Minister for Education, The Hon Peter Collier MLC and the Member for Bateman, Mr Matt Taylor MLA
What is “A Devotion”? I know that there are books which have this in their title. I know what it is to show devotion, whether it is to a dream, a concept, a person or even to a country, so it is a term that does have common usage, but similar to the word ‘icon’ the understanding of the word has changed.
The word, devotion is derived from the Latin word, “to consecrate”, which was where something, whether a person, a space or an object was set aside for one purpose, to be used in service to God. An example of this, is that the space for this article has been set aside for a discussion about God.
It is the Apostle Peter who provides us with the scope of this consecration.
But you are the ones chosen by God, chosen for the high calling of priestly work, chosen to be a holy people, God’s instruments to do his work and speak out for him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you - from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted. (1 Peter 2:9)
Devotion then is for all Believers, not just a select few. It is God focused, missional, all-consuming and is witnessed in our everyday life. We can be the signpost in an ever changing society, which is looking for answers, because through the testimony of the change in our own lives we point others to Christ. We then become a living, breathing devotion, written by the hand of God.
Kennedy Baptist College Community Open Day
Only nine days to go before our Kennedy Baptist College Community Open Day and we have some wonderful events and market stalls organised for your enjoyment. For any other information or if you wish to be a part of this amazing day, please contact Administration on 9314 7722.
Fathers' Day Breakfast Invitation
Please join us for this year's Fathers' Day breakfast. Guest Speaker Mr Andy Stewart, Head Coach of the Perth Lynx.
Date: Friday 2 September 2016
Venue: Kennedy Baptist College, Staff Lounge
Time: 7.15am - 8.30am
To assist fathers who bring their children to the College, arrangements have been made for the Research and Study Centre to open at 7.30am on the day. For catering purposes, we would appreciate your RSVP to Mrs Hair before Friday 26 August 2016. Grandfathers are also welcome!
Alice in Wonderland Performance
It was an absolute pleasure to direct Kennedy Baptist College students, from Years 7 to 11, in a pantomime version of Alice in Wonderland, on 4 and 5 August. I am proud of the students and the growth that took place in relation to their performance skills and confidence. Actors, backstage crew and technical crew all demonstrated considerable commitment and enthusiasm over the many hours of after school rehearsals.
We were delighted to have students from Ranford Primary School join us for the dress rehearsal before our first evening performance. It was a wonderful experience to hear the reactions of our young audience and we were thrilled to have them view the rehearsal. Thank you to behind the scenes staff, parents and students for all your support. The students and I are grateful for everyone’s contribution in making this production possible.
Ms Katherine O’Malley
Drama Teacher
For more photos please click here.
Pokémon Treasure Hunt
On Wednesday 10 August all upper school students participated in a Pokémon treasure hunt. During Extended Form, 200 Pokémon, worth different amounts of points, were hidden around the College by our trusty House Captains. Students then used Pokéballs to catch as many Pokémon as possible, before they were discovered by students of other Houses. When all the points were tallied, Forrest came out on top. It is safe to say that this term’s House activity was thoroughly enjoyed by many!
Miss Nicole Foxton
House Coordinator
Visiting Japanese Students Join in the Pokémon Hunt
On Wednesday 10 August, 20 Japanese students from Osaka visited the Kennedy Campus for the morning as part of their cultural tour of Western Australia. Students were fortunate that the sun was shining and that it was perfect timing to join in the Extended Form activity for that day, the Pokémon hunt! Our visitors joined students to hunt for the Pokémon images hidden around the College grounds. They all agreed that their visit to Kennedy Baptist College was awesome fun.
Ms Sandra Doick
Public Relations
Cape to Cape Trek
The Year 12 Outdoor Education classes went on a four day Hiking Expedition from Tuesday 19 July until Friday 22 July. Students hiked 70km of the Cape to Cape track, covering the area from Prevelly to Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse.
This was a great camp, with lots of laughter, teamwork to get across the water crossings and challenging times. It rained for most of the week which tested our spirits, but morale certainly improved when each group reached Yallingup Caravan Park and had a chance to warm up and have a shower. It was a fun week and an awe-inspiring experience.
