AAA Member Update July 2020The AAA monthly update is our way of communicating with our members. From the Interim PresidentAs I take off my Vice President hat, I do so with full knowledge of the responsibility that sits on the brim of my Interim President’s hat. When I think of the team around me – the hat is not so heavy. I want to acknowledge the team, in no special order: Board Directors Carolyn Austin (Treasurer), Mick Williams (Special Projects), Sarah Wheeler (BioSecurity and Animal Health & Welfare), Trevor Parry (Showing & Judging & E-alpaca), Cathi McMullen (Education), Brett Fallon (Youth, Member Services, & Internal Marketing) Head Office: Amanda, Vanessa and Tanya. In some ways this newsletter focusses on the good, bad and the ugly, although hopefully you agree there is more “good” than “bad or ugly”. AAA Interim President Prue Walduck Let's deal with the “ugly” first – last year’s financial result. The financial situation was identified early under Andrew’s presidency which put us in a good position to take the action as outlined in Carolyn’s Treasurer Report. The positive is we have identified the causes, addressed the major issues, or at least the ones under our control and have a prudent financial plan to trade back into the black - with sound assets behind us. Carolyn and I had a very positive zoom meeting with your Regional Presidents this week to talk through, amongst other things, the financial ramifications at a Regional level. The discussion was robust with some good feedback on ways to move forward. From my perspective, the most positive thing was the President’s preparedness to be part of the solution and work on your behalf with the Board. To me, that is a “winning” formula. In addition to having a prudent financial plan, your Board is focussed on stimulating and growing our industry as evidenced by the following activities mentioned in this Newsletter:
Thank you again to my fellow Directors for having faith in me. I will do my best as IP for the next 4 months. I would also like to acknowledge and thank my partner Ada for encouraging & supporting me as I take on this role – but I still have to do the dishes! Keep those masks on (especially in Victoria). Treasurer's Message2019-2020 financially has been the most challenging year in AAA history with an estimated loss of $195,000 (note that this result is still subject to the results of the annual audit). Many members have suffered and continue to suffer from years of drought, then frightening fires. In some locations, our members have also been affected by floods. The effects of the extended drought, in particular, have seen a significant reduction in income from registration and transfers. Read more (please log into the AAA webiste member's section to read) AAA National Fleece ChallengeThe AAA National Fleece Challenge will take place in December 2020. Member Services - Call for committee membersThe AAA Board is looking for dedicated members, with a range of backgrounds, to join a working party to assist the Board with improving the value in memberships. A copy of the EOI can be found on the AAA website. Further info - EOIs close 14 August 2020. COVID ShearingThe AAA has developed a set of guidelines and operations protocols that should be implemented during your shearing to reduce the risk of COVID transmission in shearing sheds. Download the protocols by clicking here. Further information about shearing during COVID can be found on the AAA website. Family AAA MembershipsThe AAA Board announces an additional member class. The “Family Member” will have the same rights as an Associate Member, have no age limitations, and be eligible to immediate family members or guardians of existing Full/Joint, Associate or Youth Members at no additional charge. The main benefit of including this additional member class is to make being a member of our Association more inclusive to every member of the family, especially if they are volunteers or non-stud breeding participants within our organisation. This is expected to be available via Ealpaca by October 2020. "There’s No Business Like Show Business"Outside of a complete nationwide lockdown, the "shows must go on!" The AAA has been working hard and a concept is in the pipeline for a bumper show season for 2021 - so iron your black shirts, fire up your clippers and dust off your animals. More information to come in the next few months. Regional newsQLD region and Tasmania region have both recently held their ARMs. Congratulations to the new QLD President Geoff Coutts-Smith and the new QLD Committee and the returning Tasmanian President Dusti Aspinall and the new Tasmanian Committee Market Access & Trade UpdateDirect Access to the United Kingdom The MATC has formed a joint working party with the British Alpaca Society to investigate the development of a one-way direct access export pathway to the UK post-Brexit environment. An initial meeting has resulted in actions to progress negotiations with both the UK and Australian government departments. While the complex process of export agreements take time, agreement on many issues has already been achieved. The joint working party will continue over the next months to work with their respective governments to achieve the shared goal of an export pathway between our two countries. Perceived benefits for our AAA Members through this trade are:
