Entries are open for this year’s Rowan Hillson Inpatient Safety Award with the theme being educational diabetes programmes for healthcare professionals. The national competition has been running successfully since 2014 under the auspices of the Joint British Diabetes Society – for Inpatient Care (JBDS – IP) chaired by Professor Mike Sampson and supported by the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (ABCD) and Diabetes UK. The Forum for Injection Technique (FIT) has announced plans to continue and expand its work by taking a new multi-disciplinary team (MDT) approach. FIT was developed to establish and promote best practice in injection technique for all involved in diabetes care, aiming to ensure the dose is delivered safely to the right injection site, using the right technique, every time. Type 2 diabetes does not have to be a “chronic and progressive disease” as demonstrated by data from the Low Carb Program, according to the organisation’s founding CEO. To read more, click here. MPs got to see the percentages of people with diabetes receiving all eight care processes by constituency at a special parliamentary meeting staged this week. To read more, click here. The deadline for applications to Diabetes UK’s new Primary Care Leadership Programme has been extended to Sunday, November 4. A few places are still available to attend the new programme, developed in partnership with the Leicester Diabetes Centre and Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS). Major diabetes conference launches preview magazineA magazine dedicated to previewing th UK’s biggest conference and exhibition for healthcare professionals working in diabetes has been launched. Diabetes Professional Care 2018 (DPC2018), which is bringing together world-class practitioners and thought leaders across two days in November, has released its Preview Magazine. To read more, click here. Two Leicester professors who established an international centre of excellence in diabetes research have been named among the top 10 of the world’s leading experts in the condition. To read more, click here. Applications are being sought to be part of the National Diabetes Transition Audit Quality Improvement Collaborative (NDTAQIC) in a bid to improve diabetes transition care. To read more, click here. The International Sweeteners Association (ISA) Conference 2018 will bring together leading international scientific experts on low-calorie sweeteners who will present the latest research and evidence-based information and discuss recent public health and nutrition policies related to sugar reduction. Its scientific programme will cover subject areas around the use, safety and benefits of low-calorie sweeteners in weight management and glucose control, as well as their role in today’s dietary recommendations. A follow-up to a comic that was launched by two leading diabetes consultants to help educate people about type 1 diabetes is being released. To read more, click here. Analysis by Diabetes UK indicates 500 people with diabetes die prematurely every week in England and Wales and many of these deaths are avoidable. To read more, click here. Wave 2 of an NHS England programme to improve care using digital technologies will fund three diabetes initiatives, it has been announced. To read more, click here. The future of our children’s health is “dangerously at risk” if we do not work together to tackle the “sugar curse”, according to the founder of Diabetes Professional Care. Recent figures have shown more than 20 per cent of 10 and 11 years olds are now classed as severely overweight just before they leave primary school. Treating gum disease could help people with type 2 diabetes better manage their blood glucose levels and may reduce their risk of diabetes-related complications, according to a new study. To read more, click here. A major type 1 diabetes organisation has joined forced with other charities to launch a first-of-its-kind research project to tackle the UK’s high prevalence of autoimmune conditions. To read more, click here. Bringing you the latest jobs from around the country within the field of diabetes. Adolescent Diabetes Specialist Nurse – Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Diabetes Nurse – Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust Staff Diabetes Nurse – University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust Diabetes Nurse Consultant – Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust One year. 12 months to the day something 'new' arrived on the NHS as regards diabetes care. The FreeStyle Libre. For the purists, one of inferior quality compared to the traditional CGMS (Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems) devices... for the masses, a game changer as it looked like freedom from regular blood sugar monitoring via finger pricking. To read more, click here. ![]() Share your story with usWe want to hear from you! If you're working in diabetes care and have got something to share or are involved in an important initiative, then please get in touch by emailing our editor Oliver Jelley. A call for abstracts has been made ahead of the launch of the new Diabetes Times online journal, with researchers and healthcare professionals invited to make submissions covering applied health research and service evaluation, delivery and audit. Join the expanding diabetes community on Twitter and follow us for the latest diabetes news updates at @DiabetesTimes. We are now on YouTube where you will find interviews with leading people within the field of diabetes. Click here to visit our page. Bring your message to life through the power of video with our new team of videographers now available to hire. Combine their visual and production skills, with our editorial style and flair and you have a winning combination. |