Conor Maloney
Year 12 Student
Excursions Update
Exploring the Swan River
On Monday 25 July the Year 10 students went to Point Walter, Elizabeth Quay & Point Fraser. It was a bright and sunny day, great weather for exploring and understanding the Swan River system!
Students rated the excursion overall as a 7 out of 10! Having completed their observation booklets on the different environments they explored, students had lunch by the river, caught Pokémon and enjoyed some ice cream.
Mr Liam Austen stated that it was an integral part of the Geography course and really helped the students to see firsthand and understand the importance of the river and the human impact upon it. Mr Mark Burgess said, "It's a well oiled machine."
In summary I believe the excursion was a success both in helping students learn practically outside of the classroom and instill in them an appreciation of the natural environment of Perth.
Mr Jordan Ongkili
Humanities Teacher
Photo above: Year 7 KEEP students
Year 7 Literature Centre
On Thursday 28 July, Year 7 KEEP students attended a picture book session at the Fremantle Literature Centre. The presentation was on the book Suri’s Wall by Lucy Estela and Matt Ottley.
Students were able to study the original artwork for the book and were led into a very thoughtful and challenging set of activities by the presenter, Ms Beck Blaxell. Among the issues raised by the book were those of the social effects of difference and ethical issues surrounding how much truth one should reveal to children in difficult situations such as war.
Students had the opportunity to write a six word biography of the novel and they are to be congratulated on both their mature responses to the activities and the way they represented the College.
Ms Marilyn Myhill
English and Language Teacher
Reality & Lifestyle Television
The Year 12 Media class is studying Reality & Lifestyle Television this semester.
For their final production task they had to select a topic (fashion, music, food, skateboarding, tourism, etc) for a lifestyle segment and then find a business in Fremantle where they could record footage.
Although the forecast looked dismal, on Wednesday 10 August we were blessed with superb weather for the students to film and then enjoy lunch in Fremantle. While moving between their various locations I was pleased to get positive feedback about our students from a number of the businesses who supported this project.
Mr Justin Markham
Media and Photography Teacher
Photo above: VETiS students.
Fremantle Town Hall
On Thursday 11 August the Cert III Events VETiS students went on an excursion to the Fremantle Town Hall. Students attended the Quit Targa West opening ceremony in Forrest Chase and all contributed and came up with recommendations for future improvements to grow and develop the crowd involvement, increase public awareness of the event and increase safety and security practices. The students were exceptional ambassadors for both the College and South Metropolitan TAFE.
Urban Planning Field Trip
The Year 12 Geography class went on an urban planning field trip on Friday 5 August. They conducted a Mystery Tour around the urban zones of Perth and they learned about the new growth areas and activity centres such as Cockburn and the inner city mixed suburbs such as East Perth. Students enjoyed the day and the weather was perfect.
Photo above: Year 12 Geography class.
Mr Mark Burgess
Humanities Teacher
College Fees
Parents / Guardians of Year 12 students please note that fees need to be cleared in full before your child’s graduation on Friday 18 November 2016.
If you are paying fees by term, Term 4 fees will be due on 21 October 2016.
If you are paying monthly by Payway then your last instalment will be due on 20 October 2016.
If your payments are not by either of the above then the full balance must be paid by 31 October 2016.
If you are experiencing any difficulties paying your fees by the due date, please contact Mrs Michelle Willans in Accounts Receivable to discuss the matter.
Ph: 9314 7722 or E: fees@kennedy.wa.edu.au.
Athletics Carnival
Today Thursday 18 August, the whole College was at the State Athletics Centre for the Inter-House Athletics Carnival. For photos please click here.
Sports Photo Day
Kennedy Baptist College Sports Photo Day is on Tuesday 23 August from 8.15am - 3.15pm. Students should be prepared and in full sports uniform. Please find outline of the day here.
For any other information please contact Administration on 9314 7722.
Scheduled List of Events for Universities
Sunday 21 August
Open Day Festival @ Notre Dame.