Q Alpaca returnsFor those members who are part of Q Alpaca - a reminder that renewal time is here. Please download your renewal form from eAlpaca and submit. Your signed veterinary paperwork should be submitted to the AAA Office. For more info see the website If you are not a member of Q Alpaca and would like to participate, or would like information on the program, please contact the AAA at Colour coat test now availableThe AAA is pleased to be able to offer Dr Kylie Munyard's colour coat test both as a stand alone product and as a combined offering with other DNA services. Please contact the AAA office for further details. Fee structure changes from 1 January 2021The Board has approved a new fee schedule for registrations and transfers from 1 January 2021. These changes incorporate increases for the “late payment” fee of transfers and registrations. There is an amnesty on the charge for backdating of male certifications until 31 December ($0, previously $110). A copy of the fee schedule can be found on member's area of the AAA website Youth NewsSome monumental progress has been achieved so far this year within the Youth portfolio. The AYE Committee has been working tirelessly on establishing protocols and policies, officialising various elements of Youth Parader competitions within the AAA. Further to this, the governance of Youth Groups has been established and the existing groups officially recognised within the organisation. The basis of the new structure is that Youth Groups can operate essentially mirror image to Regions, aligned with State borders, and available to all AAA members under the age of 26 years. The main benefit of establishing Youth Groups is that our young members, our next generation, will be able to represent themselves, and yet have access to elected Mentor Members as support. Youth Group Governing Rules have been approved by the Board and now available to be viewed on the AAA website. Young Parader Judge ApprenticesCongratulations on the official appointment of the following Young Parader Judge Apprentices
Although their progress through the program may have been initially slowed by COVID, the AAA are very fortunate to have these Apprentices on board. If you are interested in being involved in Young Paraders as a Judge, please refer to the AAA website Education UpdateJuly has been another interesting month with COIVID again showing its disruptive powers. I am sure you all have stories of how COVID is playing havoc with your plans. For me, this was a plan to produce some educational videos. A great plan. Pity that just a couple of days out, the venue arranged become a designated COVID testing site! It will be a while before we have the opportunity to run face to face educational activities. In terms of online education offerings currently being planned and developed (constraints permitting), four main areas will be addressed, aligning with priorities identified by members in the 2020 AAA Member Survey:
Educational offerings will include both newly created materials, specific to the alpaca industry, as well as more general small business resources that are of relevance to alpaca breeders. Fleece focussed educational offerings are on the agenda too in the lead up to the National Fleece Challenge in December. Also reflecting the importance of regional training, discussions with Regional Presidents will be scheduled to get their input into proposed educational activities and resources. Alpaca sales responsibilityA gentle reminder that when selling alpacas you have a responsibility to provide guidance to the new owners. While alpacas are generally docile and may seem to some purchasers a great addition to their family, they are animals with a very strong herd instinct, and should not be kept in isolation as domestic pets. Cria, that for any reason require bottle raising, should always be kept in a herd environment and not treated as domestic pets as this may lead to serious behavioural problems in adulthood. We have made media comments in recent months regarding alpacas kept as pets in suburban backyards. This is not an ideal situation and we all need to be vigilant about animal welfare and the reputation of the industry. If you have any queries or would like to order some copies of Managing Alpacas in Australia to provide to people who purchase alpacas from you, please check the store on the AAA website In the AAA Shop - Cameron Holt book specialEveryone is focussing on fibre with the announcement of the AAA #2020FleeceChallenge. If you want to brush up on your fleece and fibre knowledge, we have a deal for you! A Definitive Guide to Alpaca Fibre by Cameron Holt- only $99 (usually $120.00). Only available at this special price until entries for the fleece challenge open in mid-October. Purchase on the AAA website
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