No images? Click here 15 December 2020 AGC e-NewsDean's MessageMany words have been written reflecting on the completely unpredictable and challenging year that was 2020. In reflecting on the impact on HDR students over the course of the year I am mindful of the enormous diversity of students, disciplines and research methods that exist in a comprehensive University such as ours, and consequently the variation in the extent to which the pandemic has impacted on individual students. While the disruption to some students has been relatively small, others have had their research and/or personal lives profoundly affected. Our thoughts are very much with those who have experienced a tremendously difficult year. I would like to thank everyone who has put so much effort into supporting HDR students throughout the year, but especially the staff of the Adelaide Graduate Centre. They have worked tirelessly to assist students, on campus and off, in Australia and overseas, to deal with a huge number of unprecedented financial, travel, candidature and scholarship difficulties. Staff have had their own personal and professional challenges to deal with of course, but all year have been relentlessly committed to assisting students as far as they are able. I would particularly like to thank our new Director of the AGC, Dr Doreen Krumbiegel, who no sooner started her role in January this year than confronted the onset of the COVID-19 disruption. Doreen has been a great champion of the interests of HDR students throughout the year. I also want to thank the supervisors, postgraduate coordinators and HDR convenors in the schools and faculties who have been accommodating and flexible in supporting students to continue with their research in a very changeable and uncertain environment. As researchers we should, in reflecting on this year, consider the importance of the work that we do. As bad as the pandemic has been, things would have been much worse without the ability to draw upon the vast research-informed expertise in biological, physical and social sciences that has guided global and national responses to a very complex problem. The world is uncontrollable and unpredictable but the research that we do, and the advancement of knowledge to which we contribute, prepares us better to react flexibly and with creativity when we are faced with complex challenges. We have good reason to anticipate that things will improve rapidly in the New Year. In the meantime, on behalf of the team in the AGC I wish you all a safe and happy break over the holiday period and great success with your studies in 2021. Professor Michael Liebelt Tip of the Month Remember that as an HDR student, you can take up to 4 weeks of annual leave per year and you are encouraged to use some of this leave during the extended Christmas closedown. 2020 has been in an incredibly challenging year - we all need time to relax and recharge! Please note, annual leave dates should be negotiated with your supervisor. International students intending to travel during leave must also submit an application for recreation leave to the AGC. Congratulations to Professor Amanda Page Adelaide Medical School Winner of the 2020 Stephen Cole the Elder Award for Excellence in HDR Supervisory Practice Stephen Cole the Elder awards are presented to the University’s highest achievers in teaching, support of teaching, and supervisory practices, and recognise the contributions made to student learning by both academic and professional staff. Professor Page is a worthy winner, she is passionate about research training and has successfully supervised 10 PhD, with 3 Deans Commendations. Her enthusiasm for research training is also evident by her mentoring of students beyond her official supervisory roles. Director of Research Education, she is responsible for research training across the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences. Supervisory success is testimony to her ability to calmly deal with issues and guide/mentor students through their studies and into independent researchers. Amanda's Showcase video is available to watch. Postgraduate Scholarship OpportunitiesThe Adelaide Graduate Centre maintains a searchable database of available scholarship opportunities (both full scholarships and supplementary scholarships), funded by both the University of Adelaide and external funding bodies. While the majority of available scholarships are awarded as part of the standard admission and scholarship rounds for domestic and international students, some are awarded at different times throughout the year, and may have a separate application process. Visit the Postgraduate Scholarships website regularly for up to date information on current scholarship opportunities. University of Adelaide Industry PhD (UAiPhD) opportunities Two new and innovative industry PhD projects are available to both international and domestic students who are currently onshore in Australia. The successful candidates may receive scholarships of $38,092 p.a. including placements in Denmark, plus additional funding to cover relevant costs. The following UAiPhD research projects are within Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences (ECMS): Project Title: Optimal Bidding in the Wholesale and Local Markets (FRESNO A) Project Title: Local Energy and Ancillary Services Markets (FRESNO C) For full project details and information on how to apply visit the UAiPhD (iPhD) website. Applications close 28 February 2021. Codan Playford Trust PhD Scholarship The Playford Trust has partnered with technology company Codan to offer PhD scholarships in the following technologies:
Scholarships are valued at $30,000 and will be paid at the rate of $10,000 per annum for three years. The scholarships are intended to supplement an existing Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship (RTPS) or similar institutional PhD stipend scholarship. Applicants will be commencing a PhD in 2021 and be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Further information. Applications close 22 January 2021. University Library The Library will be closed during the University closedown period, from 5pm 17th December, re-opening Monday 11th January. Our online resources and services will remain available through the library webpage. Check out the Library’s Researchers support site which provides guidance in managing your data, finding resources, publishing your research, managing your information and measuring research impact. Find out how your Liaison Librarian can help you once we are back on campus in 2021. Adelaide Graduate Centre Website LinksRespect. Now. Always.The University seeks to promote an inclusive, respectful and fair environment for all people whilst engaged in University-related activities. A range of services are available to assist students who have safety concerns or have experienced bullying, sexual harassment or assault. For further information, help, or to report an incident, please visit the Safer Campus Community website. As a student of the University, you can help to keep your campus safe by looking out for your own safety, and the safety of others and by conducting yourself in a manner consistent with the Student Charter. Remember that unacceptable behaviours such as Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying and Victimisation are not tolerated at the University. Free, independent and confidential Counselling ServiceDid you know that as a Postgraduate Student you are entitled to access counselling services provided to students at The University of Adelaide. To find out more information visit the Counselling Centre website. Free and confidential Disability ServiceAs a Postgraduate Student you are also eligible for assistance from the Disability Service if you have a disability or ongoing medical condition. Information about the nature of your disability is not disclosed – information obtained from you about the functional impact of the disability is shared with academic staff solely for the purpose of assisting you with your studies. Details relating to the Disability Service and the on line registration process can be found on the Disability website. Useful resources for staff can be found at the staff section of the Disability website. Copyright © 2018 The University of Adelaide. |