Wednesday 31 August
Alternative Pathways Evening @ Murdoch.
Celebrating Student Achievements
Tyler Lindorff
Congratulations to
Tyler Lindorff 11S2 who won Gold in the ITT at the U/17 Male State Road Cycling Championships held at Champion Lakes on 6 August. Tyler broke the current 15 km course record of 20 minutes, 26 seconds by finishing in 19 minutes, 5 seconds. Tyler also participated in the U/17 Male, 60 km State Road Race that was held on 7 August in Pickering Brook. In incredibly wet and windy conditions, Tyler encountered a mechanical problem with his chain dropping, which put him about 1 km behind the peloton. He managed to catch up to the group and crossed the finish line in third place earning a Bronze medal. We wish Tyler all the best when he heads to Bendigo at the end of August, to represent WA in the National Junior Road Cycling Championships.
Photo above: Tyler Lindorff U/17 Male at the State Road Cycling Championships held at Champion Lakes.
Photo above: Tyler Lindorff U/17 Male at the State Road Race held in Pickering Brook.
Georgia Needham
Congratulations to Georgia Needham 8F1 who has been selected for the, Hockey WA U13 State Team. The 2016 National Tournament takes place in the October school holidays at the Perth Hockey Stadium. We wish Georgia all the best.
Parents & Friends Association and Open Day
Next P&F Meeting
The Term 3 meeting for the P&F was held on Tuesday 2 August. If you would like to read the meeting minutes please click here. Our meeting for Term 4 is on Tuesday 11 October at 7.00pm in the Staff Lounge.
Community Open Day
The new Science rooms will be one of the many highlights to see during the Community Open Day along with displays and presentations by the Kennedy students and an excellent array of stalls by the P&F.
We are keen to hear from you if you are able to help us with the following:
Your time… On the day
We require a number of volunteers to assist with set up, running and packing up of stalls on our Community Open Day. If you are able to assist at any time on the day (even just an hour helping out on a stall) please email us with your contact details and your availability.
This is a good opportunity to meet other parents. Please contact us for details on the P&F email.
Your time… Hamper Packing Night
We are collating and packing the hampers ready for the Silent Auctions stall. Our hamper packing night will be held at the College on Thursday 25 August at 7.00pm. Please meet us at the Research and Study Centre. Please RSVP to the P&F email if you can help.
Craft Stall...
Donating items to be sold at the Craft Stall. We require home made gifts and produce please. Items such as jewellery, bath bombs, soap, chutneys, marmalades and preserved lemons. Please label ingredients and drop off donations to Student Services by Friday 19 August.
Connect with the P&F
We thank all parents and helpers in advance for making this day possible!
It will be great to have as many families as possible involved in some way. You might not be able to help on the day, but there are lots of ways that you can help the College community to prepare for Open Day 2016.
Please contact the P&F by email if you are interested in getting involved for the Open Day.
Cake Stall...
We need home baked items such as cakes, cupcakes, slices, biscuits for the Cake Stall.
Cake Stall Guidelines...
Please cover items and clearly label with all the ingredients listed. No cream fillings or items requiring refrigeration please. Gluten free treats would be superb. Please drop off on Friday 26 August during College hours at the Staff Lounge or Saturday 27 August from 9.00am at the Cake Stall. If you could let us know that would be helpful for planning. P&F email.
Donating a hamper item...
Each year group has a theme for their donations. Once they have been collected, our hamper team will put together a series of prizes for the silent auctions happening on the day. Years and themes are as follows:
Year 7
BBQ and garden items – eg BBQ utensils, gardening gloves, seeds etc.
Year 8
Gourmet and kitchen items – non-perishable please.
Year 9
Toiletries and hair accessories – eg hand creams, body sprays - Lynx too.
Year 10
Pet items - doggy treats, pet toys, collars, brushes etc.
Year 11
Chocolates and lollies.
Year 12
Mobile phone and stationery items
We also need baskets and boxes (like Aussie Farmer’s boxes) for the hampers. Please deliver to Student Services by 23 August. Thank you.
Community Events