Newsletter URBACT III | Growth by reconversion | Great News: Application Phase 2 is submitted

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Great News: Application Phase 2 is submitted

Dear partners, 

Last time we spoke was at our Final Meeting in Vienna. Since then Maarten, Isabelle, Isabel, Valerie and Michael have buried themselves in the budget, Baseline study, workpackages for submission Phase 2, managing the Google Drive, et cetera. But today we have the best news for you. All of the material needed for Phase 2 has just been submitted!

We have to admit it was a true roller-coaster: 

  • The Mayor of Brno has just signed the Letter of Commitment. Thank you Martina, Eva and Eva for the dashing logistics to get the LOC right on time. 
  • Thanks to Céline, Adèle and Simina (URBACT secretariat) for the great support and quick answers to every last-minute question. 
  • Thanks to Ivan Tosics, Peter Austin, Joan Caba for your elaborate feedback on the Baseline study or workpackages.
  • Thanks to Ellen our graphical designer for the endless corrections on the design and text of the Baseline study. 

And last but not least, a big thanks to you all for the time you have put in sub>urban so far. We are ready for Phase 2!


Discover the Baseline study

What is sub>urban about? Today we finally have an answer to this question: the Baseline study. Discover the purpose of our network and our partners in the study from Maarten van Tuijl.  

As you may have noticed, we have not yet given you an update about the last four site visits: Baia Mare, Stuttgart, Oslo and Brno. All pictures, presentations and other info can be found on Google Drive. More information is also written in the Baseline study.


Saying goodbye to Stuttgart

Unfortunate news reached us last week. Although Gritta and Regina from Stuttgart made a very good impression as strong partners during the Final Meeting in Vienna, their administration decided not to continue in an URBACT network.

Good luck in your future endeavours.
